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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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It was something I was trying to say last night but I couldn't phrase it properly. Thats why. 


I get upset when you guys blatantly don't read/ignore my posts lol.


I say 3 times in a row my statement has nothing too do with the quality of film. Yet all your guys replies are saying that Im bashing Captain America or stating TDKR is better and Im not. 

Well, you should expect some backlash when you make a provocative, out-of-nowhere statement like that.

Edited by Jack Nevada
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Well, you should expect some backlash when you make a provocative statement like that which just comes out of nowhere 


Its true, to be honest I wasn't paying attention and when I signed on it brought me 5 pages back and I replied to that with out noticing. I should have expected backlash that is true. 


Ether way Im having a good time here enjoying conversation. It got a little out of hand, so well just pretend it didn't happen. 

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How many times can you say that an argument about TDKR was NOT initiated by #ED or me?


Assuming you don't treat it as an extension of last night that is.


All TDKR arguments can be traced back to #ED. He sends out assignments via PM


You think we don't know. But we know

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so what, Ed is the toby jones to your hugo weaving?


Well, actually, I'm the John Daggett, the guy who thinks he's in charge, while #ED is really in charge, but it turns out, he's really doing it all for Mrs. #ED whom he loved, and is doing her bidding to exact vengeance on....whoever Batman is on these forums.

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I don't think it's really provocative. It's just... randomBane was referenced in a few movies after TDKR. Okay?Who cares?

Someone obviously does. "My movie is more important than yours"
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On a serious note, comparing DC to Marvel is stupid in my opinion, at least until the DC shared universe starts showing up because they really are two completely different things at the moment. The Nolan batman's were amazing flicks in their own rights while Marvel films have perhaps not individually reached those heights, but at the same time they have created this giant interconnected world that we simply haven't seen on the big screen before. I'm glad we got the TDK trilogy and I'm glad we have the Marvel Shared World stuff. Both are fantastic efforts that shouldn't, imo, be compared to each other.

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