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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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63 would make 200 really difficult, 67 would guarantee a 200M weekend report (not sure for a proper 200, but a TF2 200M for sure)


Yeah I was thinking a TF2 200M as well  :D

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We looked briefly while ago thinking 63-67 today see how evening goes.

Thanks rth.  Well we need to see how the late shows on the west coast play out. Hope it stays above 60.

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In certain locations and regions, yes it it hurting the box office. Then add in game 7 of the Spurs and you get this:


That's our lobby at 7:15. Keep in mind that we have a 7:00 AND a 7:30 Avengers show.

Is it going to have a HUGE impact on the total? Probably not, because as we've seen before, box office has a way of balancing things out in th end.

I just hope to God we are busy tomorrow. We have to be, right?!

I think local sports can have some impact on theaters during playoffs.  The theater I went to yesterday wasn't that busy I saw the movie at 7PM. It was a near sell out only the front  two rows left.  The parking lot was pretty full when I got there  but it was more empty when my group left and wasn't that busy the rest of night since me and friends went to Applebees which shares the same parking lot. . Wild and Blackhawks game started at 8:30 PM. 

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If it's at the low end then 200M isn't happening. 


If it's 63M with a weak evening split, I could see a little compensation with a softer Sunday drop.  But yeah probably not.

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BUT, given your statement about the evenings, I think it'll end up lower.


My guess he took that into account because Saturday matinees should handily beat Friday's.  

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I really have no way of intellectualizing music, its just a caveman "this good, this bad" thing for me.

we just got a number, you can go away until the next box office lull in the conversation

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I really have no way of intellectualizing music, its just a caveman "this good, this bad" thing for me.

I'm the same. I can do films and games, but critiquing music (or books)... nope, it's tricky for me.

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If nothing else, that would put it in range for fudge. As long as it can get to $195m on its own, shouldn't be too hard for Disney to justify it. 


Hey guys, quick fix on Friday it was actually  86M, we missed 2 million.  Oh yeah, Saturday as well, don't know what happened there.  Also Sunday drop is definitely sub 20%, we swear.

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