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10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

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4 hours ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

Goodman was insane. What a performance. Also that bullet. Winstead was fantastic. Cooper was okay, felt like he kind of phoned it in. 


The last ten minutes, sheesh. 


The soundtrack was lovely. 



I see what you did there. <_<

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Loved Goodman's performance! Just when you start to believe Howard's intentions are genuine, he gives you just a little bit more crazy to make you think otherwise.  


Begs the question, would you rather be stuck with a big heavy breathing psychopath or take your chances with the aliens on the outside. No wonder Michelle never really panicked in the last 10 minutes! Ugly looking alien buttholes were a walk in the park compared to what she had just gone through.



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Great suspense. Enough scares and jolts to keep a smile on my face. Goodman was genuinely terrifying. I loved the back-n-forth between Goodman's character as a lunatic and as a savior. The last 15 minutes were my favorite part of the movie and elevated the film from A- to A. The film's ending sequences reminded me of the best scenes in Signs with a hint of Aliens.  




Edited by lilmac
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I was completely floored by this movie. I haven't seen Cloverfield (although I will watch it now). but I heard it barely has any connection, so I don't think it matters. this was the perfect claustrophobic thriller. Goodman was insane.. in more ways than one. Mary Elizabeth Winstead gave the best performance I've ever seen from her. I saw some people thought he was underdeveloped but I absolutely loved John Gallagher Jr. performance and his character may actually be my favorite in the movie. the script was great, fantastic direction, this movie was pretty much perfect for me, and took me completely by surprise. my first A+ of 2016.

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It was absolutely great..........until she leaves. What the fuck was with that ending? The sub-Jurassic Park/War of the Worlds rip-off? The alien chasing her? The Molotov cocktail? OOF.

I actually thought they were gonna kill her off and I was gonna applaud them for having the balls to do so and then all that happens.

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22 hours ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

Goodman was insane. What a performance. Also that bullet. Winstead was fantastic. Cooper was okay, felt like he kind of phoned it in. 


The last ten minutes, sheesh. 


The soundtrack was lovely. 



More or less the exact same thoughts. The bunker stuff is straight out fantastic. And then she leaves, and the rest of the film is pure garbage.


Still, there was a lot more good stuff than garbage so I'd give it a B.

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The film does a great job creating a claustrophobic atmosphere and fully taking advantage of it, letting the tension build-up without revealing its hand too quickly. However, it's the performances that really end up elevating it above most films of this sort, with John Goodman being especially strong in a unique role for him (to say the least.)



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I thought the film was great. Great acting from everyone, great suspense. You never knew where it was headed. John kept you guessing until the end.


But the ending kind of fell apart. Enough things weren't wrapped up. Like why did he build the shelter? They led us to believe it was to hide Brittany, but what actually happened to her? Or did he really think aliens or an attack was coming? If so, HOW did he know that? They kept saying he was in the military and fixed satellites, but never said how he knew about the upcoming attack? 

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18 hours ago, RichWS said:


It was absolutely great..........until she leaves. What the fuck was with that ending? The sub-Jurassic Park/War of the Worlds rip-off? The alien chasing her? The Molotov cocktail? OOF.

I actually thought they were gonna kill her off and I was gonna applaud them for having the balls to do so and then all that happens.


They had the "balls" to kill of almost every main character in Cloverfield and I hated the movie for that. Having the "balls" to kill of a character doesn't make it the right move. If 10 Cloverfield Lane had killed her off, I'd seriously downgrade the rating.


Anyways, I thought the movie was pretty fantastic from beginning to end. Unlike the average monster movie Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane is suspenseful, keeps you on your toes, and gives you a great female protagonist to boot. I'd love to follow her around in a sequel.

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Thinking if it's the right move here is subjective. Sorry if it would've ruined the film for you. Winstead was great and I liked her character. I wasn't rooting for her to die; I just thought it would have been an interesting way to end it. My issue has far more to do with everything else that happens in the last ten minutes. It could have had a truly impactful Twilight Zone ending. Instead, it goes from terrific Hitchockian thriller to lame Spielberg thrill ride knock-off in the blind of an eye. It's so tonally jarring.

