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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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On 1/4/2018 at 6:34 PM, IronJimbo said:

It's easy to produce "many" haters when everyone and their nan has seen the film.

That's a really solid point.  

On 1/5/2018 at 8:02 PM, WeneedtotalkaboutKevin said:



Feel good for Matt ! He can finally drop that sinking ship and make movies that are not required to be freaking 2 hours !  He deserves that !

Well Netflix just made a huge step in keeping my account active after Disney launches their streaming service.   That's how you do it....competition is good.

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32 minutes ago, Gokai Red said:

Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time, but its only impact on culture has been to be confused with the Nickelodeon cartoon of the same name.

This. Everybody knows the names of the Star Wars charecters and remembers the movies well, no one except the Cameron fanboys remember the Avatar Charecters and the movie has vanished off most people's radar.

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25 minutes ago, dudalb said:

This. Everybody knows the names of the Star Wars charecters and remembers the movies well, no one except the Cameron fanboys remember the Avatar Charecters and the movie has vanished off most people's radar.


I am not sure how much people are serious with the names of the characters type of talk, you are certainly right ( I do not remember any of them) but everyone remember the name Machine Gun Joe from Death Race just because of how cool that name sound, how easy they are to remember, are often they are mentioned during the movie and other factor make this criteria quite fishy.


Not sure I remember many name outside Ryan of the Saving Private Ryan if I do not go see.... or outside the title name in braveheart either..... 


The characters has vanished for sure, but the world look and the blue avatar design, the way they reproduce, the concept of being an Avatar have all become common elements of worlds cultures.


I have seen that movie only one time (I am one of those that rooted for the humans to get the mineral to help earth over the religious fanatic blue people making the watching experience not that enjoyable) and have a clear memory of is never seen before look.


Let alone that it had a boost on a small 3D popularity crazy cultural impact, that a level of cultural impact almost no others modern movie had. (that said legacy since 3D die and never took off at home does not look special in hindsight)


If you compare Avatar google trends with other movie release:


https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&q=%2Fm%2F0bth54,%2Fm%2F01295z79,%2Fg%2F11bc6_2t_7


You see that a big blockbuster get to regular Avatar level leading up and right after it's release, that Avatar almost 10 year's after it's release with nothing new going on....

Edited by Barnack
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8 minutes ago, Barnack said:


I am not sure how much people are serious with the names of the characters type of talk, you are certainly right ( I do not remember any of them) but everyone remember the name Machine Gun Joe from Death Race just because of how cool that name sound, how easy they are to remember, are often they are mentioned during the movie and other factor make this criteria quite fishy.


Not sure I remember many name outside Ryan of the Saving Private Ryan if I do not go see.... or outside the title name in braveheart either..... 


The characters has vanished for sure, but the world look and the blue avatar design, the way they reproduce, the concept of being an Avatar have all becoming common imagine in worlds cultures.


Let alone that it had a boost on a small 3D popularity crazy cultural impact, that a level of cultural impact almost no others modern movie had. (that said legacy since 3D die and never took off at home does not look special in hindsight)


If you compare Avatar google trends with other movie release:


https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&q=%2Fm%2F0bth54,%2Fm%2F01295z79,%2Fg%2F11bc6_2t_7


You see that a big blockbuster get to regular Avatar level leading up and right after it's release, that Avatar almost 10 year's after it's release with nothing new going on....

that trend graph is actually all me

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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

Agreed, The first one was OK, but did not have the charm of the Potter films.

Oh, stop it with this "charm" bullshit. Since Alfonso Cuaron, the franchise has been known more for its grit and it's gothicisms more than it has been known for its "charm". And Fantastic Beasts had way more "charm" than any of the Potter films, particularly those post Chamber of Secrets.


this is a non-fans observation of the first installment of the original series. 


Harry Potter isn't about "charm". If that's all you ask for, than you're obviously into very light, insubstantial forms of story and entertainment. 


You sound like one of those people who's only seen the first film, never read the books, thinks Hogwarts is the extent of "The Wizarding World", insists that Hogwart's houses are a crucial, important part of the story, and who ignores the character and plot developments in favor of laughing at some inconsequential detail or acting like Quidditch is included to any notable or integral extent. 


This contingency of people who absolutely neglect the story and the characters of the Harry Potter series to focus on the "world-building details" present in the first one are so incredibly frustrating. They might as well forget the story exists if they're literally going to get into arguments with me about how Chocolate Frogs are paramount to the success of the story. I was literally told by someone on a forum once "I just ignore the entire plot of Harry Potter, because it's too dark, and it just doesn't work." They later admitted to never having read the series and having only watched the first two films. 


Imagine if the only thing I really cared about in regards to Star Wars was "how cute and funny all the droids are, how charming the ewoks and the porgs are, and how cool that blue milk stuff is!"


It's like, try to pretend like you're a fan of Harry Potter, or like you know what the series is like on the most basic level at all, but I can't imagine ignoring what horcruxes are or the tragic backstory of Severus snape, or the entire concept at the center of the plot, the order of the phoenix vs the death eaters, in favor of selectively attending to stuff like HOGWARTS HOUSES AND WEIRD JELLYBEANS ARE SO COOL- is a  particularly fulfilling, knowledgeable fan experience. 


