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Weekend Actuals (Page 150): Apes 56.3M | SMH 44.2M | DM3 19.4M | Baby 8.7M | Big Dick 7.5M | WW 6.8M | Wish Upon 5.5M | Tomatoes losing their power

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9 hours ago, grey ghost said:


The top 3 movies overseas for 2017 are Fate of the Furious, Beauty and the Beast and POTC5.


The top 3 movies DOM are Beauty and the Beast, Wonder Woman and Guardians vol 2.


Tomato Law says American audiences have superior taste.



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5 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

I think Civil War's legs were a little disappointing. It was a 3rd movie and a sort of Avengers movie so maybe nobody should have been expecting a 2.6-2.7 but I do think that it was reasonable to expect more than a 2.28  (like a 2.4) though. It's overall gross was great though.


Yes the legs was definitely disappointed, although I can understand why. There was really no villain in the movie, no casualty and no special urgency or buildup that leave one gasp. Overall I didn't hate it, but didn't think it worth a second watch. That's just MHO.

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as a huge fan of the last Apes movies I was a little underwhelmed by this one. 

it's just so brooding and serious. where's the fun? even the small doses of comic relief fall flat in light of how self important the movie is. i think that's hurting it at the box office. 


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6 hours ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

Going to predict most profitable movie in deadline countdown. Movies which are released-


Batb- don't think much participation cost. Huge in usa and little in china so profit would be good. Easily much above other films.


Wonder woman- low reported budget. Not much participation cost. Huge in usa. Thinking $210-250m profit. 


Dm3- confused b/w this and gotg2 for third. I think dm3 edges out due to much lower budget. Great os total and good dom too. Wiig and carrel will get some participation bonus but budget is still very low.


Gotg2- pretty big budget. Great dom total and good os total.


Sm:hc- pretty low budget. But rdj will get good participation bonus. Good dom and seems to be a good os total too.


F&f- HUGE os total. Nice dom total. But most comes from china so profit will be less. Huge participation cost. Rock, vin, statham and old cast. Huge budget too. Just like how civil war profit was less than gotg despite making $300m more, this will make less profit than above mentioned movie.


This is just a prediction. Almost sure about batb and ww being top two. Others not much.


@BarnackHas already shown that, unless rights were pre-sold in China(then it's a case-by-case thing), this perception is actually wrong since marketing and distribution costs in China is much, much lower than all other big OS markets which makes the 25% they take from China actually pretty damn fine when it comes to OS earnings.

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1 hour ago, baumer said:


Well welcome to the new forums. Maybe this place isn't for you if that's not something you can get behind. You're more than welcome to go hang out at the world of KJ. But this is how we do things here now this is how the staff does things here now and again if you don't like it see yourself out


You shouldn't be so cocky, if you're a mod then it should have been on you to not let this forum become such an embarrassment.


This is how things are now merely because of bad moderation that would never have been allowed on Mojo. Even one of your fellow mods admitted the forum had gone to shit.

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I just realised that one point that fanboys always seem to bring up against MOS is about to be debunked.So far MOS and SMH have performed very similarly(MOS with a tad tougher competition and a percentage of school open).SM should still clear 300M though


Edited by TheDarkKnightOfSteel
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5 hours ago, a2knet said:

1. JW weekend thread

2. SW7 weekend thread

3. Deadpool weekend thread

4. AOU weekend thread

5. Wonder Woman 3rd weekend thread


Which one was that again? What happened in it?



Also, no Beauty and the Beast weekend thread??




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2 minutes ago, Arlborn said:


@BarnackHas already shown that, unless rights were pre-sold in China(then it's a case-by-case thing), this perception is actually wrong since marketing and distribution costs in China is much, much lower than all other big OS markets which makes the 25% they take from China actually pretty damn fine when it comes to OS earnings.

Which is still lower than same domestic take. Also that was a mute point. Major factors that will decrease it's profit are budget and participation cost.

Ofcourse barnack is better at this. His take will be appreciated.

