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DEADPOOL WEEKEND THREAD | Deadpool 152.193 actual. Daily breakdown on page 159

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Kingsman was far from being grounded in reality. It was basically a big tribute / modern day version of the Roger Moore era of James Bond, ya know, the over the top, wacky Bond films.

Edited by Daniel Dylan Davis
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22 minutes ago, John Marston said:

Interesting how Deadpool is breaking out while Kick Ass flopped 

Kick-Ass didn't have as recognizable a lead (Nic Cage doesn't count as lead), as unique a marketing machine, as big a budget, the Marvel brand name, and as obscure as Deadpool is, he was already more well known than Kick-Ass was at the time.

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15 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Holy FUCK that was awesome!! That is how you start an r-rated superhero movie franchise. Ryan Reynolds absolutely kills it in this movie. Then again I think he kills it in every movie but he especially killed it in this one. I loved it right from the opening credits and then the end scene is just absolutely awesome. The after credits scene had me rolling in the aisles.

Really happy to see you liked, Mr. B.!

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Well, Ryan Reynolds may have been on his last chance (although I doubt it, he's been making smaller films with some success and he is obviously talented....but I'm digressing) but now that this is a success, he is going to make a pile of money from it.  He produced it and the budget is incredibly low and I'm sure he has some kind of back end deal with it.  Good for him.  I'm very happy for him.

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51 minutes ago, filmlover said:

X-Men pretty much kicked it off in 2000 and then Spider-Man blowing up so massively in 2002 led to everything since.


It 1000% started with X-Men being a massive surprise and box office hit in July of 2000 w/ $50m+ opening weekend.  Then Spider-Man more than doubled that in 2002 breaking a ton of records and it was off to the races.  X2 built both financially and critically on X-Men with an $85m opening in 2003.  Batman Begins set another new standard in 2005 when it came to DC.   


Everything was either stand alone or self contained trilogies.  X-Men, Spider-Man, Hulk, Hellboy, Blade II, Daredevil, Superman Returns, Fantastic Four and others all had varying degrees of success or failure both critically and financially.  There were a lot of misfires and no real plan among the studios.  


Where everything finally changed for good was Marvel Studios coming up with the plan to execute a shared universe across many studios and characters that would all build into them eventually meeting in The Avengers.  That started with Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk in 2008.  Even though The Incredible Hulk sort of failed, Iron Man was at the time a side character super hero among public perception, but Robert Downey Jr. vaulted him into super stardom and showed Marvel that it could have massive success with not so well known characters.  The success of Iron Man gave the green light to Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and ultimately The Avengers.  


The Avengers is where it went full supernova.  After the wild success of that and the consolidation under Marvel/Disney, you are pretty much assured comic book movies until they stop making movies.  


DC has struggled with everything not named Batman Begins or The Dark Knight.  They had flop after flop (either financial and/or critical).  Superman Returns, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern, Watchmen, Hellboy 2, The Green Hornet, etc...  Man of Steel was just enough of a success that WB/DC went ahead with their shared universe.  They have billions riding on the success of Batman vs. Superman.  They need it to do $1b and hope people are interested enough to want to see things like Wonder Woman and Aquaman.  I think Suicide Squad is going to do well, but all the other stuff is a big risk that I don't think will ultimately work out.  


My guess is, and judging from the latest Batman vs. Superman trailer, that WB is going to remove control of the properties from Zack Snyder and go way more Batman centered and give creative control over to Ben Affleck.  He will end up becoming the virtual show runner for the WB/DC universe.  



Edited by nilephelan
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1 minute ago, grey ghost said:

Ant-Man had some of the best legs of any MCU film so clearly people liked the movie.


But audiences are LOVING Deadpool.


Should have very nice legs.


Maybe not GotG good but still really good (2.7-3.1x)

If Deadpool wants a shot at a 3x it can't lose many theaters in weekends 5 and 6 (I doubt it loses many on March 4 but you never know).

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1 minute ago, nilephelan said:


...judging from the latest Batman vs. Superman trailer, that WB is going to remove control of the properties from Zack Snyder and go way more Batman centered and give creative control over to Ben Affleck.  He will end up becoming the virtual show runner for the WB/DC universe.  


I was with ya up until that point.

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