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Tuesday's # (13. January) Revenant 4.95M | SW 7 $3.84 | DH 1.13 | Forest 812k | H8 793k | Sister 757k | Big Short 737k| chart p.5

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12 minutes ago, Baumer said:


LOL, is this the best you can come up with now?  Guess what?  I'm sure Philospher's Stone won't come anywhere close to A New Hope in overseas ticket sales either.  


But you know what?  Who cares?


13 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Maybe not, but who the hell knows how to factor in OS inflation with any accuracy. 


We do have admission numbers though for many major OS markets. Check out this post by 

@peludo - forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/18043-adjusting-exchange-rates/?page=7#comment-2354284. 



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2 minutes ago, narniadis said:

I love how it never fails - regardless of the movie - the adjusted apologists don't have anything to fall back on once it "passes" a certain milestone... it's like they can't accept that their target film got passed or something.

I agree to the theory, but as I am way too much here anyway, not loving it anymore.


Then  / way back then, in it's decade the movie .... fill in at wish, was the best in money or whatever ...

= yes, and it will never taken away from that accomplishment.

But the same happened then too (I was there), as e.g. Titanic got so big, all those (IMHO totally wrong calculated) adjusted charts sprang into the existance.

And before that... I lived through Star Wars IV numbers got mocked as proof how 'without real culture' the GA is, then a lot of people came up with %$&% like awards are the only measurement... (not) or something else as proof for... (yeah, and even then I heard about GWTW arguments too). And bcs it is Sci-Fi it's only for children and scientists ppl without contact to 'adult/normal' ppl. Or only reviewers that also do theater reviews since - again - decades of experience count. Or...

Every decade has it, ppl coming up trying to get 'their' movie in decade ... pick which one you like, to be still The Best.


= boring boring boring, at least to me.

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1 hour ago, MovieMan89 said:

I think now is a safe time to assume TFA has become the biggest ticket seller since Titanic. 


No since TPM.  TPM sold ~85M tickets.  For TFA to have passed that with $819.7M the average ticket price would have to have dropped down to $9.64.  Given the 3D splits we got last week, that's pretty much impossible.  


46 minutes ago, druv10 Maul said:

Not quite yet. I've TPM around 85-86M tickets while TFA should be around 83-84M.


Did you see this from last week when it passed Avatar?





Of course, in this era, what has propelled Force Awakens to this B.O. benchmark faster than Avatar is the immense supply of 3D and digital screens. Since 2010, digital screens — which enable exhibitors to program more showtimes at a moment’s notice to meet demand — have shot up 168% to 41,518. Of that amount, 39% or 16,146 are 3D digital. Rentrak’s PostTrak reports that 45% of all audiences watched Force Awakens in RealD3D, 42% in 2D, and 12% in Imax.



A wise distribution executive once said “good movies rise to the occasion,” and that’s what we’re witnessing here with Force Awakens. True, rising ticket prices are a part of this film’s success, with PostTrak reporting that 52% of all moviegoer spent over $13 or more on a ticket.


From DHD.


So 45% + 12% IMAX (really 13% given the gross estimates we got over the weekend, plus it 45/42/12 adds up to 99%).  On the OW we got a 3D split of 28% RealD, 7% PLF, and 12% IMAX.  If we assume 7% PLF has held up, that would mean 38% RealD, 7% PLF, 13% IMAX.  With those splits, TFA (~764M) has sold ~70.6M tickets, a record pace through 20/21 days (fastest to 70M before was TDK at 46/47 days).  It will pass TDK (73.5M) and Avatar (75.5M) this weekend as it climbs over 800M. 


On the opening weekend, it was reported that 3D split in the following manner (28% RealD, 12% IMAX, 7% PLF, 47% Total), average ticket price comes out to around $10.35-$10.40.  However, that first report above suggests an average price on the high end of $10.00.


