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Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)  

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  1. 1. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

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Film is pretty good but it felt a tad to long the screenplay could have been tighter. Quicksliver death was cheesy. I liked focus on Hawkeye his character was well done. I enjoyed Black widow back story/ Ultron is  one of the better villains but he seems kinda weak.  Overall it is better movie than last one 3.5/5

Edited by Snoopy of Suburbia
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Pretty solid movie.

I actually liked Ultron (the "you're unbearably naive" line drew huge laughs from my theatre).

The movie was basically a graphic novel come to life and Whedon at is most Whedony.


Edited by Deathlife
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Pretty solid movie.

I actually liked Ultron (the "you're unbearably naive" line drew huge laughs from my theatre).

The movie was basically a graphic novel come to life and Whedon at is most Whedony.


This. The first film was aimed more at mainstream audiences, but here Whedon lets his full inner geek out. It's not entirely successful (it feels like a TV season's worth of ideas crammed into two hours, and there's a few too many out of place quips) but I still enjoyed it a lot. My full review is on my blog:



Edited by Darth Homer
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Highly enjoyed it but I wouldn't rank it above the first or the winter soldier. I feel like an extended edition on dvd/blu ray would do this movie a huge favor. The editing felt choppy in some parts. I would have to watch it again to rank it among the rest of the MCU, but right now I would put it somewhere between the 3rd and the 5th spot.


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I give it an 8/10.  Lots of action, didn't like the Hulk/Black Widow relationship, the villain Ultron was ok, not awe fearing, loved the look of Vision and carrying the hammer like it was nothing but to pass it on to Thor.  I understood what was going on and like the reference to Black Panther's city. 

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A movie with remarkable character moments, solid jokes, and a lot of promise... until something has to fall from the sky and we need a big illogical climax (in a location as drab and colorless as an anonymous European town, no less). Vision makes no sense but Bettany's performance is maybe the best of the film so he kicks ass. Ultron is also great until he makes no sense. Thor's subplot is just death and Widow/Hulk's conflict starts and goes nowhere. At least they finally figured out Hawkeye.


In the hands of a less interesting writer/director it would be the MCU's next Iron Man 2-- because it's Whedon, there's a lot of great stuff in it, but Whedon's creative strengths feel choked out by the Marvel Machine. No surprise he's running as far away from this establishment as possible.

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One big giant letdown.  The final 20 minutes saved it from being a D.  Still gave it a C.  No pacing, way too much story and back story and composition.  Very little humour this time.  Hawkeye's story bored the snot out of me and all the rest just weren't interesting at all.  Spader was terrific as Ultron and Bettany was good as the red dude.

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I thought it was a really fun movie with a lot of great action and banter. I can somewhat see why the critics were not quite as pleased as it doesn't really break any new ground in any way. Still I can't understand how it is lower than IM3 on RT .

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One big giant letdown.  The final 20 minutes saved it from being a D.  Still gave it a C.  No pacing, way too much story and back story and composition.  Very little humour this time.  Hawkeye's story bored the snot out of me and all the rest just weren't interesting at all.  Spader was terrific as Ultron and Bettany was good as the red dude.

Wait, you didn't like Hawkeye?


Never mind, we still disagree :(

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One big giant letdown.  The final 20 minutes saved it from being a D.  Still gave it a C.  No pacing, way too much story and back story and composition.  Very little humour this time.  Hawkeye's story bored the snot out of me and all the rest just weren't interesting at all.  Spader was terrific as Ultron and Bettany was good as the red dude.

Very little humour? If anything, there were too many quips (cut them out and the movie probably would have been 10 minutes shorter). I think Ultron in particular had a few too many humorous moments to be truly threatening, though I loved his exasperated "for god's sake" just before Hulk threw him out of the jet - cracks me up just thinking about it.

Edited by Darth Homer
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Second viewing really helped me to digest the story.   I really paid attention to the Ultron creation sequence and got more out of it.   Now it's obvious that Ultron has Stark's personality.   The scene when Klaue says something like, "Stark said that exact thing!".   I didn't note that the first time.   And later when someone points out that Ultron doesn't know the difference between saving mankind and destroying it.   "Where do you think he gets that from?"     And that's when I started noticing the Ultron dialog could be written for Stark.


Noticed how many funny one-liners are in the movie this time....quite a few.


Vision is still perfect.   One of several characters I'm a fan of which I hoped would be done justice on the screen.   Big fail with Silver Surfer...but this might just make up for that.


