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this little argument always makes me laugh, as if the general audience's opinion on movies is irrelevant but the Academy is to be taken seriously. Birdman is basically another meta movie, based in a world about movies and the academy chose it, no fucking shock right there, just like they did with Argo. The academy's choices are the very example of opinions that should be put in the 'unpopular opinions thread'. Hell 22 jump street was a better Meta movie than Birdman for fuck sake. Whiplash, Theory of everything and Imitation Game were far more interesting than Birdman but of course it walks away with the Oscars because they like to be different with their heads up their ass. Hell Gone Girl would have fit in with the nominations, I wonder why it wasn't nominated? oh right, it was probably too popular for their liking lmao.  I don't even think AS is amazing, but its certainly better than fucking Birdman and Boyhood. But saying AS is the worst of the nominees is just you wanting to look intellectual for making out the most popular among the bunch is the worst lol.


What's the 2 most remembered BP winners of the last 15 years? ROTK and Gladiator, and Gladiator didn't have great reviews either, but just because precious IMDB scores and RT reviewers don't find it all that great, doesn't mean the rest of us normal human beings are wrong lol. Schindlers List is one of the most remembered BP winners of the last 20 years and that didn't exactly ignite the box office, just shows that the academy can sometimes get it right, but its a rare, rare feat.   

Or maybe they vote for smaller movies because they, hold on, this is really crazy, are more interesting, ambitious, and well made?  :o


But I guess by your logic, Ride Along is a far superior movie to John Wick, Nightcrawler, and Top Five combined.

Edited by Spaghetti
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It sounds like you want the Oscars to be just like the Grammys, where someone like Beyonce not winning is considered a major upset.

The fact of the matter is that popular films already get their own reward: money.

Not really, just honest winners would be nice for a change. What ur saying is that high grossing movies shouldn't be considered because they've already made money and that's their reward? That basically takes all legitimacy out of the Oscars which is why no-one cares for them. Instead it's always a toss up between films released in the right time of year and which one has the best oscar campaign. That shouldn't in any way reflect what movie was the best of the year, it's fucking stupid. It's as if these guys in the board all suffer from alzheimers and it's one if many reasons why most normal movie goers couldn't give a shit about oscar season.

The Oscars simply need to expand their range and not just discard certain genre made films, it's ridiculous.

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Zimmer's score is underwhelming. It was a default nominee. Desplat deserved the Oscar, and he won it with his best score in a very prolific year, with Godzilla, Unbroken and Imitation game.

If you say so. Again, it will be the only score out of the bunch remembered in years to come. It was the only film of the year to have its score widely praised by critics which is quite an achievement seeing as no critic usually focuses on a movies score whilst writing their review. His score has already been used in other TV shows lol.

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Or maybe they vote for smaller movies because they, hold on, this is really crazy, are more interesting, ambitious, and well made:o


But I guess by your logic, Ride Along is a far superior movie to John Wick, Nightcrawler, and Top Five combined.


Sounds a lot like Interstellar to me.


Maybe if you learned to read people posts properly then you wouldn't insinuate that at all, but hey, maybe you did poorly in school.

We all know how Oscars work and they don't tend to go to the most well made movies lol.

Edited by jessie
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Whiplash'll have a longer life then Birdman. Especially because TDK, Avengers, GoTG, and a some other superhero movies will be looked back on fondly in 20 or so years the way Star Wars and Jurassic Park ((Among other blockbusters)) are. Birdman's the equivalent of if a film in the 80s or 90s came out attacking the big blockbusters of the decade.

Edited by Mulder
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Not really, just honest winners would be nice for a change. What ur saying is that high grossing movies shouldn't be considered because they've already made money and that's their reward?


I edited another line in to say that I categorically wasn't saying that, so you might have missed it.


But I'd also add that I think the likes of Birdman and Whiplash are very good. You seem to think Sniper was much better, but it got nominated so is the Academy really so terrible in this instance?

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I edited another line in to say that I categorically wasn't saying that, so you might have missed it.


But I'd also add that I think the likes of Birdman and Whiplash are very good. You seem to think Sniper was much better, but it got nominated so is the Academy really so terrible in this instance?


I never said Sniper was better than Whiplash. And had Sniper earned 300m before the Oscar nominees, I honestly wouldn't be surprised had they not nominated it.


That doesn't mean popular films shouldn't be awarded if they're any good - but I'd speculate there haven't been many/any deserving ones on recent memory.


There have been a few, and there have always been average/smaller budget films to have gotten nods. Seriously, The reader getting a nod over TDK? Hurt Locker winning over the likes of IB, D9 and Avatar? Im not saying  Avatar was a masterpiece, but I can safely say Hurt Locker was mediocre at best. Hell Inception missing out on a directors nod yet Coen Bros getting in for True Grit is a joke. there are plenty of examples out there of high budget blockbusters undeservedly being singled out of the Oscars and being replaced by niche films despite obviously being better movies.

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Best Picture has nothing to do with the title of "most remembered picture of a year". It's the best picture voted that year. No more, no less. Avatar is not better than The hurt locker the same way Star Wars is not better than Annie Hall.


The Academy has crowned a lot of "big" movies, but they have to be game changers and real global phenomenoms: Titanic, ROTK. This year, while "little" films were amazing, the blockbusters were quite underwhelming.

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