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Film Piracy (opinions and box office effect)

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2 hours ago, boomboom234 said:

If you watched a movie clip on YouTube you participated in pirating everyone has pirated stuff before and for movies it's simply easier especially for older movies 

Movie clips are just clips. Entire movies are the result of hard work and brainpower from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy of Hollywood

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So glad I missed most of this.  I'm very against pirating.  I work for a studio that does books and games, among other things.  When we were still getting started, someone ripped a bunch of our books and put them online for free.  People were proud of being able to read it for free!  It did affect our sales and not in a positive way.  There was a while when we were taking a loss on books because people didn't want to buy when they knew it would get put online anyway.  Guess what? Those people weren't sharing their love of our books by telling other people who would buy them!  They were mostly just telling other pirates who also wouldn't pay.  It's the equivalent of hiring an artist for 'exposure' rather than money, which is one of the most bullshit things in that industry.  If an artist is going to get 'free exposure', it's much better for them to do it themselves. Piracy will not help them.


Also the "Free clips on youtube" argument doesn't parse.  A lot of studios already put up free clips which get spread around.  It's not the same as putting up a full movie.  There's a reason studios allow reviewers and media folks to play short clips of their films.  Also studios WILL go after those who put up clips they don't want up.  Look how hard it is to find anything from FOX in youtube clips.

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16 minutes ago, Sal said:

So glad I missed most of this.  I'm very against pirating.  I work for a studio that does books and games, among other things.  When we were still getting started, someone ripped a bunch of our books and put them online for free.  People were proud of being able to read it for free!  It did affect our sales and not in a positive way.  There was a while when we were taking a loss on books because people didn't want to buy when they knew it would get put online anyway.  Guess what? Those people weren't sharing their love of our books by telling other people who would buy them!  They were mostly just telling other pirates who also wouldn't pay.  It's the equivalent of hiring an artist for 'exposure' rather than money, which is one of the most bullshit things in that industry.  If an artist is going to get 'free exposure', it's much better for them to do it themselves. Piracy will not help them.


Also the "Free clips on youtube" argument doesn't parse.  A lot of studios already put up free clips which get spread around.  It's not the same as putting up a full movie.  There's a reason studios allow reviewers and media folks to play short clips of their films.  Also studios WILL go after those who put up clips they don't want up.  Look how hard it is to find anything from FOX in youtube clips.


Sorry to hear that man, this is indeed the ugly side of piracy. See what you pirates have done, you could potentially cost alot of people their jobs and livelihood due to it where families are destroyed and crime runs rampant due to unemployed individuals looking for money and food to survive. 

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29 minutes ago, DMan7 said:


Sorry to hear that man, this is indeed the ugly side of piracy. See what you pirates have done, you could potentially cost alot of people their jobs and livelihood due to it where families are destroyed and crime runs rampant due to unemployed individuals looking for money and food to survive. 

You are never going to shame people into stopping as 99% of people don't view it as a moral issue the only way to stop it is to make movies more accessible like music

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1 hour ago, boomboom234 said:

You are never going to shame people into stopping as 99% of people don't view it as a moral issue the only way to stop it is to make movies more accessible like music


Hard to get much more accessible than a comic online for free on the creator's site.... yet people still pirate that anyway.  I'm not sure plain old 'accessibility' is as big a factor as people seem to think.  Some people actually enjoy taking things. There's apparently an entire community online of not-poor people who get their kicks from stealing stuff (they even post photos of themselves shoplifting).  So while accessibility may stop some thieves, it's definitely not going to stop people like that.


Note: I specify 'not poor' because the  majority of the people in said community are middle (or upper middle class) white kids who have absolutely no need to steal random crap from stores.

Edited by Sal
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47 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:

Well, Kleptomania is a recognized medical disorder. 


American psychiatry invents "disorders" and "mental illnesses" every month so the Pharmaceutical complex has a justification to create a new pill that treats the new disorder of the month.


