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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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This is gonna be interesting. Jurassic will break the OW record but wouldn't have if previews didn't start at 7 whereas Avengers' started at midnight. I wonder if Disney will be a sore loser and say anything. 


They won't, because TA2 had the same advantage. Let Disney be salty. They're greedy anyway, this is Universal's year and JW got it fair and square, no fudging even needed.

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This is gonna be interesting. Jurassic will break the OW record but wouldn't have if previews didn't start at 7 whereas Avengers' started at midnight. I wonder if Disney will be a sore loser and say anything. 


I doubt it. They should be grateful Universal lowballed the Sunday number and gave TA1 one last day on the throne.

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This is gonna be interesting. Jurassic will break the OW record but wouldn't have if previews didn't start at 7 whereas Avengers' started at midnight. I wonder if Disney will be a sore loser and say anything. 

JW's previews simply would have shifted to Midnight lol.

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This is gonna be interesting. Jurassic will break the OW record but wouldn't have if previews didn't start at 7 whereas Avengers' started at midnight. I wonder if Disney will be a sore loser and say anything.

Didn't Ultron have thursday previews as well to claim second largest OD? They're both guilty lol.

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This is gonna be interesting. Jurassic will break the OW record but wouldn't have if previews didn't start at 7 whereas Avengers' started at midnight. I wonder if Disney will be a sore loser and say anything.

JW would have probably done 12-15 if it had a midnight release. So JW will need about 213m to completely cast away any doubts of whether it would break the record with out the five extra hours. Hopefully the upper end of rth's Sunday estimate is right... Edited by Lumos
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So JW avoided frontloaded previews like Potter and Twilight, was less frontloaded with previews than TA on OD, pulled off a May style Saturday increase in June and achieved the expected June Sunday drop. Amazing.


I know, right. It's so fun when this kind of 'surprise' happened out of nowhere. 2 days ago I'd be satisfied with anything above 150m.

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I'm not as bullish on Pixels but I agree. Next weekend I think will be one of the box office's finest hours between JW and IO.

It's gonna be a good summer compared to last year's lol


Just so you know, I was on my way to work awhile ago and FOX News Radio is reporting 205M for JW, despite fact that it's listed as en estimate here, so don't be surprised if this so called estimate FOX News is reporting is actually the number or close to it and not beating TA OW.. Just saying what I heard..

Fox News...

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Eh, not to take away from universal's epic year so far but I'm sure Disney isn't feeling any type of salt with Episode 7 capping the year off for them. If anything they are probably super happy nostalgia can help so much.

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JW would have probably done 12-15 if it had a midnight release. So JW will need about 213m to cast away any doubts of whether it would break the record with out the five extra hours. Hopefully the upper end of rth's Sunday estimate is right...


It's really not that big a deal. We need to forget this five extra hours crap. Movies always have new advantages. TA had a 3D advantage over TDK, TDK had an IMAX advantage over Dead Man's Chest. Dead Man's Chest had inflation advantage over Spiderman. The market is always changing. 


JW will be beat one day, it won't only be because of attendance. Some format is going to give whatever that movie is an extra boost. So guys, enough of this five extra hours and whether its fair crap. All movies have new advantages, its nothing new.

Edited by Jandrew
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People waiting for JW to show signs of weakness  should just accept, that it's too late for that. This movie surfs on a hype and will have legs after all the unlikely things that have happend this weekend around its performance.

This is one of those special performances and you know it won't stop.

Edited by Poseidon
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Doable. With 58m, weekend adds up to 212.6m


Assuming the F/Sa actuals don't fluctuate a bit, of course.


It's definitely in the realm of possibility, but I wouldn't say it's a given.


Most underestimated film is such a strange record to have stood for 12 years.

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