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5 minutes ago, JimiQ said:


If it hits $400m dom again, it's probably gonna open north of $150m; if only because legs won't be as kind this time around due to its nature as a sequel.

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1 hour ago, Napoleon said:

When do you guys think Warner Bros will have another opening weekend over $150 million? It's been 3 years since the last one. They're really missing Zack Snyder...

WW84 and WB has had only 3 movies ever open over 150M in the last decade. I doubt another Zack Snyder movie would open over 150M

Edited by BeastByTheBay
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1 hour ago, Pure Spirit said:

Guys... guys... what if... Endgame passes Avatar, then Pikachu passes Endgame? What are the odds



Less than zero.

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13 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

Nolan's next. Time Travel and Inception kind of Sci-fi this time woud lead to huge OW. Nolan is much bigger than 2010 when Inception opened.

Robert Pattinson A-list movie star coming up. WB should get him for Batman, but he'd probably say no 

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I'd be surprised if WW84 doesn't open to $150M+. But maybe it'll open a bit lower but still have better than expected legs to carry it pass the first one's DOM total. And yeah no Snyder wasn't the reason BvS opened to $166M. The marketing campaign would have had to be complete trash for the first outing of Batman and Superman on film to open below $150M.

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8 hours ago, Napoleon said:

When do you guys think Warner Bros will have another opening weekend over $150 million? It's been 3 years since the last one. They're really missing Zack Snyder...

I like Snyder’s films but Aquaman opened to less then half of what BvS did and ended up making about 280m more worldwide so I don’t think they’re missing him too much to be honest. 

Edited by cax16
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10 hours ago, Pure Spirit said:

Guys... guys... what if... Endgame passes Avatar, then Pikachu passes Endgame? What are the odds? 



Odds of Pika grossing Endgame are same as Avatar 2 grossing more than Avatar.... So 0% :Venom:

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2 hours ago, cax16 said:

I like Snyder’s films but Aquaman opened to less then half of what BvS did and ended up making about 280m more worldwide so I don’t think they’re missing him too much to be honest. 

Cmon now Napoleon misses Snyder even if WB doesn't miss him... You gotta understand his feelings 😂😂

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1 hour ago, Nero said:

Cmon now Napoleon misses Snyder even if WB doesn't miss him... You gotta understand his feelings 😂😂

I miss snyder too, but it might be better that he's done with superheroes.  I'm interested in seeing what he can do in other genres

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48 minutes ago, The Stingray said:

lmao  Endgame made more in 2 days than Justice League made in its entire run. DC tried copying the Marvel formula but failed embarrassingly. Hopefully going forward they will focus on director-driven solo films.

It's so baffling that they rushed Justice League, their film with the biggest potential, but then gave Matt Reeves 2 and a half years to just write the 8th Batman solo film. I wish they had that forethought beforehand, or at least gave the keys to the franchise to a director with actual talent and not the guy who made sucker punch.

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1 hour ago, TMP said:

It's so baffling that they rushed Justice League, their film with the biggest potential, but then gave Matt Reeves 2 and a half years to just write the 8th Batman solo film. I wish they had that forethought beforehand, or at least gave the keys to the franchise to a director with actual talent and not the guy who made sucker punch.

And they rushed Justice League simply because the WB higher ups wanted their 2017 bonuses :rofl:  Watching that movie, I still maintain that the chemistry between the characters/cast is entertaining enough that it somewhat elevates the otherwise abysmal material, but c'mon, it's undeniable that bringing in Joss Whedon to finish a film made by Zack Snyder was like blending water with electricity.


But in all honesty, the DCEU was in the wrong hands from the beginning. I mean, I don't wanna start another fanboy/Snyder discussion, because the issue is with WB wanting to rush out an MCU competitor out the door and taking all shortcuts they could for major commercial profit. Snyder deserves credit for the good casting choices he made, and the 3-hour BVS cut is far more cohesive than the theatrical cut was - so it's not entirely Snyder's fault, even if MOS was divisive from the start...... I mean, I think MOS is an insanely flawed movie, mostly due to a poor script and odd film structure, but I do recognize some of its strengths (great action - despite Superman being a terrible hero, and no amounts of "he was just a rookie" can justify that - good cast, beautiful visuals, some impressive cinematography, spectacular score), and same for BVS, which I actually like slightly more than MOS. But it's obvious that the creative team that was chosen for the foundations of this universe just really didn't have the storytelling chops to pull everything off greatly. And then what WB did with Suicide Squad is kind of unforgivable (David Ayer is not exactly an incredible talent, but I really don't put the blame of SS's failures on him because it's obvious his vision was annihilated in the cutting room), and JL was just a nightmare. Is it a coincidence that the three films not directed by Snyder and whose visions were untouched by WB - Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam - were by far the most well recieved films in the series? Fuck, I haven't seen Shazam yet, but WW and Aquaman are better than so many MCU movies. Hell, if I were Kevin Feige, I would certainly consider Patty Jenkins for Captain Marvel 2, since she clearly has a special touch of characterization that Captain Marvel sorely needs; and I'd definitely be looking at James Wan for Avengers 5, who is hands down one of the most talented guys in the biz right now and made an epic funfest out of a total meme character.


