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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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LOL! The Sunday drop will not be "massive." This movie has captured the zeitgeist in a way that an individual non-final deciding basketball game and a pay cable series season finale combined could never hope to.

WRONG, lol. It will have an effect no ?, both are huge cultural events going on right now.

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LOL! The Sunday drop will not be "massive." This movie has captured the zeitgeist in a way that an individual non-final deciding basketball game and a pay cable series season finale combined could never hope to.


Worst case drop is 25%. Best case is probably 15% given those other two events. If this was later in the summer with neither of those things going on, I would say a sub-10% drop like TDK is very much in play.

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Why? Just like Worthington, Pratt at this point has starred in a critically adored big hit (GOTG vs SW's AVATAR) and a middling, not-so-critically-adored big hit (JURASSIC WORLD vs SW's TERMINATOR 4). AT this point in both of their trajectories and their careers, and in terms of movies chosen and perceived/alleged box office clout, they are even. We'll see how Pratt does when he starts doing solo movies that don't rely on CGI monsters, franchises, or comic book universes. I love the guy, but I am hesitant to say that he is this huge star yet, because that's exactly what I thought of Worthington and Hemsworth when the euphoria of their blockbuster-leading times were in full bloom.

Did you just compare Jurassic World to Terminator Salvation? JW in 2 days will do more then TS did in its entire run. Wake up, seriously.

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I knew this would big (easily 100m), but not this big. I was talking to a cousin of mine a few weeks ago, and they mentioned that JW was a movie theater movie, and that they were going to go. I'll be interested in the gender breakdown as I know quite a few women who usually wouldn't want to go an action movie talking about how they were looking forward to JW. I saw it and enjoyed it. I thought it was a fantastic popcorn movie, and one that I'm glad I saw in the theater. A 200m+ opening weekend is amazing though.

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I saw multiple people posting spoilers last night, and now the first thing I see when I tune in today is people complaining about other folks posting spoilers. I swear, the mods on this site need to stop allowing it and start giving threadbans (and worse to multiple offenders) to all those people.


And with that brief visit, I'm out of this thread. I want to enjoy the movie as much as possible when I see it.

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NBA finals is having record ratings, GOT is GOT. Nah it won't have any effect on JW, just like mayweather pacman had zero effect on AOU.

You're purposely being glib. You know full well there's no comparison to the fight.


Movies have to deal with TV series season finales and non-championship deciding sporting events all the time.

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