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Monday BvS 3.1 Rth

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BvS is currently $30 million more than Man of Steel made worldwide . BvS also had a budget 25$ million more than MoS so you can say from today onwards it's making more daily than the point where man of steel finished 


WB has said it the movie needs $750 million to break even so we will get to that point this week 

Edited by hasanahmad
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2 minutes ago, Bishop54 said:

Remind them of what exactly?


His claim that this movie is destined to fail. I will remind them of that claim when it proves utterly wrong.


See what I did there? 

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56 minutes ago, SWXII said:


Um, it's only been out less than 2 weeks and is a daring reimagining. It will take time for the average movie goer to realize this isn't just another CBM. 


This is a common phenomenon in the history of cinema. Many breakthrough pictures have been underappreciated by critics initially. Some didn't even like Star Wars.





41 minutes ago, SWXII said:


As one critic made very clear, it will take time (and hopefully a fully developed directors cut) for people to understand and warm to this new trajectory for well known characters. I already believe the foreign numbers are reflecting that. The USA will take longer as we tend to be more suspicious of change. 




29 minutes ago, SWXII said:


Been watching BO for as long as BOM has been around nearly. For such a major new reimagining of such well known characters to be performing this well overseas tells me they understand and appreciate it. So many said this was tanking in China but now you cite those numbers as a positive. Once it has finished this run the numbers will speak for themselves. Not as an end of a run. Rather the launching of a new, highly successful IP.





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23 minutes ago, hasanahmad said:

BvS is currently $30 million more than Man of Steel made worldwide . BvS also had a budget 25$ million more than MoS so you can say from today onwards it's making more daily than the point where man of steel finished 


WB has said it the movie needs $750 million to break even so we will get to that point this week 


I thought it was 25 million less than Man of Steel. Shit the first ten minutes of Man of Steel looks like it cost more than BvS

Edited by Heat Vision
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8 hours ago, SWXII said:


Kid: "Mommy, mommy, do I have to sit through another marvel clone.


Mommy: (spits out coffee) "What!?" Your going kid, I got an appointment at the Wal-Mart.


- most American households next month.

Uh no

Kid: "Mommy, mommy I want to go see the new Iron Man and it has Spiderman and Captain America in it too! And they are all fighting. Plus there's all these other heroes in it too! Pleaseeee...I have to see it!"

Mommy: "We'll see Bobby!" "We'll have to see about your grades though."

- most American and worldwide households next month.

- like seriously are you kidding?! Do you realize how much merchandise Marvel sells to kids of Iron Man, Spiderman and Captain America alone?

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8 hours ago, SWXII said:


Is 3 weeks at #1 considered bad with such strong competition?

You mean like Gods Not Dead last week? And The Boss and Hardcore Henry this week?

Wow some of you guys should work for WB with how hard you're trying to spin this.

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51 minutes ago, SWXII said:

So many said this was tanking in China but now you cite those numbers as a positive. Once it has finished this run the numbers will speak for themselves. 

You can't be serious that the international numbers are a good thing. You're joking right? Like this has to be a troll. It dropped 67% overall.

Top grossing territories this weekend were:
China ($12.4M/$85M) where the film saw an incredible 80% drop,
UK/Ireland ($6.4M/$39.7M)
Brazil ($6.1M/$21.75M)
Mexico ($5.2M/$29.7M)
Germany ($3.4M/$14.4M)
Australia ($3.4M/$17.2M)
South Korea ($2.95M/$14.5M)
Italy ($2.1M/$10.3M)
Russia ($1.8M/$11.2M)
Japan ($1.9M/$9.7M)
Spain ($1.4M/$9.2M). 

So yeah you are right about one thing, the numbers are speaking for themselves!

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25 minutes ago, Telemachos said:




(It did for KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, tbh.)


ok can you name a non-Ridley Scott film now? We get it, Ridley Scott's director's cuts turn even his turds to masterpieces. :P

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