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BEAUTY AND THE BEAST WEEKEND THREAD | Late Sunday Numbers (Asgard) - 48-49M | Official Weekend Estimate: 170M; OS OW: 180M; WW OW: 350M

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Wow, since "Alice" Broke out 7 years ago this Disney Live Action thing has been going pretty strong.   Yes "Alice 2" didn't perform well but "Cinderella, Oz, Maleficent and Jungle Book" all did very solid business.  "Beauty and the Beast" was a Classic growing up so obviously the demand was there but that Saturday hold is very solid.   Overall this looks like a "Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Lion King" Live Action could all do very well.   "Get Out" continues to hold amazingly and will definitely pass "Split" as the all-time Domestic Blumhouse champ so Jason knocked it out of the park this year in the first two months trusting the creative artistic decisions of Jordan and M. Knight.  


"Logan" one could argue is slightly frontloaded (Like all X-men films) but a decent drop last weekend so it's holding pretty well overall and will come out on top as the biggest X-Men spin off.  It blew pass "The Wolverine" and "Apocalypse" with ease and now It's goal is to surpass "Origins" 208 Million adjusted mark.  "Days of Future Past" looks safe domestically but "Logan" will be on it's heels.   "Kong" definitely took some audience away.  Speaking of "Kong", it's only doing "OK" to me.   It's barely ahead of "Kong 05"  unajusted so that tells the tale right there (It's not making Kong 05 near 300 Million adjusted).   I understand this is like a reboot but still interesting it can't outperform Jackson's Kong (Even though Jackson had the holiday season and it was a remake.)    They also dropped  a ton on it, I guess the whole point was to set up the whole "Kong V Godzilla" but will "Kong" make more than the last Godzilla?.  

Edited by filmscholar
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3 hours ago, DAJK said:

There are just those movies that are, pardon but, beasts at the box office. I can really only think of 5 or 6 in the past 10 years or so that are just unprecedented, as in Force Awakens, Jurassic World, Avengers, Dark Knight, and now Beauty and the Beast.


These movies aren't just huge, they are just absolute monsters. Everybody pretty much sees these, they strike some sort of chord with the public. Sure, Civil War may have had a bigger OD that BatB, but it's subsequent holds weren't as strong for example. This weekend's number just feel like "next level" if anyone gets what I mean, a level that rarely can be reached by any film. Finding Dory I don't personally think quite reached it; similarly to Rogue One, but they were extremely close. 


What at an event this weekend became.


It makes you wonder what Lion King is capable of... that should be even bigger that BatB.

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40 minutes ago, Heretic said:

Rth just said close to £8m Saturday in UK thread, just under SW7. TJB had a £9.9m OW. 




So happy BatB is obliterating TJB. Never understood love for that movie. Couldn't finish it cause the kid was cringe-worthy distraction. Shame, cause mo'cap was really good and so were voices. But the kid was Jar Jar level.

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2 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


So happy BatB is obliterating TJB. Never understood love for that movie. Couldn't finish it cause the kid was cringe-worthy distraction. Shame, cause mo'cap was really good and so were voices. But the kid was Jar Jar level.

Disagree, the kid was great imo. I just used TJB to highlight how big BatB is, because TJB was huge here. 

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Nostalgia has its part in BatB boxoffice but the most important reason is that it's the most popular romance of all times. Twilight is practically it only modernized (Bella/Belle geddit? and Vampire/Beast). Basically, any story with a good girl and the bad boy. So no wonder a spectacular original story is cleaning up.

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8 minutes ago, BK007 said:

Exactly none of the Disney live action remakes have been any good. 


Pretty piss poor people's palettes have become. 


Kinda agree, the one exception for me is the Jungle Book. Those live action remakes will not be remembered in time and people will eventually go back to the originals

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28 minutes ago, snitch said:


It makes you wonder what Lion King is capable of... that should be even bigger that BatB.

If BatB is able to make 500-540 DOM and 1.3-1.4b WW, I would go with +700 DOM and 2b WW for Lion King.

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9 minutes ago, BK007 said:

Exactly none of the Disney live action remakes have been any good. 


Pretty piss poor people's palettes have become. 


Uh no. The Jungle Book was great, Cinderella was pretty nice.


Don't generalize, that's your tastes and nothing else.

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Just now, peludo said:

If BatB is able to make 500-540 DOM and 1.3-1.4b WW, I would go with +700 DOM and 2b WW for Lion King.


We need to see what the movie looks like first, The Lion King is not like the other live action movies, there are no human or real actors there. So many things could go wrong.....The Lion King is my favorite animated movie ever, I'll be very demanding about that one, that's a myth and this adaptation must respect the original.

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I prefer watching new Jungle Book and Cinderella over the originals, Alice and Sleeping Beauty not so much. 


I like new BatB but will probably just go straight back to the original once it leaves cinemas. 

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Jesus Christ, Looks like people where right who were saying it's gonna destroy $1 billion. I really didn't think this would happen, but kudos to the ones who called it. Although I'm kinda mad that Disney is going to have another monster hit as if they aren't already successful enough. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Disney at all (most of their recent films have been at least good, if not great), but I just think one studio dominating the market like this is not good for the overall situation.

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24 minutes ago, BK007 said:

Exactly none of the Disney live action remakes have been any good. 


Pretty piss poor people's palettes have become. 


Seriously, dude? Are you mocking people for actually enjoying some of the better-received Disney live action remakes?


Yeah, right! Coming from the same guy who predicted $280M for Finding Dory. Lower 200M for The Jungle Book & this film, Beauty and the Beast. Hell, you were the same guy who said that Force Awakens wasn't gonna top Avatar.


The one thing that's piss poor is your attitude, intelligence and your apathy against those big movies. No wonder why you don't often comment as much.....and is getting more wrong & dumber at being right at something.


BK007, everyone. The King of idiocy! ?

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TJB dropped 25%, so I think 46.5 is the floor.


I think a drop to near 20% is happening so  I think around ~50 million Sunday.


Sounds crazy but sunday afternoon is solid around here.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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