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1 hour ago, RichWS said:

Thinking if it's the right move here is subjective. Sorry if it would've ruined the film for you. Winstead was great and I liked her character. I wasn't rooting for her to die; I just thought it would have been an interesting way to end it. My issue has far more to do with everything else that happens in the last ten minutes. It could have had a truly impactful Twilight Zone ending. Instead, it goes from terrific Hitchockian thriller to lame Spielberg thrill ride knock-off in the blind of an eye. It's so tonally jarring.


Well it was still a Twilight Zone-like ending? I mean the crazy guy she worked really hard to get away from turned out to be completely right and there's the irony that she wasn't any safer in the bunker. The Twilight Zone probably wouldn't have had the fight at the end but that's more because of budget reasons. Also having her chose to go to Houston completes her character arc: it's really the first time she chooses to stay and fight rather than run away from her problem. There are ways to kill of a main character and get away with it but it's far more complicated when the whole point of the movie is her survival-after all having her go through ALL of that and then die would have been pretty unsatisfying at least for me. Once again, I must look at Cloverfield. In that movie, the whole story is a rescue mission and yet the end is: they die anyways. There's really no character development in that movie but the whole thing is made worse because the story is ultimately pointless. This movie also did hint at the ending what we her continually thinking on her feet with her problem solving.


9 minutes ago, Frozen said:

I guess it helped that I don't remember Cloverfield that well. I would have thought that monster at the end was him if I hadn't read spoilers. I hope the third movie ties up the loose ends. 


I'm not sure. On the one hand, I'd like a sequel to this movie. On the other hand, in a world with cinematic universes, it would be kinda nice to have an anthology franchise where every entry has a different story and such: kinda like the Final Fantasy of cinema.

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I loved the ending, aliens and all.  Movie starts off with Michelle running away from her problems and ends with her dealing with them head on. 



So my understanding is that this has no real connection to Cloverfield other than the title.  The monster in the first movie was a "baby" that has been dormant underwater until a satellite crash woke it up. This one is a just straight up War of the Worlds invasion.

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This is such a different movie from Cloverfield overall that it seems absurd to even draw a comparison between them. Ironically, the stuff that vaguely connects it to the earlier found footage movie are its weakness. The last 15 minutes don't mesh well with the effective psychological thriller that unfolds over the preceding 80 or so, as if someone (perhaps J.J. Abrams) decided that the movie needed a more slam-bang finale than what it already had and so they thought, "why not?" Before then, this is an almost unbearably claustrophobic movie that does a terrific job of building suspense as it goes along. A lot of the credit really belongs to the actors: Mary Elizabeth Winstead makes for a resourceful and badass heroine, but 10 Cloverfield Lane belongs to John Goodman, who sheds all of the teddy bear-huggable qualities that have defined his career to inhabit a truly unpleasant figure who audiences will cheer for to receive his comeuppance. B+

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Loved it until the ending.  I knew there would be a sci-fi twist, I just didn't like it.  John Goodman was fantastic though and MEW was great too.  


It also totally seemed like they made the movie and then afterwards the studio or JJ was like hey, let's throw 10 Cloverfield on the mailbox and change the title.  Which obviously worked as this movie probably wouldn't have even made $25m total, let alone ow, without it in the title.  I also read JJ or someone mention a possible "trilogy" of sorts, that may somewhat tie all three movies together, which I would def love so hopefully they make a final "Cloverfield" movie.


B for me.


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Man I really enjoyed it but like a lot of people, I felt it ended so anticlimactically due to having to be tied to the Cloverfield universe. As someone who loved the original movie (and followed all it's marketing), this didn't need to have anything to do with it.

When she escapes and the aliens show up, it's not really anything we've seen before in the original either (at least I recall, it's been a while since I've seen it). I don't remember there being any space ships in NYC. 

But yeah much like Room, this movie is at it's best when it's in a confined space. Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Goodman killed it. She is such a pleasure to look at and she played Michelle much in the same vein as Erin from "You're Next".

Thankfully the trailers didn't give a lot away, leading to some excellent tense moments including the scene with the acid.

But fuck, I just read the original ending to this (that I guess the stupid test screening audiences didn't like) and really hope that makes it's way on the BR release as a directors cut because it sounds a lot stronger and more emotional.

Once she escapes here, it's very obvious all the CGI was tacked on and rushed to tie this to Cloverfield. A scene of her staring at a destroyed city (like originally planned) would have been so much more powerful and been a much bigger twist.

It's not a bad movie by any means (not even close) but damn it they should have left it as Valencia. Money talks!

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