Even if I assume that DHD made a mistake, say they meant to write 35% RealD, not 45%, that would mean that (28% RealD + 7% PLF) the 3D share has not fallen from OW, in fact if you account for the increase in IMAX share (108.7M IMAX gross as of 4th weekend, which was 13.4% of its Sunday cumulative), the average ticket price still comes out around the same as OW.  Which means that through Tuesday its at around 79M tickets sold, and will top 80M by Friday and will match/top TPM by next weekend.

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I really do not care anymore, It will surpass $900m I think, so the 9 is a nice looking thing on a chart...


Sisters                          $757,580     +39%     2,864     $265        $75,201,525     
Krampus                          $9,790       +1%        245       $40       $42,612,005   


Secret in Their Eyes          $3,748     +37%         62        $60       $20,173,913     


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7 minutes ago, lilmac said:


I think Gitesh is right. $920-$930m.


Yea, $920 seems about right to me as well; was hoping for $938,490,001 ;), but that doesn't look very likely now.

Edited by Punishment
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the usual, adjusted with the new number

(and before a certain someone again asks: as announced, it will llok flat till the weekend, than up, than flat(ter) again... = no surprise with that)


2x summer blockbusters, 2x mid-Dec-release blockbusters and 2x insane ones (also Dec. releases)



Star Wars Ep.VII: The ForceAwakensAvatarJurassic WorldThe AvengersThe Lord of theRings: TheReturn of theKingThe Hobbit: AnUnexpectedJourneyDaily Cumulative Domestic Box Office255075100125$250.000.000$500.000.000$750.000.000
Day Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens Avatar Jurassic World The Avengers The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Day: 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Day: 1 $119.119.282 $26.752.099 $81.953.950 $80.813.985 $34.450.834 $37.125.547
Day: 2 $187.413.486 $52.281.135 $151.598.780 $150.371.975 $51.470.821 $64.865.362
Day: 3 $247.966.675 $77.025.481 $208.806.270 $207.438.708 $73.282.370 $84.617.303
Day: 4 $288.076.417 $93.411.301 $234.151.090 $226.337.707 $100.774.423 $92.355.596
Day: 5 $325.438.146 $109.497.762 $258.493.605 $244.014.897 $124.100.534 $100.210.686
Day: 6 $363.460.329 $125.943.053 $278.389.075 $257.627.807 $137.663.742 $106.537.873
Day: 7 $390.856.054 $137.094.051 $296.211.655 $270.019.373 $150.139.984 $113.152.900
Day: 8 $440.181.717 $160.189.097 $325.326.090 $299.242.890 $157.684.384 $123.231.727
Day: 9 $496.913.249 $188.463.503 $364.438.555 $342.148.409 $171.670.604 $137.391.893
Day: 10 $540.058.914 $212.711.184 $402.800.095 $373.071.647 $190.822.800 $150.041.265
Day: 11 $571.420.943 $232.129.323 $414.366.320 $380.995.436 $208.072.067 $156.938.532
Day: 12 $600.949.526 $250.419.951 $427.496.780 $389.473.290 $222.268.708 $168.177.061
Day: 13 $629.034.583 $268.886.074 $436.936.980 $395.813.047 $232.759.000 $179.565.290
Day: 14 $651.967.269 $283.624.210 $445.840.805 $402.021.415 $241.937.000 $189.700.814
Day: 15 $686.361.421 $308.898.218 $460.533.690 $417.257.461 $249.400.000 $200.320.148
