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4 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

BvS opens to 57 million in China, solid opening biggest for WB but 100 million will depend on next weekend. 

MOS made $63 million in its entire run. That's a great start.

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1 hour ago, tribefan695 said:

I think Civil War can out open this, especially if it gets Winter Soldier level reviews

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It will get good reviews because the ciritcs are in Disney/Marvels pockets. An unusual unfair thing compared to WB/DC

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Anyway, the JL producers should learn from the critical reception of BvS.


I'm pretty sure their priority is to make money (duh!) but they would be wise to listen to critics of the movie. For all the criticisms of the Avengers, that movie's success wasn't in "just bringing heroes together", it was how these characters bounced off each other and the action was pretty secondary. That will be the juggling act that Snyder has now because the only established characters in the JL will be Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman. All the other characters will be introduced in that movie and he has to find a way to get the audience to connect with them in one (1) movie. Comic audiences know them, the general audience won't.


Sure people want to see heroes kick ass but having reasonable characters for audiences to connect with is equally important. I hope Snyder notes that down.

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6 minutes ago, Deathlife said:

I'm in the camp of those that don't think Civil War will get to $200m.I think it'll open to around what we are seeing with BvS.


The reason why many of us thought that BvS would out open Civil War was because it was the first time ever that people were going to see the pairing of two of the big three superheroes (Spider-man being the other) in live action. Batman movies have always done well (even the criticized Batman and Robin and Batman Forever made good money) and the last two Superman films were solid performers. Not to mention the ubiquitous marketing (God forgive me but even on illegal streaming sites, there were BvS ads) and I assumed it couldn't go any lower than $175m OW. Anyway, $170m is still massive and except for the loonies, that can't be termed a disappointment.


Regarding Civil War, that first week of May is still "prime movie estate" and if it gets stellar reviews then it "might" open more than BvS but I think it all depends on the reviews. I seriously doubt the first Avengers would have crossed the $200m OW mark if the stellar reviews didn't supercharge interest in the movie. Same with the Dark Knight when it broke the OW record in 2008.


Quality will be the deciding factor.


If buzz is overwhelmingly positive, CW isn't going to open to only 170 m.

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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

I think Civil War has a far better chance to open with 200M than Rogue One.


My predictions right now (which at least for Rogue One, will very likely change):

Civil War - 202/550

Rogue One - 142/415


You're overestimating Civil War and TERRIBLY lowballing Rogue One, dude. CW does not have bigger or better trailer reactions than AOU did. Buzz is similar, but certainly not quite as much. Everybody was going batshit crazy over some of AOU's trailers, particularly the teaser and the 3rd/final trailer. I'm not saying Civil War will not even touch 200M, I'm just saying that right now, I don't see it. Spidey got everybody insane, but if anything, I think that bumps up 180-185M chances. It'll be a reach for it to make AOU numbers, let alone 200M.


On the other hand, Rogue One is the next entry in a franchise that's just coming off of the biggest DOM hit of all time. It has arguably the greatest and most iconic villain in cultural fiction history, last seen 11 years ago in ROTS, in it. And it's telling a story that's directly connected to A New Hope. I'm confident on Gareth Edwards too, since I actually liked Godzilla, so I hope that he can deliever a really good movie here. Honestly, I think Rogue One has the potential to be better than TFA, and if that potential is matched, while TFA ain't getting touched anytime soon, 200M is a sure thing for Rogue One.

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4 minutes ago, hasanahmad said:


Actually no TASM2 was so bad it killed the franchise at that spot and Sony had to share the Spider-Man rights with marvel and this Spider-Man looks like a 12 year old cgi character instead of more humanistic character in suit that was Tobey . 


You know this based on 4 seconds of early CGI work?

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37 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


 I think IM3 numbers WW is where it's heading.


Worst case scenario I'd say 1.1 billion (350 m DOM, 750 m OS).


With Asia already showing signs of bad wom, including China that is now tracking for a final BO around $90M, $100M if lucky, aka less than Antman, I think that TDKR numbers ww is where it is ultimately heading.


In the best case scenario, it will hit $1.1 but IM3, it wont.


People really underestimate IM3's numbers and IM in general as a massive draw abroad in every continent.  

This movie basicly did $680m on the foreign front without China.  


As a comparison, TA did $800M sans China and AOU did $700M sans China.  


IM3 basicly did avengerèsque numbers abroad on its own and did it by being greatly received in every single big and average sized market in every continent.


Also, contrary to the domestic market IM3 had great legs abroad in most markets.


So with Asia doing lackluster numbers and two of the big three already showing signs of bad word of mouth in full effect (China and South Korea), i don't see BvS approaching IM3 numbers abroad.


It is currently doing good to great numbers in a lot of markets but not in every single important one as it needs to to have a chance to hit IM3 numbers.



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1 minute ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


You're overestimating Civil War and TERRIBLY lowballing Rogue One, dude. CW does not have bigger or better trailer reactions than AOU did. Buzz is similar, but certainly not quite as much. Everybody was going batshit crazy over some of AOU's trailers, particularly the teaser and the 3rd/final trailer. I'm not saying Civil War will not even touch 200M, I'm just saying that right now, I don't see it. Spidey got everybody insane, but if anything, I think that bumps up 180-185M chances. It'll be a reach for it to make AOU numbers, let alone 200M.


On the other hand, Rogue One is the next entry in a franchise that's just coming off of the biggest DOM hit of all time. It has arguably the greatest and most iconic villain in cultural fiction history, last seen 11 years ago in ROTS, in it. And it's telling a story that's directly connected to A New Hope. I'm confident on Gareth Edwards too, since I actually liked Godzilla, so I hope that he can deliever a really good movie here. Honestly, I think Rogue One has the potential to be better than TFA, and if that potential is matched, while TFA ain't getting touched anytime soon, 200M is a sure thing for Rogue One.


My predictions right now (which at least for Rogue One, will very likely change):


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2 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


This prediction has been made annually for the past 15 years. :sadben:


I do think we have reached peak comic book movies. That does not mean there is not some potential left. Clearly there is. Bvs was so close to pioneering a new path that would add some revitalization. So close.

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3 minutes ago, mredman said:

It will get good reviews because the ciritcs are in Disney/Marvels pockets. An unusual unfair thing compared to WB/DC

I don't know if I laugh or cry.


1 minute ago, James said:

I want WB to fudge BvS over IM3. The meltdowns would be beyond epic.:rofl:




Again, I don't know if I laugh or cry.

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6 minutes ago, VGPOP said:

MOS made $63 million in its entire run. That's a great start.


China as a market has EXPLODED over the last 3 years so no not really.  Avengers did $80m.  Three years later AOU made $240m.


Ant-Man did $105m last year.  Ant-Man.  BvS will struggle to reach that number.



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1 minute ago, iJackSparrow said:




Again, I don't know if I laugh or cry.

The meltdowns would be fun. They usually are. Remember when JW beat Avengers OW? And when Iron Man 3 became the, at the time, 2nd biggest OW ever? Good days.


But WB won't do it. It would be ridiculous. I stand by what I said a few hours ago even before we got a Saturday number: WB will report a 170M OW (record for the studio) and it will drop 1-2M with actuals. 

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2 minutes ago, CJohn said:



Well yeah, but that's usually most of the cases for these mega tentpoles anyway, predictions are always mutating :P


But yeah, at this point, RO and possibly CW are the only ones that I feel could break out into the 200M club. Beyond that.... there's a very, very small shot for something like ID2, should the JW nostalgia + D-PORN effects come into full force together.

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