Whatever, at least the franchise is taking off now. Better late than never, I guess. I really hope that the Birds Of Prey movie and the Suicide Squad reboot prove that what happened to the 2016 movie was a total fluke created by a studio on panic mode. And that the Matt Reeves Batman movie is really worth the wait after all of this time.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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Snyder is niche and if WB adjusted their expectations according to that and still hired him then cool hire him but clearly they were wanting their DCEU to appeal to as much of the audience as possible. That ain't happening with a Snyder film. 


I will admit though I will always be fascinated with what he had planned for the 5 Films (Man of Steel, BvS, JL 1, JL 2 and JL 3).

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43 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Hell, if I were Kevin Feige, I would certainly consider Patty Jenkins for Captain Marvel 2, since she clearly has a special touch of characterization that Captain Marvel sorely needs

DC losing Jenkins, arguably their best director, to Marvel would be a major L for them. Especially since Birds of Prey looks like a stinker, and Joker could suck too because of Phillips (great trailer though).

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8 minutes ago, TMP said:

DC losing Jenkins, arguably their best director, to Marvel would be a major L for them. Especially since Birds of Prey looks like a stinker, and Joker could suck too because of Phillips (great trailer though).

I don't think they should be looking at it as a losing thing. They brought James Gunn to do Suicide Squad while Disney also rehired him for GOTG Vol. 3 - plus, we've seen some actors present in both sides at the same time, like Laurence Fishburne. I think the two sides, at this point, understand that they both need to do well for the whole of the superhero genre to continue to last for years on end (let's face it: if they all started to suck, the world would get bored of them and they would go the western way), and with Gunn proving that it's not at all impossible for someone to work in both Marvel and DC at pretty much the same time, I think the two studios can sort of co-exist and let directors jump ship from one end to another. Plus, I think the two sides are starting to split apart in terms of vision, as Disney is still sticking with the cinematic universe model while WB is going for a more standalone approach, so I don't think that they're gonna be as much direct rivals anymore. Marvel hiring Jenkins wouldn't mean she would stop working for DC, just how Gunn being hired by DC didn't prevent him from returning to Marvel.

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3 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

I don't think they should be looking at it as a losing thing. They brought James Gunn to do Suicide Squad while Disney also rehired him for GOTG Vol. 3 - plus, we've seen some actors present in both sides at the same time, like Laurence Fishburne. I think the two sides, at this point, understand that they both need to do well for the whole of the superhero genre to continue to last for years on end (let's face it: if they all started to suck, the world would get bored of them and they would go the western way), and with Gunn proving that it's not at all impossible for someone to work in both Marvel and DC at pretty much the same time, I think the two studios can sort of co-exist and let directors jump ship from one end to another. Plus, I think the two sides are starting to split apart in terms of vision, as Disney is still sticking with the cinematic universe model while WB is going for a more standalone approach, so I don't think that they're gonna be as much direct rivals anymore. Marvel hiring Jenkins wouldn't mean she would stop working for DC, just how Gunn being hired by DC didn't prevent him from returning to Marvel.

They're now able to fill in the gaps on tv more seamlessly, but I genuinely couldn't think of a more random forthcoming slate of flicks (The Eternals, Black Widow, Shang Chi) especially after Endgame. 


While all the MCU sidekicks get their own shows...I'm somehow more interested in a concurrent elseworlds lineup, a Shazam corner that not just paves way for Adam, but also the Hawks & JSA, a street heroes/villains corner with several cc's of Harley, a horror spinoff from a fantasy epic, and the rest of the general DCU. Basically cinematic universes within a cinematic universe...which I figured was the ultimate goal instead of here's hero/team 1, 2, 3, here's their respective trilogy, and now put them all in the same movie to punch out an army.

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