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2 minutes ago, scabab said:


You shouldn't be so cocky, if you're a mod then it should have been on you to not let this forum become such an embarrassment.


This is how things are now merely because of bad moderation that would never have been allowed on Mojo. Even one of your fellow mods admitted the forum had gone to shit.


Dude...go create your own site/forum and make it as similar to Mojo as you want...

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1 minute ago, scabab said:


You shouldn't be so cocky, if you're a mod then it should have been on you to not let this forum become such an embarrassment.


This is how things are now merely because of bad moderation that would never have been allowed on Mojo. Even one of your fellow mods admitted the forum had gone to shit.


But why stay on the shitty forums?


Why torture yourself? :cya:

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1 minute ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

Which is still lower than same domestic take. Also that was a mute point. Major factors that will decrease it's profit are budget and participation cost.

Ofcourse barnack is better at this. His take will be appreciated.


I know its lower than the domestic take but you are the one who singled out China's earnings yourself so I was just letting you know what I've read from him regarding it! Plus I was only comparing it to the other OS markets myself.


I'd also like his take on it.


Edited by Arlborn
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1 hour ago, baumer said:

I just think it's incredibly rude to come to someone else's home and the first thing you do when you walk in the door and tell them how awful the place it is. No one asked you to come here. You're more than welcome to stay of course and enjoy your stay here but don't come here and tell us how moronic we all are.


This isn't a home, it's a forum. This is a thread about weekend box office figures. You're a mod and you let people post Irrelevant gifs which they think are funny and let users ramble on about racism and people being "racist ass bitch asses".


This is all just down to bad moderation that just let's this stuff happen now. It didn't happen on Mojo because the mods like Impact were able to keep the forum under control and on topic.

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3 minutes ago, scabab said:


You shouldn't be so cocky, if you're a mod then it should have been on you to not let this forum become such an embarrassment.


This is how things are now merely because of bad moderation that would never have been allowed on Mojo. Even one of your fellow mods admitted the forum had gone to shit.


Neither baumer nor any of the mods make the rules about how this forum is run. I happen to think you're looking at Mojo with pretty rosy glasses but the fact of the matter is, we aren't Mojo. Yes, we have a lot of posters who migrated from there but in no way, shape, or form has BOT ever intended to be exactly what Mojo was and nothing more. 


If you have an issue, talk to Water Bottle or myself instead of yelling at the other staff-members.

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10 minutes ago, YourMother said:

What name does your wife want?

Enzo she gets it from Vampire Diaries.

She also said something today about

Just naming Micheal which is my Middle name so it will be almost like having two Juniors.

Octave  Aaron Phillips Jr &  Micheal Enzo Phillips

My name is Octave Micheal Phillips.In LA your Jr  can have a different middle name.

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27 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

I think Civil War's legs were a little disappointing. It was a 3rd movie and a sort of Avengers movie so maybe nobody should have been expecting a 2.6-2.7 but I do think that it was reasonable to expect more than a 2.28  (like a 2.4) though. It's overall gross was great though.

That's true, but (from what I remember as a lurker) a lot of people were predicting $200m+ ow and 3x multi (boxoffice.com had it at something like $660m dom at one point, iirc). Now just because Wonder Woman scored a 4x and $400m+ people assume Homecoming has to do the same thing because of its RT score.

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1 minute ago, Arlborn said:


I know its lower than the domestic take but you are the one who singled out China's earnings yourself so I was just letting you know what I've read from him regarding it! Plus I was only comparing it to the other OS markets myself.


I'd also like his take on it.


I actually signalled out china to compare it to batb. Both made similar ww total. But batb theater revenue should be much more than f&f. Thus decreasing it's profit. But not as much to throw it outside of top 5. That is done by other factors.

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7 minutes ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

I just realised that one point that fanboys always seem to bring up against MOS is about to be debunked.So far MOS and SMH have performed very similarly(MOS with a tad tougher competition and a percentage of school open).SM should still clear 300M though


Don't forget inflation .

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