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Jurassic World (2015)


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I'll get a full review up later but here's a few points.


It completely makes sense that the Raptors and the I-Rex could communicate, first they have the same DNA, secondly it's written that way.  If you are into the movie, you accept it, if you aren't you don't.

Pratt owned the film, terrific human character.

I loved the Predator homage.

I loved the final kick ass battle with I-rex, Blue (I think) and T-Rex.  Epic conclusion.  Sure, Bryce would have been dead before she got back to the I-Rex, but that was another great nod to the first with the flare and the T-rex.

This is one of the best summer films I've seen.  It's everything Godzilla should have been and when the sea monster gobbles up I-Rex, I cheered.  

An absolutely awesome awesome movie.

Well there are problems.  For example th I-Rex was isolated from the beginning.  And Owen (Pratt) mentioned social skills with others.  She killed her own sibling earlier, don't know how long ago.  But communicating with the Raptors, what?

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At some point I was waiting for them to reveal what DNA was in the I-Rex and I was sure they were going to say it had human DNA. That would have made so much sense. That would have explained it's intelligent, it's memory, it's ability to plan it's escape, it's killing for fun and it's knowledge of human things like heat sensors, etc.


But no. They really dropped the ball on that.

I guess they gave it Raptor intelligence.  Its got speed since it mentioned that.  And it has intelligence enough to camo itself, probably immune to thermal as well. 

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I really enjoyed the movie, but I agree with the critics who say it didn't live up to the original. Most sequels never do, but for me it was the characters that were the problem. The characters in the first film were awesome. They were all very well developed and they were played by very talented people. These characters and cast lacked that completely, minus Bryce.


I liked the storyline, actions scenes and visual effects though. One thing that kind of did bug me was the not knowing if the T-Rex was the same as the original film. I read in the other thread that it was supposed to be. If so, they should have made that known.

Yeah there was a problem with that explanation.  Only the ending where you see past scars of claw marks on T-Rex will show you that its the original one. 

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Seriously, the T-Rex stepping out of the shadows is probably the biggest "HOLY SHIT!!!" blockbuster moment in recent years

Indeed I loved that part.  I mean it was obvious what she was going to do to counter the I-Rex but the opening of the gate and hearing the pounding steps as well as seeing the eyes in the dark as it was coming out made me smile.

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I'm curious.  What to you makes him a terrific human character?  All we know about him is that he was in the Navy, he trains raptors, and went on one date with BDH.  


He doesn't change, he doesn't grow, nothing.  He is the same at the beginning and at the end.  He is just a generic hero. 

We know he ain't a Navajo.

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Well there are problems.  For example th I-Rex was isolated from the beginning.  And Owen (Pratt) mentioned social skills with others.  She killed her own sibling earlier, don't know how long ago.  But communicating with the Raptors, what?


That wasn't a problem with me at all.  Animals such as dolphins and other sea mammals are known to communicate with each other and some say telepathically.  Beyond that, I don't see a problem with that scene at all.  It worked beautifully.

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There was a lot of fun moments in it, but something was indeed lacking. The score was great though, and Pratt was excellent. The kids were cool, and I actually liked the raptor plot that everyone criticized in the previews. It was actually pretty entertaining, and the nostalgia moments brought me happiness. I also liked the campiness of D'Onorfio lol. Jake Johnson was another highlight. I feel like I'll like it more with a rewatch since there were a lot of moments it gave me goosebumps. Definitely worth a watch. For now, A- but I can definitely see it going higher in my mind.

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The whole I-Rex escape scene is just flat out silly. I can get behind that its an intelligent animal but this is ridiculous. How does an animal know that there are heat senses monitoring it and that it can hide from them with its abilities and set up an elaborate escape plan of luring them into the cage and then escaping free when they run to escape. Its ridiculous.


As is knowing that it has a tracking bug inside it. Firstly, I highly doubt that unlike what is stated in the film that it remembers where it was put in. You are not putting a tracking bug in a fucking I-Rex unless it was under heavy sedation. Even if it somehow does remember where it was put in.....so what? How in the hell is an animal meant to know that it can be tracked by what was put inside it?


As is the I-Rex talking to the raptors and convincing them to turn on the humans. We have seen so far that it is a non stop killing machine, and now we are somehow meant to believe that despite looking completely different to the raptors, it knows that it can talk to them in a language that it apparently learnt in complete isolation away from all other animals??? WTF!?!

You're seriously complaining about all this?

Why not complain about the actual premise of the film? Because it's so fuckin plausible that scientists can get dinosaur DNA from insects that were fossilized millions of years ago..

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At some point I was waiting for them to reveal what DNA was in the I-Rex and I was sure they were going to say it had human DNA. That would have made so much sense. That would have explained it's intelligent, it's memory, it's ability to plan it's escape, it's killing for fun and it's knowledge of human things like heat sensors, etc.


But no. They really dropped the ball on that.


That would be like The Relic. That movie gave me the creeps just because of that.

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I swear my brain hurts after watching this piece of sh*t of a movie.I don't remember the last movie where not one of the human characters is that stupid and total cliche.

3/10 (this is Transformers level of stupidity)

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