I mean, is it a surprise to me that this huge portion of people who think Harry Potter is famous for its nanosecond descriptions of magic candy in the first book/film also fight viciously with me when I try to point out that said book series is extremely thematically heavy and dark? No. Because they're too busy acting like the plot summary of the series is "Harry goes to school!: LETS EAT CANDY! (page count, 10!)" rather than "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (page count, 762)".


I can't think of any other way to describe a population who literally have no idea about the relatively high reading level and scenes of murder, torture, tragedy, trauma, and horror that ends partially with an 18 year old sacrificing himself for a society embroiled in a war that he's had to watch his friends and family die in, but do seem to think the series is instead more comparable to something like fucking Enid Blyton's Famous Five or even Roald Doahl's most juvenile chapter books. I just can't fucking believe how much people attempt to trivialize and patronize this franchise. It's quite mean-spirited at this point. 


"He felt the ribs splinter beneath his jaw, felt the warm gush of blood..." a nice, "charming" line from Rowling's quaint "Blyton-Esque, Dahlian" little kids picture book "Harry goes to Honeydukes: the Search for the Chocolate Frog (page count, 6.)" *sometimes titled "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" by people who actually know a modicum of shit about the series.

Edited by Broadwayfreak66
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On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 6:48 PM, AndyK said:

There are rumours on twitter that the Black Widow movie is going to happen.



Will that be part of the 2020 MCU slate alongside GOTGv3 and (assumingly) Dr Strange 2? Makes sense.



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All the highest-grossing films of all time had memorable characters and storys.


Gone with the Wind, Jaws, Star Wars: ANH, E.T., Jurassic Park, Titanic...


Once you hear the titel of one of those movies you instantly remember famous scenes/dialogues or moments from these films. Every one of them is a big part of (western) popular culture.


Avatar just grossed a lot of money. Thats it. Imo.

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2 hours ago, Brainbug said:

All the highest-grossing films of all time had memorable characters and storys.


Gone with the Wind, Jaws, Star Wars: ANH, E.T., Jurassic Park, Titanic...


Once you hear the titel of one of those movies you instantly remember famous scenes/dialogues or moments from these films. Every one of them is a big part of (western) popular culture.


Avatar just grossed a lot of money. Thats it. Imo.

That's weird everyone on the internet seems to remember Avatar was just blue Pocohontas in space.


This ones for you guys.





and @vc2002


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To facilitate the discussion in this thread, I have compiled a list of current franchises and categorized them. Please feel free to quote them and add more! It will help you guys to have a general picture of what this franchise war has come to.


The ONE:



Going strong yet showing signs of weakness:

Star Wars

Jurassic Park

The Fast and the Furious


Doing Fine:

J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World

Fox X-men

Sony Spider-Man universe

James Bond

Mission Impossible

The Conjuring




Planet of the Apes

Jason Bourne

Pirates of the Caribbean









John Wick

Pacific Rim


Disney Jungle Book



Star Trek

Independence Day


Blade Runner

Jack Reacher


Waiting on revival:


Middle Earth

Indiana Jones

World War Z


Hunger Games

Ocean's 11


Dead on arrival:

Universal Dark Universe

King Arthur

Power Rangers


Assaulted by critics, rejected by audience, losing money and literally “the worst of the worst”:


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


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Categorizing franchises? I have a great system for that:


Loved by me:


Rowling's world



Really liked by me:


Middle Earth



Star Wars



Liked by me:


Most of the rest


Disliked by me:


Most horror franchises




There, best list ever.

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On 1/11/2018 at 2:43 PM, dudalb said:

Agreed, The first one was OK, but did not have the charm of the Potter films.

I think the problem is they cast a lead who is never going to be able to carry a movie.   Eddie Redmayne is another Miles Teller in my book.   A guy who seems to be in the midst of a love affair with the media but doesn't have the necessary charisma to be a lead.    Some actors are awesome as supporting players only.

On 1/12/2018 at 7:19 AM, Brainbug said:

All the highest-grossing films of all time had memorable characters and storys.


Gone with the Wind, Jaws, Star Wars: ANH, E.T., Jurassic Park, Titanic...


Once you hear the titel of one of those movies you instantly remember famous scenes/dialogues or moments from these films. Every one of them is a big part of (western) popular culture.


Avatar just grossed a lot of money. Thats it. Imo.

I sorta agree but I think some may be under selling Avatar a bit too.   I get a feeling that the instant A2 shows up, people are going to flock to theaters to buy as many 3D tickets as they can.    If Cameron delivers a movie that entertains (what are the odds?) then we are probably looking at big numbers.   Not as big as the original, but maybe bigger than some expect.   A middle ground thing.


I'm actually expecting the story to be better this time similar to T2 vs T1 provided he doesn't get too consumed with a "political message".

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1 hour ago, Harpospoke said:

   If Cameron delivers a movie that entertains (what are the odds?) then we are probably looking at big numbers.   Not as big as the original, but maybe bigger than some expect. 

What are the odds the sun rises tomorrow?

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