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Weekend Estimates : BVS 52.39M | Zootopia 20M | Wedding 11.13M | God's Not Dead 8.1M | Sun Rth - Bvs 12 or 14.2, Zoo 5.3, MBFGW2 2.8, GND2 2

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2 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

Selective reading for the win ! 


There's nothing outrageous about my post, there's no spinning, this is disappointing, sure, they'll still make money, they're not going to fold, YOU CANT EXPECT TO CATCH UP TO MARVEL ON TWO MOVIES, WB is doing it differently and the results are mixed so far.


The movie promotion? Whatever, that's all being paid for by partnerships. We don't know the budget for sure, Zack says it's cheaper than MOS which was 225 M, so I guess the real number is not 250, but anyway, doesn't matter. 


If they market JL well, inject some lightness and fun (can't believe I'm saying this) in the trailers, sort of making a statement that JL (even though it's been said it'd be lighter) is not going to be as "heavy" as BvS, if they sell it well, and the reviews are better, than there's no reason this can't do more than BvS. Also, it seems from rumors that JL might have a heavy Atlantis element to it, gotta say, if we get a sort of Atlantis battle arc in the film like the comics, this could be really awesome. 


Of course Zack and everyone's going to be "well, gotta give the people more of what they want I guess".

I think you are ignoring the fact that Snyder is finished with this horrible numbers. Why the DCCU have to stick with Snyder. There are lot of talented people around and with a good strategy from WB, they will do just fine.

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I still remember when those of us who said it was getting bad WOM were getting crucified because Twitter and CinemaScore said otherwise. Well this 70% drop is proving its getting bad WOM. Secondly if you told me three months ago that a movie centered around Deadpool rescuing his girlfriend would make around $800M WW and a movie which has Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman would make $900M WW (will it even get there at this point?) I would have laughed in your face. But this is what you get when you don't want to make changes and take chances to go into a new direction. 

And for those of you saying WB took a chance and made something different....no they didn't. BvS is MOS 2.0. They knew exactly what they were getting into. They just hoped people were too dumb to realize it and would eat it up anyways. 

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I'm not sure if they'll replace Snyder or not. I guess it's a little too late at this point to change him. I suppose they could delay the movie, but I'm not sure if that'll be for the best interest.


We're all making assumptions at this point.

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Snyder is not finished, however you want it to be true, he probably won't make JL part 2, but part 1 is happening, you don't understand that WB is in the Snyder business and has been for years, they love him, and trust him. And it's not about saying "well they're stupid" or "that trust is misguided", it's there and it's a reality.


I mean taking risks with the direction of the film, having Supes, WW and Batman doesn't change anything, the tone, the density of it, the themes explored, it's the extreme opposite of every superhero film out there (and yes I know about TDK trilogy).


WB is doing their thing and clearly the results are mixed, that doesn't mean there aren't many people who love it, because there is, but ultimately, they will have to make adjustements to make money, just don't lose the identity in the process. 


I know some of you only know hate with this film and can't see any other position than your own, but there is another side. 

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1 hour ago, Intergalactic Ping Pong said:

Not trying to start a Star Wars vs DC flamewar since I enjoy both properties, but Dawn of Justice will probably make less in its second weekend than SW made on its second Saturday ($56 mill+). Crazy. 


P.S. I liked the film. Do not tie me to a stick and place me over a bonfire, porfavor. 


To be fair, all franchises look silly compared to Star Wars. :)


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2 minutes ago, The Stingray said:

Nuke the DCU from orbit. Start from scratch. Don't copy Marvel. Don't do the universe thing. And above all, hire talented filmmakers.


Walking out of Batman vs Superman, my pal said, "That is the last time we will see Henry Cavill in that suit."


I tend to think he's right. Lest we forget both Justice League: Mortal and Superman Lives were cancelled weeks before filming was scheduled to start. So at the very least I imagine Snyder's Justice League is delayed from its production start-date in a few weeks.

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I don't think Snyder is finished. As stated here before, WB probably don't want to waste all the $ they've sunk into JL (which, being 2 parts, will make it even more difficult to craft a new plan should they sack Snyder). This is definitely not a great sign though. WB has to be squirming a bit, as it's clear that BvS isn't particularly well-liked among the GA. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. At this point, they just have to hope that starting with Suicide Squad, their other movies are well received by the GA to put this behind them.

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A lot of us argued before BvS opened that superhero movies with better critical acclaim tend to have longer legs.  It seemed to become controversial but facts are facts, the better performing superhero movies are the critically acclaimed ones, if that $15m for BvS is true then it's pretty obvious that critical reactions and general audience reactions for superhero movies aren't that far apart.


I said it in the spoiler forums that WB will be very wise to listen to the criticism of the movies and course correct. Doubling down on a direction that folks are clearly rejecting won't their do their cinematic universe any good.


Edited by Deathlife
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