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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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There is the little detail I already mentioned: the country excludes foreigners = not logical to cast it with an actor of another color.

If they changed that detail too (but than they would have to change a lot of other special situation details also about that country and the reason for why character xy does when what, why what kind of family can be the next king....) then it wouldn't matter, as there are foreign rooted leaders in another country possible.


The difference is:

in nearly all cases it's not important, what kind of color someone has (arrgh, something feels wrong with that, grammar?), but if a story conditions certain details, than it matters or you have to cahnge the conditions in a logical and continious way.


Bio-pics are also an exception IMHO, but if the story is told like ' based on ...' even that can change if the story still tells, what is important.


Not logical to have a white sister and a black brother; unless of course you change that part of the story to fit the casting change and make them adopted brother and sister. One could easily hypothetically cast a white actor as Black Panther, and change the part of the story about excluding foreigners. Do you not see this comparison?


No in and of itself it's not important, in a vacuum to so speak. But in the context of decades of source material, to the long-time fans yes it is important. You may not care or like it, but that doesn't make the concern of these fans disappear.



Are you being deliberately myopic or just trying to be provocative?



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Every major comic book film has at least one huge deviation. The Jordan casting is small potatoes, atom-sized potatoes, in comparison to some of the huge ones successful films have gotten away with.



Not all changes are pointless. 


But some are pointless and don't add anything to the mythos.


I guess fans should just gladly accept any pointless change some Hollywood hackjob comes up with at Starbucks.


Hollywood hack: "We're going to make Superman a midget, cause I hate comics and I'm friends with a midget who wants an acting job"


Fans: "Sure whatever you want, we just learned about Superman from wikipedia. Have fun getting rich by shitting on our favorite characters"

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I grew up reading these comics, everything from the AVENGERS to the FANTASTIC FOUR, Crossovers, SPIDER-MAN, The INCREDIBLE HULK, Etc and Yes, I could give it a good shot.. It takes a true fan of the source material to make a great adaptation..

But would said “Great Adaption" actually be a good movie?

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Not all changes are pointless. 


But some are pointless and don't add anything to the mythos.


I guess fans should just gladly accept any pointless change some Hollywood hackjob comes up with at Starbucks.


Hollywood hack: "We're going to make Superman a midget, cause I hate comics and I'm friends with a midget who wants an acting job"


Fans: "Sure whatever you want, we just learned about Superman from wikipedia. Have fun getting rich by shitting on our favorite characters"

are you even aware of the shite that you are saying? you literally just said that having black skin is "shitting on the character"...

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I wasn't even aware there was a large Fantastic Four fandom until they heard Michael B Jordan had been cast and were outraged


I'm sure it's just a coincidence


Can't wait to hear from all the lifelong Dr Strange fans for the first time next year

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His role would be minimal and I'd kill him off to since Hasselhoff looks like he's hit the wall these days.. And my movie with be in the high 80's for the RT score.. I'd drag John Williams put for 1 last score in him for the movie and it would be a perfect blend of serious and fun the way it should be...

john williams, david hasselhoff... where do I sign up? who is gonna be cast in your main four roles btw?

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I wasn't even aware there was a large Fantastic Four fandom until they heard Michael B Jordan had been cast and were outraged


I'm sure it's just a coincidence


Can't wait to hear from all the lifelong Dr Strange fans for the first time next year

'I've been a fan of Dr Strange ever since I found out Marvel was making a Dr Strange movie so this is a thing come true for me.'

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His role would be minimal and I'd kill him off to since Hasselhoff looks like he's hit the wall these days.. And my movie with be in the high 80's for the RT score.. I'd drag John Williams put for 1 last score in him for the movie and it would be a perfect blend of serious and fun the way it should be...

You sound like you're on the playground with your action figures. Sad.

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Not logical to have a white sister and a black brother; unless of course you change that part of the story to fit the casting change and make them adopted brother and sister. One could easily hypothetically cast a white actor as Black Panther, and change the part of the story about excluding foreigners. Do you not see this comparison?


No in and of itself it's not important, in a vacuum to so speak. But in the context of decades of source material, to the long-time fans yes it is important. You may not care or like it, but that doesn't make the concern of these fans disappear.



As I already explained:

to change a certain detail about 2 siblings doesn't change the story in general.I do hope you know the general story of FF?

Examples for exceptions when that detail might have an influence to any story I already gave.

I think you mix up the description of a character with the story a play or... tells


I also already gave examples about that there would be a lot of changes needed, if they changed a crucial detail about Wakanda that they had to rewrite a lot of other details too.

The detail of it being an insulated country caused a lot of stories and reasons. It's a mojor detail for many many characters / situation / stories, why someone did what. It even would change story-details also in CA 1, IM movies....

= that I consider 1. major and secondly story-changing

If Wakanda wouldn't be so insulated a lot of the (comic) stories wouldn't even make any sense

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There's nothing particularly specifically ethnic in the concept of the Fantastic Four. The core of the concept is family -- however, an adapted family can work equally well as a traditional one and the same emotional and thematic content remains the same.

In the greater context of the Black Panther example, you're looking at someone whose identity is very much rooted within the specific African culture. You could attempt to cover that by claiming your white version would grow up there as well, except the cultural and historic context changes a great deal. But even more simply, you're talking about a character created to actually offer some diversity within the incredibly vanilla palette of superheroes. By whitewashing him, you're making a deliberate effort to undo that.

In terms of the specific Johnny Storm casting, it's extremely common for directors to re-hire actors they've worked with before and had a good relationship with. Given Trank's one previous experience, it makes complete sense he'd least at the chance of at least some continuity with his cast, moving forward into a bigger, more high-profile project. And Jordan hits all the marks you'd need for Johnny Storm: young, charismatic, engaging, etc. Claiming his casting is just to satisfy some sort of diversity quotient shows you just don't know much about how Hollywood works.

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There's nothing particularly specifically ethnic in the concept of the Fantastic Four. The core of the concept is family -- however, an adapted family can work equally well as a traditional one and the same emotional and thematic content remains the same.

In the greater context of the Black Panther example, you're looking at someone whose identity is very much rooted within the specific African culture. You could attempt to cover that by claiming your white version would grow up there as well, except the cultural and historic context changes a great deal. But even more simply, you're talking about a character created to actually offer some diversity within the incredibly vanilla palette of superheroes. By whitewashing him, you're making a deliberate effort to undo that.

In terms of the specific Johnny Storm casting, it's extremely common for directors to re-hire actors they've worked with before and had a good relationship with. Given Trank's one previous experience, it makes complete sense he'd least at the chance of at least some continuity with his cast, moving forward into a bigger, more high-profile project. And Jordan hits all the marks you'd need for Johnny Storm: young, charismatic, engaging, etc. Claiming his casting is just to satisfy some sort of diversity quotient shows you just don't know much about how Hollywood works.

I ran out of likes :'( I could kiss you right now tele

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Didn't New Line also get bought out and isn't that a success story if a mini-studio gets bought?

New Line was bought by Turner in the 90s who then merged with Time Warner but they operated independently from Warner Bros until the failure of The Golden Compass which meant they were merged into WB and became a label within WB

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Doesn't count because it lost theatres on its second weekend.

Undiscovered, the film MovieMan89 is talking about, lost theaters too.


Well yeah. It happened after Keith started; we can't expect him to update the smaller records

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