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AVENGERS Official Wknd Estimates: 191M - Disney

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If you think this is a disaster (and it isn't), wait till Avatar 2 opens.

But Avatar 2 is directed by James Cameron and he seems very passionate about it. I mean this is the guy who does not give up on projects despite everyone and their mom saying it'll be a failure and he ends up surprising again and again. 

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If you think this is a disaster (and it isn't), wait till Avatar 2 opens.


TA2 could indeed be a warning to all those who have sky-high expectations on A2. But still, after the almost-10-year wait, A2 is gonna rely much less on a mega opening than TA2, and IMO that SOMEHOW could be an advantage because it's easier to wow the audience when the hype is relatively low..

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Why did those movies benefit so much from A1, whereas the actual Avengers sequel did not? I'm interested in what happened as I don't think being a sequel automatically explains everything.

Marvel overload.

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Oh well. Somehow, the Hype was missing. The problem is:

How do you make something bigger than "The Avengers". You have the biggest Superheroes combined in a movie. The first time ever that happens on the Big Screen. I mean, how much bigger thn that can it get?


Thor, Captain America and Hulk were hardly among the biggest superheroes before TA1. The crossover appeal played a way bigger part than the relevance of each character.

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You re telling me Ultron could end up selling the same amount of tickets as Catching Fire ?

Didn t see that one coming.

But as I said, it s Spiderman 2, TDKR situations all over again with two big sports events.

The first Spiderman, TDK and Avengers are the biggest superhero movies ever in the US in attendance.

Once you ve reached those Everests, the only way to go ?


And hype to sequels never guarantee bigger OW either.

As for Avatar doomers, I prefer to say nothing and let the facts speak for themselves when they will happen.

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But Avatar 2 is directed by James Cameron and he seems very passionate about it. I mean this is the guy who does not give up on projects despite everyone and their mom saying it'll be a failure and he ends up surprising again and again. 


He does have a point in which Avatar 2 is a sequel and it has no longer the novelty factor going for it, unless there's a big twist we still don't know about (which wouldn't be surprising, considering how little we know about the project).

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He does have a point in which Avatar 2 is a sequel and it has no longer the novelty factor going for it, unless there's a big twist we still don't know about (which wouldn't be surprising, considering how little we know about the project).

And the fact that there will be 8 years of CGI gap in computing power between the first and second film.

Cameron has been the one pushing the boundaries of VFX since his first film.

The Avatar sequels will look otherwordly and outstanding. And story wise, he wants to do 4 films, it will be big sweeping epic and ambitious.

Cameron doesn t make just movies.

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Iron Man 3 and AoU isn't going to be that far from each other on their OWs.


So would making Iron Man 4 be a good idea now? It would definitely be much cheaper to make than AoU. Just get back RDJ, Paltrow, and Cheadle and you are good to go. ;)

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I kind of expected it somehow.. I'm also pretty certain he'll give SW7 an "A"..


Why would you expect it?  I gave Avengers a 9.5 and it was one of the best films of 2012.

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Iron Man 3 and AoU isn't going to be that far from each other on their OWs.

So would making Iron Man 4 be a good idea now? It would definitely be much cheaper to make than AoU. Just get back RDJ, Paltrow, and Cheadle and you are good to go. ;)

That would be awesome.

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No... it is bad..... dipping below IM3's dailies is definitely bad.

Unless it was really greatly affected by the fight, and Sunday goes above IM3's, I am calling this a flop. The only reason OW will turn out to be respectable is due to the big previews number.

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I woke up to this number and ... wow.  


Neither here nor there but the fight was a much bigger deal than I had anticipated -- everyone on my Facebook was talking about it and I had groups of friends who all watched it last night as though it was the Super Bowl (I would've gone too but I can't afford to be hungover this morning).


Just ... wow.

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