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Just now, StevenG said:

Grace Randolph says that the big news is supposedly about Birds of Prey (casting)

Well then they are hyping this up and many are gonna be extremely disappointed. That will not be big news at all. At least not the way they has hyped it as.

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2 minutes ago, Quake said:

How is that gonna make so many DC fans happy ? The only thing that will make DC fans very happy is either MoS 2 announcement or Batfleck staying. BoP news is smalltime and will not make DC fans so happy as al these people has teased.

They never said "so many fans." They said "will make some DC fans happy."  

Nothing wrong with that.

And BOP news may be smalltime (according to you), but in reality, anything related to Margot Robbie and Harley is more buzzy and hot in 2018 than anything related to Man of Steel.

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Set visits for Aquaman and casting announcements in one day should get any fan excited. 


I read that Cavill and WB talks are kinda rocky atm so I don’t expect any mos news soon, his agent is probably trying to play hardball. For me, I don’t care if affleck stays or goes, I’m so tired of hearing that rumour already. 

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20 minutes ago, Quake said:

Well then they are hyping this up and many are gonna be extremely disappointed. That will not be big news at all. At least not the way they has hyped it as.

Who is "they"? You are talking about a random Internet rumor. It could be anything.

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10 hours ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

I can't believe he was hyping up that. LOL.


Source Code was really good but Duncan Jones is very arrogant to the point of ridiculing other directors' work and later complaining about critics being hurtful when reviewing his movies, so I don't feel bad about his fading career.

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Just now, Napoleon said:

I can't believe he was hyping up that. LOL.


Source Code was really good but Duncan Jones is very arrogant to the point of ridiculing other directors' work and later complaining about critics being hurtful when reviewing his movies, so I don't feel bad about his fading career.

well those who follow him should be hyped for the next film he announces regardless


Can't say I've heard of rogue trooper though.




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On 7/13/2018 at 4:04 PM, Hades said:

People actually prediction 400 mil domestic for Poppins.......:hahaha:

can't wait till December...

I recall this reaction from people at Black Panther being predicted this large. Granted that was by only 1-2 folks then. Most saw $300m as possible, still, the point is MP does have a generational fanbase. 

I will not be shocked, even in a crowded Dec field if MPR does $400m. 

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While it's cool, I hope the good news wasn't just the Aquaman teaser poster...


Edit: Don't get me wrong, I like the poster but I would hope it'd more than a poster.

Edited by TheMovieman
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I looked up she-who-must-not-be-named on Twitter (my first mistake, I know) and her very first thing was her saying Dark Phoenix and New Mutants, films which Fox has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into, would never see the light of day.  lol.

Edited by That One Guy
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With all the retrospectives that'll be coming up on Wednesday celebrating The Dark Knight's 10th anniversary, here is a good article that talks about how it helped make toxic fandom bigger and louder than ever (and in the process, slightly tampered the film's legacy). Fascinating stuff.



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