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Star Wars The Force Awakens: Opening Weekend | Actuals In 1st Post | $247,966,675 | The Force Awoke... and it's not sleeping anytime soon | 119, 68, 60

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10 minutes ago, Darth Rallax said:

Disney should create a tombstone for the December Opening Weekend out of adamantium mixed with unobtanium, wrap it in mithril, dip it in gold, and encrust it in diamonds, because fuck me, I don't think that's ever going to be topped.




Star Wars Episode X




50th anniversary

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13 minutes ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

How long we thinking the all-time OW record this is setting  is going to stand? The record length for wide openers is what, 4 years? This may not be beaten for a decade.

I think it's going to stand for a long time, unless Episode 8 is another perfect storm. Can't think of anything else that will come close. Maybe Part 2 of Avengers: Infinity Stone if they win back audiences with the next one but I doubt it. Same with Justice League.

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3 minutes ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:

I'm already seeing scattered sellouts for Saturday. Even morning shows... 8am, 9am, 10am. A few afternoon shows here and there. A few IMAX shows. Smaller theaters like the AMC Fullerton have most of their shows sold out for the day.


I even saw 3am and 4am sellouts listed.


Saturday is gonna be a huge walk up day. More people off work and out of school, not to mention people going back for second showings. I'm hoping for $70 million. This record breaking thing is like a drug. The more you see it the more you want.

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4 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

I think it's going to stand for a long time, unless Episode 8 is another perfect storm. Can't think of anything else that will come close. Maybe Part 2 of Avengers: Infinity Stone if they win back audiences with the next one but I doubt it. Same with Justice League.


People are already looking forward to Civil War quite a bit, no doubt between now and Part 2 of Infinity Wars, any problems people had with Ultron will be long forgotten. Plus it's the same guys who did Winter Soldier and now Civil War directing both parts of that. Just thinking of some of the action we are going to see on likely the biggest scale any Marvel movie has ever done, with the Russo brothers behind it? Should be amazing. 

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No SH movie is coming close to this record. Unless we have JL vs Avengers movie and its crazy good and out of the world marketing.



Also holdovers did good. MJ2 hold is quite decent(50% drop).


Really happy SW7 gonna beat Avatar domestic.

Edited by keysersoze123
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38 minutes ago, quigquag33 said:

Even at the low end of predictions ($125M), SW7 will still set a record Thursday-preview-free Friday gross with $68M. Jurassic World owns the record with $64M. The question is whether it can break the Saturday and Sunday records set by Jurassic World ($69.6M and $57.2M).


That Sunday number JW put up, $57m, was awe-inspiring. I don't think that with the NFL that TFA can catch it. 

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6 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Wow I just realized Star Wars destroyed Mockingjay Part 2s entire weekend in a day. Katniss was no match for Star Wars.


Nothing is.  My theater went absolutely ape shit when the Star Wars logo came up.  Before we got in while waiting in line(that wrapped around the building in the freezing cold), a bunch of stormtroopers showed up and were letting everyone take their pictures with them.

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I'm saying this with 100% confidence, and someone please quote me here and prove me wrong in four years if need be, but neither Infinity War Part II or Justice League are touching this. IWII might make a $100 million opening day, but it'd be a heavily frontloaded one and wouldn't end up topping this day or weekend.

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14 minutes ago, Noctis said:

Anyone who thinks Infinity War will beat TFA's OW is ludicrous.

I don't think it's going to either but if any Marvel movie were to do it, it would be Part 2 to that one. And the lead up would have to be amazing, The Russo Brothers would have to knock the first part out of the park and the marketing....yeah it's still not happening lol. There is also a possibility Super Hero fatigue will have set in by then if it doesn't already start showing this year.

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14 minutes ago, DealWithIt said:


People are already looking forward to Civil War quite a bit, no doubt between now and Part 2 of Infinity Wars, any problems people had with Ultron will be long forgotten. Plus it's the same guys who did Winter Soldier and now Civil War directing both parts of that. Just thinking of some of the action we are going to see on likely the biggest scale any Marvel movie has ever done, with the Russo brothers behind it? Should be amazing. 


Oh I hope it's great, I just don't see it drawing the same sort of spectacle as this did. Like not by a long shot. I don't care who they team up. But I guess we will have to wait until 2019 to find out. Audiences haven't loved the Part 1 and Part 2 breakups of movies so far, so that's already something going against it. At the same time this could be the last time we see any of those actors portray those roles ever so that could be a big deal..but I still don't see it being on the same scale.

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