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DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS | 05.06.2022 | Disney | 4th Most Profitable Movie of 2022

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1 hour ago, ddddeeee said:

The thing with Wanda is that we've spent more time with her now than maybe anyone else. Episode 8 of Wandavision was a 40 minute dive exclusively into her trauma. There was a lot of time for people to become attached. And for all the complaints about the finale (a lot of which are completely legit) its decision to focus solely on Wanda was completely the right one, and I think people are coming around to that after Loki and Hawkeye sidelined their main characters quite a bit at the end.


I don't know how this all translates to the GA, but I do feel like people have genuinely connected to Wanda. It seems to go way further than 'I like this person and want to see more of him/her' - there's a real investment.


For what it's worth I've been monitoring the ratings for the MCU on letterboxd for a while now


(sorting "Marvel Studios" by average rating) https://letterboxd.com/studio/marvel-studios/by/rating/

NOTE: Unfortunately the wayback machine doesn't have snapshots of this page, so I took random dates for each entry that it did have. It's imperfect but it'll have to do and you're gonna have to believe me for some entries lol. Here's what I noticed:


Among the 2021 releases, outside of NWH (very recent) WandaVision is the one that's holding its score the best by far, easily. Falcon & Winter Soldier was once in the top 5 with a score of 4.1, it's not even on the first page anymore (=out of top 15). Loki was #1 before NWH came out (closest date I could find), now it's #5, although it's still retaining its rating quite well all things considered. Shang-Chi was also top 5 for months, now it's dropping steadily and out of the top 10 very soon. Hawkeye started in the top 5 and it's leaving the first page any day now.


Meanwhile WandaVision has stayed in the top 5 throughout the year (april rating), never moving. For reference, Infinity War and Endgame have also stayed in the top 5 throughout the year, so not much action there.


It's proving very resilient. I wouldn't be surprised to see it move past both Avengers movies for a #2 ranking somewhat soon. I'll continue to monitor its rating.


BTW NWH is crushing it right now. #1 and it's not even close


Also very curious to see where Doctor Strange 2 ends up


Edited by Daxtreme
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I like both but I think Wanda is probably a bigger draw — she’s been pretty badass in all her appearances whereas Doctor Strange has only been super awesome in IW. I would love more numerical data though (and I hope both shine in this movie).

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57 minutes ago, Product Driven Legion said:

I like both but I think Wanda is probably a bigger draw — she’s been pretty badass in all her appearances whereas Doctor Strange has only been super awesome in IW. I would love more numerical data though (and I hope both shine in this movie).

The fact Doctor Strange has been in IW, EG, and NWH helps a lot. That's a lot of exposure for the character 

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Wanda has literally always been morally questionable. She started off as a radical, aligned herself with Ultron, hexed Hulk knowing he could have killed innocent people, accidentally killed alot of people in Civil War, literally trapped an entire town in her grief hex and didn't even give them so much of a apology just flew away and allowed herself to get corrupted by the book of the damned after being warned about it. Wanda has a good heart but lets be real 

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20 minutes ago, iHeartJames said:

Wanda has literally always been morally questionable. She started off as a radical, aligned herself with Ultron, hexed Hulk knowing he could have killed innocent people


Yeah she definitely started off as a villain, but joined the good guys eventually and helped defeat the bad guy who was trying to wipe out humanity altogether via a huge meteor. I'd say that's a significant change of heart and sufficient redemption to atone for those bad actions.


20 minutes ago, iHeartJames said:

accidentally killed alot of people in Civil War, 


Trying to save lots of people, which she did save because had the bomb gone off in the market, there 100% would have been lots of casualties. So it was a lose-lose situation here. Kill people on the ground, or try to save people on the ground and end up killing people above. Can't win, but it's the intention that matters here. I don't think any of this is really on her as she was trying to save people (and Cap who was right next to Crossbones)


20 minutes ago, iHeartJames said:

literally trapped an entire town in her grief hex and didn't even give them so much of a apology just flew away and allowed herself to get corrupted by the book of the damned after being warned about it. Wanda has a good heart but lets be real 


That I can't defend lmao except that her motivations are sound. But it is quite problematic behavior and she should have apologized more and suffered more consequences.


But let's not forget that she tried her best to save 50% of all life in the universe by killing her significant other (and she actually went through with it!). She couldn't let someone else do it, she had to do it herself and watch him die by her hands. Not sure that a lot of people would have the courage and/or the will to outright murder their significant other like this for the greater good.


Sure if you pick a Best-of of her most villainous actions it looks pretty bleak but she's done a lot of heartbreaking things for the greater good too. It's not as clear-cut as it looks. We're in morally-grey area here, which is why this next movie should be very interesting indeed.

