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John Marston

Friday, Dec. 26 Box Office: Hobbit 15.6, Unbroken 12.3, ITW 12.2, NATM 7.4 (full BOM weekend #s on p14)

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Filmmakers can do whatever they want, but studios shouldn't be surprised when these efforts tank and end up being break even/money losing projects. It is show business after all. Not all filmmakers are afforded the luxury to get funding for $100+ million to make off-the-wall versions of Bible stories. At least Ridley has a track record of multiple global hits, unlike Aronofsky. But I suppose it isn't Ridley Scott or Darren Aronofsky's fault that no major studio would ever hand Lee Daniels or Kathryn Bigelow over $100 mil to make Jonah with mermaids, or even half that much, to manifest whatever wackadoo spin "creative vision" they want to put on an Old Testament story.

Black Swan was a huge worldwide hit

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Who gives a shit? Noah doesn't respect the source material and it was amazing, and made lots of cash. So that was definitely not the problem with Exodus.

Having respect and reconstructing it are two different things. Noah I think has ultimately, a strong message of faith. Just because it's not God's Not Dead levels of shouting it.... I think it's very respectful to it's source material despite it being a different take.

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If you can, make the movie good. Failing that, at least make it entertaining. Failing that at least make something about it interesting.


Exodus, from all that I can tell, doesn't do any of these things. That is why it fails. It's pretty clear from Noah that you can play with the Biblical source material and still come out okay. But if you make a film that appeals to nobody, then there's no saving it.

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Wait, so in Exodus an all-powerful being controlling forces that affect the lives of a multitude of people by causing a cascade of disasters killing untold numbers and wrecking the lives of many others as part of an ultimate plan to "save" some people is represented by a child avatar?




Who the fuck let Casey Hudson and Mac Walters in that writing room?

tumblr_m1ewdbKlTO1qchzbw.jpg Edited by MrPink
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Black Swan was a huge worldwide hit


I said multiple global hits. All Aronofsky had on his blockbuster track record was Black Swan and that was enough for him to be handed $125M for Environmentalist Noah. Think the woman who directed The Proposal or Kathryn Bigelow or Tim Story would have ever been offered that kind of money to direct an unconventional retelling of a Bible story? Yeah no. But perhaps that is a good thing since I question the financial outlay, considering the approach to the subject matter.

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Who gives a shit? Noah doesn't respect the source material and it was amazing, and made lots of cash. So that was definitely not the problem with Exodus.

I wouldn't put amazing and Noah in the same sentence. More like tedious.

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I wouldn't put amazing and Noah in the same sentence. More like tedious.

I loved Noah. One of my faves of the year. While Exodus doesn't come close to it, still thought it was good. 

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I really had no problem with anything in the movie, story wise. Since I don't even know the details of the story in the Bible nor care about them. My problems were others. 

People like you are probably the best to judge the film to be honest. I'm sure if i didn't know the story already or if i hadn't seen other faithful adaptions like 'The Ten Commandments' then i'm sure i would probably of enjoyed the movie a lot more.


Having said that, i'm not so sure as the film imo isn't a good film anyway you look at it.

I will definitely give the longer cut another chance though when it comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray.

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