It s both hilarious and pathetic.



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7 minutes ago, JohnnY said:

Can't you get those books in a library?

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Lol no the publishers don't allow that...



There be one copy and that's it.


Plus you can keep that for what 2 weeks?

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Lol no the publishers don't allow that...
There be one copy and that's it.
Plus you can keep that for what 2 weeks?

In my university only 2 weeks, but you can renew that how many times you want if no one needs the book.

The academic books business need to die anyway.

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3 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:

Lol no the publishers don't allow that...



There be one copy and that's it.


This is completely untrue. Publishers can neither prevent libraries from purchasing multiple copies (they don't have to buy directly from the publisher), nor can they restrict lending of however many copies the library chooses to purchase.


In any case, there were multiple copies of all the textbooks in the library for all my undergrad textbooks that I actually checked (most of them, I usually would take a look there before buying since they were shrink-wrapped at the bookstore). Admittedly not enough so that it wouldn't be a huge hassle to rely on the library, but that's on the university library system, not the publishers.


This discussion has somehow switched from movies to books, but it's the same crap all over again, jumping through hoops to justify piracy.

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3 hours ago, Jason said:


This is completely untrue. Publishers can neither prevent libraries from purchasing multiple copies (they don't have to buy directly from the publisher), nor can they restrict lending of however many copies the library chooses to purchase.


In any case, there were multiple copies of all the textbooks in the library for all my undergrad textbooks that I actually checked (most of them, I usually would take a look there before buying since they were shrink-wrapped at the bookstore). Admittedly not enough so that it wouldn't be a huge hassle to rely on the library, but that's on the university library system, not the publishers.


This discussion has somehow switched from movies to books, but it's the same crap all over again, jumping through hoops to justify piracy.

I pay 65000 for college a year im not going to pay another 1000 a year for textbooks I will barely use and never use once the semester is over. Fuck that

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4 hours ago, Jason said:


This is completely untrue. Publishers can neither prevent libraries from purchasing multiple copies (they don't have to buy directly from the publisher), nor can they restrict lending of however many copies the library chooses to purchase.


In any case, there were multiple copies of all the textbooks in the library for all my undergrad textbooks that I actually checked (most of them, I usually would take a look there before buying since they were shrink-wrapped at the bookstore). Admittedly not enough so that it wouldn't be a huge hassle to rely on the library, but that's on the university library system, not the publishers.


This discussion has somehow switched from movies to books, but it's the same crap all over again, jumping through hoops to justify piracy.

Um you live in LA la land to justify antiquated and broken systems..


I did check and the library told me that if I wanted the book I should buy it....I wonder why the University would say that hmm I think  they own the bookstore selling the books???


The university have no interest in having many copies of the book as they make money through its bookstore and in many cases are the publisher themselves for some books.


It's a corrupt system and people defending it are just making excuses.


As I said before if books were a reasonable price, everyone would pay legally...students are not resorting to other methods because they love to pirate. 


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In my university even the teachers make copies of books, it is a normal practice in Brazil.

I really don't think we should keep this kind of knowledge away from people who don't have money. The average Brazilian university student don't have money to buy these books and this is the only way of making scientific knowledge readily available for them.

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1 hour ago, JohnnY said:

In my university even the teachers make copies of books, it is a normal practice in Brazil.

I really don't think we should keep this kind of knowledge away from people who don't have money. The average Brazilian university student don't have money to buy these books and this is the only way of making scientific knowledge readily available for them.

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Here the prof makes the student buy the book he or she wrote at a huge markup at the School's bookstore... 



What a scam...

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5 minutes ago, AJG said:

Yikes. Looks like only a few screeners are left to leak. 


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La La Land, Hidden Figures and Patriots Day are out there.


Now is the best time to see how the BO responds (if it does at all). 

Fences is out as well, and Nocturnal Animals has a 1080p leak with Japanese subs. I'm surprised Moonlight and Manchester haven't budged yet.

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