Day: 16 $720.729.671 $334.733.769 $483.013.980 $440.844.530 $262.230.583 $211.908.785
Day: 17 $742.208.942 $352.114.898 $500.373.420 $457.665.517 $272.832.713 $221.626.882
Day: 18 $750.230.824 $360.209.452 $506.899.800 $463.353.451 $283.395.934 $228.546.604
Day: 19 $758.198.252 $367.536.685 $514.374.155 $468.271.215 $290.410.961 $238.001.325
Day: 20 $764.408.684 $374.445.852 $520.362.305 $472.239.621 $292.793.000 $242.450.337
Day: 21 $770.381.043 $380.540.297 $527.300.955 $476.684.788 $294.972.000 $246.289.507
Day: 22 $781.125.423 $393.820.950 $539.128.560 $486.349.111 $296.894.000 $251.461.852
Day: 23 $800.329.495 $415.090.487 $547.667.605 $500.415.495 $298.111.838 $259.090.870
Day: 24 $812.734.828 $430.846.514 $556.542.980 $513.371.659 $301.700.000 $263.834.893
Day: 25 $815.843.529 $435.957.707 $560.692.030 $523.907.202 $308.228.208 $265.146.005
Day: 26 $819.643.529 $441.024.441 $565.531.445 $527.173.955 $312.320.936 $266.717.281
Day: 27   $445.768.203 $569.287.130 $529.688.996 $313.497.000 $267.891.777
Day: 28   $450.467.005 $572.538.320 $532.463.980 $314.716.000 $269.044.187
Day: 29   $460.861.269 $577.957.895 $538.105.622 $315.773.000 $271.393.243
Day: 30   $478.115.377 $585.390.455 $547.123.535 $316.592.632 $275.583.907
Day: 31   $493.252.617 $590.689.595 $552.950.398 $318.968.891 $278.212.618
Day: 32   $504.868.451 $592.840.220 $554.992.773 $323.583.085 $278.869.783
Day: 33   $509.059.398 $595.627.430 $557.214.486 $326.812.102 $279.689.070
Day: 34   $512.852.205 $597.829.670 $559.076.546 $329.040.393 $280.327.393
Day: 35   $516.797.418 $599.773.835 $561.050.725 $329.802.000 $280.989.741
Day: 36   $525.825.912 $603.031.100 $564.387.649 $330.401.000 $282.442.200
Day: 37   $542.151.962 $607.940.375 $568.934.514 $331.032.242 $285.262.419
Day: 38   $551.741.499 $611.228.810 $572.300.463 $332.500.000 $287.166.682
Day: 39   $554.981.691 $612.601.315 $573.685.968 $335.700.055 $288.613.051
Day: 40   $558.179.737 $614.331.250 $575.233.764 $337.817.998 $289.121.058
Day: 41   $561.317.325 $615.640.390 $576.583.182 $338.354.000 $289.530.240
Day: 42   $564.472.387 $616.902.775 $577.888.904 $338.910.000 $289.938.470
Day: 43   $571.911.813 $618.965.875 $580.095.059 $339.500.000 $290.655.265
Day: 44   $585.695.694 $621.941.500 $583.388.044 $340.021.012 $292.303.032
Day: 45   $595.752.416 $624.083.950 $586.794.371 $341.400.000 $293.323.831
Day: 46   $598.453.037 $625.009.700 $587.927.710 $344.131.995 $293.562.965
Day: 47   $601.141.551 $626.094.150 $589.091.616 $345.331.815 $293.831.138
Day: 48   $603.789.348 $626.920.500 $590.193.264 $345.735.000 $294.051.480
Day: 49   $606.493.323 $627.699.630 $591.247.781 $346.151.000 $294.292.520
Day: 50   $612.653.642 $628.770.350 $593.460.187 $346.532.000 $294.791.435
Day: 51   $624.193.440 $630.386.910 $596.501.976 $346.839.672 $295.799.649
Day: 52   $629.344.204 $631.601.030 $598.425.442 $347.700.000 $296.193.684
Day: 53   $631.595.771 $632.193.750 $599.387.534 $349.762.348 $296.348.737
Day: 54   $633.621.035 $632.834.270 $600.377.080 $351.133.343 $296.541.937
Day: 55   $635.470.349 $633.318.770 $601.215.735 $351.441.343 $296.696.970
Day: 56   $637.605.653 $633.726.780 $602.083.073 $351.727.000 $296.865.052