Edited by Daxtreme
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15 minutes ago, iHeartJames said:

Wanda has literally always been morally questionable. She started off as a radical, aligned herself with Ultron, hexed Hulk knowing he could have killed innocent people, accidentally killed alot of people in Civil War, literally trapped an entire town in her grief hex and didn't even give them so much of a apology just flew away and allowed herself to get corrupted by the book of the damned after being warned about it. Wanda has a good heart but lets be real 


Wow she's actually a huge POS when you put it like that. Ah well, she's attractive so fuck them people she hurt! 

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9 minutes ago, RiddlerXXR said:


Wow she's actually a huge POS when you put it like that. Ah well, she's attractive so fuck them people she hurt! 


That post conveniently leaves out every single good action she's done in her life (see my response above), 2 of which contributed to save the planet then the universe (3 if you include her fight with Thanos in Endgame, but that was more personal vendetta than anything else)


But I love it, keep them coming. This is why Wanda is pretty much my favorite character: the situation's so complex

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The situation isn’t that complex imo. She heel-face turned pretty quickly once they found out Ultron’s real plans, saved lives by redirecting the bomb in CW, purely good actions in IW/AEG, tortured a town by accident but again shut that down pretty much ASAP once it was revealed what was really going on. 

Not very spoilery DS2 possibilities:


If she just winds up a villain here it would be pretty out of left field, but if she’s a darkhold corrupted antagonist for most of it/the middle that would be pretty reasonable with how the darkhold works.


Edited by Product Driven Legion
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2 minutes ago, RiddlerXXR said:


Same thing other good people like Ghandi and MLK did oh wait they didn't!


Feel like you’re focusing on the first word when the last word is more important 😛 

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5 hours ago, JonahVex said:

A Dr Strange movie being Dr strange centric and not wanda centric is certainly a criticism


Yeah, this. I love Wanda and she totally deserves her own movie. But in a movie titled DS:MoM, DS should be the lead. NWH didn't lose perspective that Tom Holland was the lead no matter how big draws T&A were. I hope Thor: Love and Thunder doesn't lose perspective that Thor is the lead, not Jane even in Mighty Thor form. I'm against using popular brands and characters to sneak other characters as leads while sidelining the ones that made the brand a success to begin with. If you believe in them than just give them their own franchise. Wanda got Wandavision all to herself, and that show is still drawing more audience than more recent shows going by number of votes on IMDB. So the character is worthy of going solo, no need to make Wandavison 2 out of DS:MoM. 

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1 minute ago, Product Driven Legion said:

Feel like you’re focusing on the first word when the last word is more important 😛 


I don't feel like "accident" is more important than TORTURED in any sentence lolol 


Yes yes I'm trolling a bit but the fact that she's basically walked away without punishment for a menagerie of shitty things she's done is weird. Continually getting a pass doesn't cut it, especially after the Westview incident (which no one seems to care about in universe?? Monica with her "these people don't realize what you've done for them" or DS in the teaser "I'm not here to talk about Westview".) 

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2 hours ago, Product Driven Legion said:

I like both but I think Wanda is probably a bigger draw — she’s been pretty badass in all her appearances whereas Doctor Strange has only been super awesome in IW. I would love more numerical data though (and I hope both shine in this movie).

Isn't that stuff like subjective?

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Honestly at this point what punishment can you give Wanda she literally created an entire alternate reality, controlled a shit ton of people without even know she was doing it at one point, created a vision and 2 kids that were real but messed up because her spell was faulty. She's literally too powerful and she did all that without even really knowing the extent of her abilities 

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5 minutes ago, Eric Smith said:

Isn't that stuff like subjective?

Well, I mean, kind of yes, kind of no. People’s personal judgement on which they feel more draw from is subjective, but aggregating those opinions at scale produces some objective data. Afaik there just isn’t a good source of that atm.

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9 minutes ago, RiddlerXXR said:


I don't feel like "accident" is more important than TORTURED in any sentence lolol 


Yes yes I'm trolling a bit but the fact that she's basically walked away without punishment for a menagerie of shitty things she's done is weird. Continually getting a pass doesn't cut it, especially after the Westview incident (which no one seems to care about in universe?? Monica with her "these people don't realize what you've done for them" or DS in the teaser "I'm not here to talk about Westview".) 

I’m a bold contrarian with the view that usually people are only morally responsible for things within their control, so in all seriousness the “accident” is much more important than the “tortured.” Perhaps other characters in universe share this galaxy brained take ;) 

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