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Weekend estimates: 15.90 M THE MARTIAN | 15.50 M GOOSEBUMPS | 11.37 M BOS | 10.83 M TLWH | 9.00 M HT II | 8.20 M PA: TGD | 7.27 M STEVE JOBS

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Maybe no one cares about Steve Jobs.  It's a little too soon, the guy just died in 2011.

I assume you're joking. Because its not like people are going to care *more* about him in 20 years.

A family friend was CFO of what was, at the time, one of the 50 or so largest companies in the world. So, the guy's a giant in the world business community, with gigantic wealth and fame, right? Well, he is rich (though not nearly to the degree of, say, a top hedge fund manager or tech entrepreneur). But 5 years after he retired he was meeting an old friend for lunch who still worked there, so they walked around the headquarters reminiscing. Like 2 people remembered who he was. That was it. Most of the folks hadn't even heard of him. He's a pretty philosophical guy and wasn't really surprised, but it did bum him out slightly.

The point being, as a business leader, your legacy is the huge pile of money you make and whatever satisfaction your customers derived from the products you sold them. Everything else is fleeting and forgotten.


Edit - Jobs *was* a big deal and business leaders who have his level of impact don't come along every day. That's why books and movies are being made. But even then he's not in the inner circle of great American business leaders like Ford, Morgan, or Edison.

Edited by Wrath
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I assume you're joking. Because its not like people are going to care *more* about him in 20 years.

A family friend was CFO of what was, at the time, one of the 50 or so largest companies in the world. So, the guy's a giant in the world business community, with gigantic wealth and fame, right? Well, he is rich (though not nearly to the degree of, say, a top hedge fund manager or tech entrepreneur). But 5 years after he retired he was meeting an old friend for lunch who still worked there, so they walked around the headquarters reminiscing. Like 2 people remembered who he was. That was it. Most of the folks hadn't even heard of him. He's a pretty philosophical guy and wasn't really surprised, but it did bum him out slightly.

The point being, as a business leader, your legacy is the huge pile of money you make and whatever satisfaction your customers derived from the products you sold them. Everything else is fleeting and forgotten.

I bet they don't teach that in Business school.

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I bet they don't teach that in Business school.


They do not.


Edit - The focus is more on making you think you're a god in mortal form, ready to sweep triumphantly across all you survey. I'm not entirely kidding, though they're a lot more subtle than that.

Edited by Wrath
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Yeah, this just tells you how little the initial platform release means in the long run. This probably would've benefited from a later release date so it could use its awards nominations to advertise it to the general audience, but then Dec/Jan will be insane this year with SW. It also didn't get the kind of once in a blue moon raves that The Social Network got. 

I think they probably should have kept the original wide release of Oct 9 or pushed it to November. I dont think January would have been advantageous considering Hateful Eight and The Revenant.

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They do not.


Edit - The focus is more on making you think you're a god in mortal form, ready to sweep triumphantly across all you survey. I'm not entirely kidding, though they're a lot more subtle than that.

That's what happens when you skimp on a liberal arts education.  (But they can condole themselves with their heaps of money)


    I MET a Traveler from an antique land,
    Who said, "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
    And on the pedestal these words appear:
    "My name is OZYMANDIAS, King of Kings."
    Look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!
    No thing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that Colossal Wreck, boundless and bare,
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.

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I assume you're joking. Because its not like people are going to care *more* about him in 20 years.

A family friend was CFO of what was, at the time, one of the 50 or so largest companies in the world. So, the guy's a giant in the world business community, with gigantic wealth and fame, right? Well, he is rich (though not nearly to the degree of, say, a top hedge fund manager or tech entrepreneur). But 5 years after he retired he was meeting an old friend for lunch who still worked there, so they walked around the headquarters reminiscing. Like 2 people remembered who he was. That was it. Most of the folks hadn't even heard of him. He's a pretty philosophical guy and wasn't really surprised, but it did bum him out slightly.

The point being, as a business leader, your legacy is the huge pile of money you make and whatever satisfaction your customers derived from the products you sold them. Everything else is fleeting and forgotten.


Edit - Jobs *was* a big deal and business leaders who have his level of impact don't come along every day. That's why books and movies are being made. But even then he's not in the inner circle of great American business leaders like Ford, Morgan, or Edison.

I doubt he meant that people don't care abut the man and his accomplishments, just that they don't care to see a movie about it so soon after he passed away...plus isn't this like the third film since he died? A movie about Zuckerburg made sense due to the fact that he's so enigmatic. Jobs was smart and a great businessman, but his legend would need to grow for a movie about him to make sense. That may be why this film is apparently so niche. 

And has there been a successful film made about Ford, Morgan or Edison? Sometimes movie success is not about how successful the subject is, it's more about how interesting their story is. Tucker, the Man and his Dream was probably chosen over a more accomplished car maker like Ford for this reason. 

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I doubt he meant that people don't care abut the man and his accomplishments, just that they don't care to see a movie about it so soon after he passed away...plus isn't this like the third film since he died? A movie about Zuckerburg made sense due to the fact that he's so enigmatic. Jobs was smart and a great businessman, but his legend would need to grow for a movie about him to make sense. That may be why this film is apparently so niche. 

And has there been a successful film made about Ford, Morgan or Edison? Sometimes movie success is not about how successful the subject is, it's more about how interesting their story is. Tucker, the Man and his Dream was probably chosen over a more accomplished car maker like Ford for this reason. 

Its like how there is no Apollo 11 film, Apollo 13 was chosen since it is more of a easier sell then Apollo 11 where nothing went wrong.

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So much for Steve Jobs being The Social Network of 2015.

I guess people were more interested in how a young nerd starts Facebook than watching a dead beat dad come up with apple products.

I really liked Steve Jobs but it isn't even to close to being in the same orbit as The Social Network, at least IMO.

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In before Hollywood says "We're filling October with Blockbusters next year because we clearly see that audiences aren't interested in 'adult' films...unless they're porn."...

On that subject, maybe Fassbender is just in the wrong kind of "adult" film to be a *ahem* big draw...


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