Day: 57   $642.146.324 $634.280.685 $603.388.594 $351.994.000 $297.174.579
Day: 58   $651.346.762 $635.114.340 $605.205.241 $352.277.575 $297.877.452
Day: 59   $661.217.278 $635.673.840 $606.504.744 $353.100.000 $298.333.426
Day: 60   $666.388.502 $635.936.805 $607.219.521 $355.035.095 $298.481.792
Day: 61   $668.224.829 $636.272.505 $607.764.276 $356.464.575 $298.609.930
Day: 62   $669.935.879 $636.513.090 $608.482.552 $357.367.856 $298.722.132
Day: 63   $671.721.154 $636.731.640 $608.959.760 $357.702.000 $298.884.345
Day: 64   $675.615.172 $637.067.430 $609.640.578 $358.001.000 $299.101.408
Day: 65   $683.071.751 $637.613.550 $610.558.801 $358.268.479 $299.527.804
Day: 66   $687.962.011 $637.971.480 $611.127.884 $358.900.000 $299.874.706
Day: 67   $689.237.048 $638.126.505 $611.389.326 $360.222.047 $300.161.285
Day: 68   $690.499.726 $638.322.290 $611.701.097 $361.118.934 $300.249.423
Day: 69   $691.701.910 $638.473.570 $611.973.433 $361.326.000 $300.322.891
Day: 70   $692.904.794 $638.620.980 $612.261.732 $361.541.000 $300.401.896
Day: 71   $695.981.544 $638.887.990 $612.657.166 $361.742.000 $300.532.101
Day: 72   $702.621.374 $639.307.200 $613.244.349 $361.940.947 $300.797.269
Day: 73   $706.560.068 $639.568.530 $613.660.486 $362.400.000 $300.952.379
Day: 74   $707.818.745 $639.663.325 $613.849.210 $363.400.000 $300.997.848
Day: 75   $709.304.322 $639.778.350 $614.070.615 $364.115.612 $301.044.732
Day: 76   $710.842.764 $639.872.800 $614.265.453 $364.392.000 $301.085.807
Day: 77   $712.489.342 $639.967.785 $614.438.014 $364.670.000 $301.134.992
Day: 78   $714.463.378 $640.760.745 $614.628.102 $364.913.000 $301.198.249
Day: 79   $718.126.396 $642.136.035 $614.883.015 $365.172.348 $301.324.866
Day: 80   $720.607.444 $642.978.555 $615.058.425 $366.000.000 $301.402.746
Day: 81   $721.425.412 $643.269.755 $615.156.789 $367.326.659 $301.424.668
Day: 82   $722.207.106 $643.579.580 $615.280.156 $368.210.170 $301.451.679
Day: 83   $722.954.237 $643.839.335 $615.373.694 $368.432.000 $301.473.018
Day: 84   $723.744.022 $644.043.640 $615.483.851 $368.661.000 $301.495.997
Day: 85   $725.429.879 $644.632.765   $368.873.000 $301.592.562
Day: 86   $728.329.714 $645.669.625   $369.126.293 $301.765.469
Day: 87   $730.270.443 $646.737.905 $615.996.809 $369.600.000 $301.874.933
Day: 88   $730.942.185 $647.374.160   $370.521.028 $301.921.098
Day: 89   $731.621.183 $647.516.055   $371.147.794 $301.976.034
Day: 90   $732.229.805 $647.626.080   $371.359.000 $302.023.697
Day: 91   $732.880.952 $647.728.195 $616.351.422 $371.590.000 $302.075.203
Day: 92   $733.938.158 $648.026.290   $371.790.000 $302.162.441
Day: 93   $735.684.163 $648.622.480   $372.008.809 $302.304.675
Day: 94   $736.907.957 $648.908.885 $616.768.487 $372.400.000 $302.393.021
Day: 95   $737.266.471 $648.990.715   $372.968.676 $302.421.626
Day: 96   $737.627.370 $649.084.725   $373.359.557 $302.454.449
Day: 97   $737.976.702 $649.160.275   $373.481.000 $302.485.958
Day: 98   $738.393.054 $649.224.035 $616.768.487 $373.603.000 $302.517.733
Day: 99   $738.919.556 $649.397.365   $373.721.000 $302.567.059
Day: 100   $739.798.846 $649.709.675   $373.850.755 $302.648.445
Day: 101   $740.440.529 $649.860.515 $617.039.310   $302.695.938
Day: 102   $740.684.275 $649.905.695     $302.715.735
