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Noctis' Top 50 Of The Decade So Far...TOP TEN BEGINS

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"I'm twelve...but I've been twelve for a very long time."


Now this is a vampire film worth watching. It's one of the rare remakes that don't insult the original. It does complete justice by it, and the storytelling here moves at a brisk pace. I found the characters of Abby and Owen to be very well written (and well played), and the film gets major points for striking a very compelling mix between horror and romance. It's fascinating to watch them both change and grow as they grow closer to one another, and by the end of the film you want nothing more than for these two to remain together. 




"He asked me what I thought I was on a scale of 1 to 10. He called me a 3. Who says that to someone?"


Oh, this film is so painfully relatable. I could relate to his character so well. While maybe a little more aggressive than he was, I used to be very shy and awkward when I was 14 and I thought the film captured that so naturally. A little too well because it made me cringe remembering how I used to be then. And Carrell plays such a fucking asshole it's insane. I was taken aback because he used to always play the good guy! And Sam Rockwell is AWESOME in it. Actually, everyone in here  is really good. It's just such an honest and heartfelt look at how painful it is to be growing up, but that you'll always have special memories you won't ever forget.

Edited by Noctis
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I don't get peoples dislike for that movie. btw I really like the way you're presenting your write ups Noctis. it's very tidy and clean cut looking.  


How about you show me your gratitude by SUCKING MAH DICK?

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Noctis youre turning me on with these films. We have shockingly similar taste in a lot of films. Way Way Back came veey close to my top 100 of all time.

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"Humanity has always feared that which is different."


The first of two superhero movies that are on my list! Right...I've never been a fan of the X-Men series. I didn't find X:2 or First Class to be anything more than average, and the others have been utterly forgettable. If someone told me that I'd have an X-Men film among my favorites of the year, I would have laughed at them. But here we are. Days of Future Past is loaded with pathos, and I've begun appreciating the series more because of it. I love how the X-Men and mutants have been an allegory for the oppressed and minorities, so that hit very close to home for me. I thought that they did a very good job at illustrating that theme here, but I hope for future instalments that they start to focus more on actual minorities and not so much on the plights of a white heterosexual male. The amount of potential they have is insane. Yea, yea, I sound like a SWJ from Tumblr but whatever. Great action, story, and acting. I'm glad this film proved me wrong. I was stunned at the fact that I got emotional. 




"The day I met you was the luckiest day of my life. And I bet you feel the same. At least I hope you do."


I really like the first two Toy Story films, but I love the third. I'm going to focus on the last ten minutes, which contain some of the most heartbreaking and genuine moments in animation history. The moment they all started to hold hands during the incinerator was when I started tearing up and actually felt a lump in my throat...none of the previous films in the series managed to make me feel emotional, but this one felt like it kept punching me in the gut. It hit me during the incinerator scene that I actually loved the characters more than I thought I did because I was devastated at the thought they might not make it. And the very final scene where Andy drops the toys off at the little girl's house killed me. Out of all the films in history that ended their series (I refuse to acknowledge TS4), no one did it more elegantly or as true as TS3 in its very last moments. That was perfection.

Edited by Noctis
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lol I know we all have our own opinions and I'm glad we do, but HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE TOY STORY 3?!




Noctis' list is pretty great so far with the exception of things like Argo. 


But seeing some of these fall so "low", I wonder what's ahead.


I assume the third 2010 animated film is How to Train Your Dragon, which is brilliant, and here I am again to say how mediocre, generic, superficial and pandering Big Hero 6 was. I am almost 100% positive its reception is due to it being a superhero movie and thus gaining the same fans from other properties that would otherwise not watch or like animated movies. It's one of the lamest animated movies of the half decade. I get that we sometimes push analysis and themes onto properties that may not have intended anything (literature, art, film etc) but seriously Big Hero 6 advances nothing but software. Probably as bad as those who think X-Men and X2 were intelligent. More X2, which some have called "best superhero movie" for its "themes" but it does absolutely nothing different to XM and even XMFC, another lauded movie, all retread the same banal one liner purported depth. Like it for its entertainment value, fine, but when people start to associate advancement and achievement with movies that do the bare minimum to pretend they have something to say? Nope. 


It's not like blockbusters cannot tackle harder topics or motivate discussion. I think TDK and Dawn of the Apes do well in that regard for example, and of course movies like Pirates and Transformers don't need to do anything at all, but pretending you're saying something when all you're doing is pandering is simply pretentious. 

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