Noticed 3 little hints about a possible future Vision/Scarlet Witch relationship.   The obvious rescue at the end of course.  But her probing him when Ultron was trying to download into him was another.   Then we see a quick shot of her (admiring?) face when Vision appears for the first time.


I really watched Cap this time when he tried to pick up the hammer.   Of course he moved it slightly at first...Thor looks shocked.   I couldn't help feeling that Cap didn't actually try to pick it up after that....maybe freaking out a little about it himself.

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C&P'd this from my SHH post. I felt like actually going with a D, but I think I'm still too close from just watching the movie and enjoying it for what it was... Rather than being angry about the storytelling/character development Joss chose to go with.


I'll start with what I loved:

-Tony and Steve's scenes, and anything involving the two of them. There was kind of a lovely brother/brother, and at times, a father/son vibe to them. I really loved how Tony's PTSD carried through this movie and his arc makes CIVIL WAR seem believable.

-Cap's story in the movie, mostly as leader and parental figure to his team. A lot of the jokes at his expense were like kids making fun of their dad, and it was kind of hilarious.

-Many of the action sequences were fun and top-notch comic book fun.

-the global scope of the movie.

-Scarlet Witch

-Pietro's relationship to Scarlet Witch

-much of the humor worked for me.

-Ultron was great!


What I really didn't like:

-some of the humor felt awkward in spots

-OMG WITH THE EDITING! Who edited this? So much cut out, and so many scenes went from A to K to Z without any transitions or explanations. I wondered how the heck did Ultron get his first upgrade?

-the pacing was crazy fast, and weird, and I think a lot of cool character moments suffered as a result.

-Hawkeye and his family. I really zoned out and I didn't want to, but zzzzzzzzz...

-Bruce/Nat. I think Whedon forgot that he wrote Natasha saying, "Love is for children," in the first movie. This was forced, awkward, and then in the final act, she tells him, " I adore you!" Yeah, I wanted to love them, but the execution was poor.

-Vision. I really did not like him at all except for his final scene in the woods with Ulty. He was... IDK. I wanted to love him, I was prepared to love him and have him steal the movie... But he showed up, and just annoyed the crap out of me.

-I am really over destruction porn. At least if the character and storytelling doesn't make sense. I kept tallying up the casualty counts and city destruction costs during the Hulkbuster fight and the final battle... In which Ultron destroys an entire city. Wow... Nope.


-Vision picking up Mjolnir, not once but twice, and not Cap. I know it was shorthand to get the team to trust him BUT I HATED IT OKAY????

Ugh, I kind of loathe MCU Vision to be honest. (He was an actual deus ex machina, the nuclear bomb from TA1 of this movie.) If he has a part in CW, I hope that it is small, and he's not onscreen for more than two minutes. I just... UGH!

For now, I think this was actually my least favorite MCU movie, because several of the character decisions left me baffled. I admit it is a better movie than both Thors, and IM2 and TIH, but maybe I'm still too close to it to be more objective. Anyways, I hope once I rent it four-five months later, I will enjoy it more.

I'm not paying for it again in theaters. So any of you guys who loved it, I guess go see it again for me? LOLOL! :P

And because of this, I really don't give a shit about its box office. It could cap out at $300 million for all I care.


Edited by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
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^Not to be spiting you right after your post, but honestly, I hope Vision has the fourth biggest role in Civil War. I absolutely loved him in this; he added a sense of majesty the MCU has been sorely lacking. It helped he didn't make jokes too

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^Not to be spiting you right after your post, but honestly, I hope Vision has the fourth biggest role in Civil War. I absolutely loved him in this; he added a sense of majesty the MCU has been sorely lacking. It helped he didn't make jokes too


Just kidding. But seriously, I just. Don't. Like. Him.

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In the end my criticism boils down to the impression I have that the movie did a bad job balancing self-importance with being "pure summer entertainment".

My D I gave after ranting about the ridiculous quoting of biblical and political references was a bit too harsh... I will probably go with a C-.

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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I'm finding all the 'Cap should've or could've lifted Mjolnir' stuff amusing. He couldn't and at the end of the movie he even justified Vision picking it up jokingly along with Tony to Thor for them to save face.

No amount of analysis on Evans' face while he tries to lift it will change that. That's the definition of reaching.

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I'm finding all the 'Cap should've or could've lifted Mjolnir' stuff amusing. He couldn't and at the end of the movie he even justified Vision picking it up jokingly along with Tony to Thor for them to save face.

No amount of analysis on Evans' face while he tries to lift it will change that. That's the definition of reaching.

Can I still be pissed off about it? Because, yeah, it pisses me off.

It really doesn't help that I found Whedon wrote Vision to be a smug asshole.

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