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Weekend Estimates : BVS 52.39M | Zootopia 20M | Wedding 11.13M | God's Not Dead 8.1M | Sun Rth - Bvs 12 or 14.2, Zoo 5.3, MBFGW2 2.8, GND2 2

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14 hours ago, somebody85 said:

You realize there was so much negativity directed towards the film because it looked bad right? Not because it was DC. Or because Marvel fans wanted it to fail. There was a lot of doubt about this film because it looked like a bad movie. That's it. Nothing else.

It looked like a mess from that "Doomsday" trailer and it ended up being exactly that.

I understand some people liked it...but the numbers are indicating a lot more didn't. 

You think everyone wanted to see a movie that had Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor in it to be a disaster? No we wanted it to be good and live up to those characters. But there were so many early signs stating that it wasn't and the mega fans chose to ignore ALL OF THEM and direct the hate at who was making them, because "Oh that possibly couldn't be true! We have Ben Affleck and Chris Terrio now remember? He's an Oscar Winning script writer that critics appreciate because they love Ben Affleck remember? The Trinity would get everyone to show up, remember? If Deadpool can do what it did as a R rated movie with no 3D well this will clear a billion easily and you're insane if you think otherwise, remember?"

This thread is kind of like a big "We told you so". 


Funny, I immediately thought of that Family Guy clip and started wondering if Seth was onto something...




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35 minutes ago, jandrew said:

The title says page 158, but theres 134 pages? Were grown adults in here acting like children again?...

:sadben: we're just emulating the American presidential candidates

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22 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Jungle Book is gonna hurt Zootopia. I wonder if Disney knew Zoo would still be a force by the time of JB's release. 

It'll be in double features with Jungle Book and other films will lose screens before it (the lower grossing March releases, God's Not Dead 2)


$310-340 million DOM is excellent either way!


And with Jungle Book's positive buzz and zero competition, it could very well do $300 million+ with a large enough OW.


With Civil War, Alice 2, Dory, BFG, Pete's, Doctor Strange, Moans and Rogue One still to go. 

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20 minutes ago, Dingdong123 said:


They didn't. Hell, did anyone know Zootopia would be this leggy?

With zero kid-friendly films from March 4th thru April 15th and the critical acclaim, I'm not the least bit surprised at its legs. 

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All time WW

#34 HP6 934M

#35 LOTR2 926M

#36 SHREK2 920M


BVS at best is looking at taking the #35 spot and displacing LOTR2.

But ZOOTP will push it down 1 spot.

ROGUE ONE, CW, DORY, FANTASTIC BEASTS should push it to #40.

If ICE AGE shows growth from it's predecessors (last 2 did 875M+ WW) or ID:R or MOANA surprise, it could be out of top 40 by year end.


Edited by a2knet
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So it seems BvS's second weekend drop was 62.1% sans Thursday pre-shows. Better than we thought, but still significantly worse than the average 55.6%.


Given the weekend estimates, here's my time series predictions for the rest of the week.



Monday - $3.56 million
Tuesday - $3.82 million
Wednesday - $2.81 million
Thursday - $2.77 million


SECOND WEEK TOTAL - $65.3 million



That would be a week-on-week decrease of 64% (sans Thursday pre-shows). The average of comparable films is 58.4%.

Edited by johnboy3434
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Maybe if DC wasn't trying to create some universe on the level of Marvel, and instead just a universe that bring them some profit with each film, this wouldn't look as much of a disappointment.


I mean I know it could have done better. But if their team ups can do 800-950WW and their solos can do 500-600WW, WB is still making some good profit there right?

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