Day: 103   $740.916.066 $649.958.405   $374.556.572 $302.738.507
Day: 104   $741.140.003 $650.010.785     $302.757.024
Day: 105   $741.352.439 $650.052.290 $617.446.423   $302.779.925
Day: 106   $741.699.502 $650.163.170     $302.805.622
Day: 107   $742.076.465 $650.359.290   $374.830.647 $302.833.169
Day: 108   $742.332.678 $650.442.740 $617.595.391   $302.849.493
Day: 109   $742.497.942 $650.465.295     $302.860.946
Day: 110   $742.605.267 $650.493.055   $375.204.550 $302.871.198
Day: 111   $742.721.098 $650.518.930     $302.880.835
Day: 112   $742.844.322 $650.539.750 $617.685.111   $302.893.299
Day: 113   $743.083.175 $650.621.115     $302.905.358
Day: 114   $743.448.904 $650.760.850   $375.378.000 $302.922.520
Day: 115   $743.688.973 $650.831.970 $617.800.446   $302.932.624
Day: 116   $743.767.458 $650.852.290     $302.935.557
Day: 117   $743.853.911 $650.875.150   $375.667.233 $302.938.604
Day: 118   $743.935.257 $650.896.740     $302.941.346
Day: 119   $744.020.453 $650.917.060 $617.849.893   $302.944.389
Day: 120   $744.275.947 $650.976.600 $618.233.009   $302.953.301
Day: 121   $744.750.989 $651.072.535 $618.921.193 $375.831.230 $302.966.623
Day: 122   $745.023.267 $651.128.985 $619.760.594   $302.975.075
Day: 123   $745.115.019 $651.157.740 $620.323.837   $302.976.741
Day: 124   $745.219.191 $651.175.845   $376.058.551 $302.978.573
Day: 125   $745.330.634 $651.193.850     $302.980.257
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20 minutes ago, druv10 Maul said:

Very true. It's going to make 1.1B OS with incredibly bad ER. 


Between Canada and the rest of the world, ER issues are probably deflating the WW haul by 20 to 25 percent compared to films released between 2008 and 2014. 


TFA is a global juggernaut. 

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52 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

one says OS too high, the next dom too deep,... it looks like it stays thrilling/interesting to watch/observe.


45 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

I meant, even if both sides are right, in that scenario not a lot about the ww would change, it balances each other out.

= if it beats Titanic ww by a slight enough margin (or not) I see tons over tons of IMHO useless bickerings in the future of BOT



9 minutes ago, Omni said:

Global haul overprojected, though.


see above



6 minutes ago, spizzer said:



but PostTrack where the ppl who asked:
'what did you spent'

and not

'what did the ticket cost'

= onlinebooking = extra fee included, if I get asked after a cinema visit, I say what it did cost me, if someone asks that way.

I didn't found any article that didn't use that wording

As we already spoke about.

Nothing against the rest of your ticket prize calculations (I never bothered enough to even look into that in the case of SW 7)....


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I had expected a slight drop, not a 22% bump. It actually had my model jump from $921M to $945M. Maybe the game took a bigger bite than I thought. I'm hoping for $3.5M and $3.4M to finish the week.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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