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Theater bans Gone With The Wind for being "Insensitive"

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7 minutes ago, ban1o said:

this is all fine and Dandy except black people literally protested and demonstrated against the film WHEN IT WAS RELEASED since it was racist as fuck. The NAACP criticized the film WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. So people thought it was racist as fuck back then too. (obviously not white people but when do they ever thing shit is) There's not politically correctness going on calling the film racist. This is like when people say slavery was considered right way back then ignoring the many black people/slaves that suffered through slavery and certainly didn't think it was "right" 


This the movie was politically charged and a giant deal in the south from what it was from the start, it is not purely a change in society that changed the movie views.


The fact that this movie was so successful despite how it was already perceived at is release date make it in itself an interesting document to remind people how racist audience were.

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If all the energy against GWTW screenings actually goes into protesting on how unfairly minorities are sent to for-profit prisons, then it will be very worthwhile. In fact showings of GWTW across the nation could raise money to fight the prison industrial complex. That is how MLK would do it I like to think.

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7 minutes ago, ban1o said:

this is all fine and Dandy except black people literally protested and demonstrated against the film WHEN IT WAS RELEASED since it was racist as fuck. The NAACP criticized the film WHEN IT WAS RELEASED. So people thought it was racist as fuck back then too. (obviously not white people but when do they ever thing shit is) There's not politically correctness going on calling the film racist. This is like when people say slavery was considered right way back then ignoring the many black people/slaves that suffered through slavery and certainly didn't think it was "right" 


Anyway I'm done with this thread. People here are funny though. 14 page thread about a random theatre in Memphis making the decision to cancel a screening of an 80 year old racist film. 


This attitude that all whites rally behind racism is racist. Last I checked the person who died in Charlottesville protesting racism was white. Last I checked, white people were also critical to the success of the Civil Rights movement, marched with BLM, and helped establish offices of the NAACP.


When Birth of a Nation was released, there was loads of controversy over it's racist materials: so much so the director followed it up with Intolerance. I am sure white people complained Gone with the Wind was also racist when it came out.


That doesn't change that the film was a huge success, it's influence in film history (you can't dismiss it's place just because you think only whites appreciate it), and that it's a piece of art. Racist, sure, but on principal alone I defend any film's right to exist and be screened in America.

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4 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


What will happen if you say you're an atheist?


Are people not allowed to criticize your beliefs? How is that free speech? 


You're free to criticize each other. That's how it works.


I believe, as a society, we have an obligation to make all forms of bigotry taboo.


Saying all white people or atheist are evil demons should be discouraged.


When bigotry is popular things get nasty. Some of the worst atrocities in human history were because bigotry was allowed to snowball.


If a neonazi feels bad when he is booed for saying all Jewish children belong in ovens we shouldn't be silent to spare his feelings (Are you fucking serious?). We should defend his freedom to say what he chooses to say while using our free speech to counter his horrific ideology. 


Not all beliefs deserve to be popular. I don't think you guys understand how dangerous this can be.


Free expression? Sure. 


Silence in the face of bigotry? Never.





I am not afraid of criticism but losing my life and my family losing whole respect. There was water coming out of a god idol. People thought it was sacred and started to drink it. One man pointed it out correctly that that was sewage water. He has to leave the country and go to finland for the fear of his life. 

I already supported the removal of objects related to hatered as glorifying means. My point has to do less with neo nazi and more to do with what happened in evergreen college.

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35 minutes ago, a2knet said:

But those theater owners can fear being bullied at the hands of protesters, and them and their family being given a hard time, tagged as racists on social media with their photographs uploaded, etc. Even being on the right side of the law and police coming to their aid, it can be a traumatic experience. Especially if they fear for their kids being given a tough time.


So a goodhearted theater owner who loves the movie for philosophical and artistic reasons may not want to show it and just give in to the moral police.


Concern for their own families, can make good people give up and play along to avoid the bullies. That then emboldens these bullies and it keeps on increasing till a society looses significant amount expression.


I see this more and more.


Extremism on the left being used to silence opposition to extremism on the right.


Everyone and their grandma needs to oppose neo nazis and the KKK. If you feel antifa or SJW are going about it the wrong way, tell them they're not helping then go back to fighting neonazis and the KKK.


But silencing opposition to bigots who justify slavery and genocide is not only backwards, it's flat out dangerous.


You don't need to approve of every person who opposes bigotry but that doesn't mean you discourage EVERYONE from opposing ideologies that caused the persecution, enslavement and murder of millions of people.


I believe in universal healthcare and a social safety net but if someone raises a Communist Soviet flag around me, I'll be quick to educate them and tell them their extremism in counter productive and ignorant. Then I'll go back to fighting for access to healthcare and vital social programs.


You guys are like "let the neonazis speak" and when people try to challenge the same ideology that caused the Holocaust, you keep telling us, "wait let the neonazis speak".


Well guess what? People have the freedom to use the Bill of Rights (protest, speech, etc) to challenge the worst ideologies, not simply stay silent and let them fester and spread.

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19 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


I see this more and more.


Extremism on the left being used to silence opposition to extremism on the right.


Everyone and their grandma needs to oppose neo nazis and the KKK. If you feel antifa or SJW are going about it the wrong way, tell them they're not helping then go back to fighting neonazis and the KKK.


But silencing opposition to bigots who justify slavery and genocide is not only backwards, it's flat out dangerous.


You don't need to approve of every person who opposes bigotry but that doesn't mean you discourage EVERYONE from opposing ideologies that caused the persecution, enslavement and murder of millions of people.


I believe in universal healthcare and a social safety net but if someone raises a Communist Soviet flag around me, I'll be quick to educate them and tell them their extremism in counter productive and ignorant. Then I'll go back to fighting for access to healthcare and vital social programs.


You guys are like "let the neonazis speak" and when people try to challenge the same ideology that caused the Holocaust, you keep telling us, "wait let the neonazis speak".


Well guess what? People have the freedom to use the Bill of Rights (protest, speech, etc) to challenge the worst ideologies, not simply stay silent and let them fester and spread.

My point is that a theater owner wanting to show Gone With the Wind may not be a neonazi at all. Might be a good bloke who thought, "hmmm....next 2 weeks let me screen the 14 movies that won the most academy awards and make some dough", and while he does that somebody will bully his kids at school for being the kid of a racist neonazi for showing GWTW.

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44 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


This attitude that all whites rally behind racism is racist. Last I checked the person who died in Charlottesville protesting racism was white. Last I checked, white people were also critical to the success of the Civil Rights movement, marched with BLM, and helped establish offices of the NAACP.


When Birth of a Nation was released, there was loads of controversy over it's racist materials: so much so the director followed it up with Intolerance. I am sure white people complained Gone with the Wind was also racist when it came out.


That doesn't change that the film was a huge success, it's influence in film history (you can't dismiss it's place just because you think only whites appreciate it), and that it's a piece of art. Racist, sure, but on principal alone I defend any film's right to exist and be screened in America.


Who's saying all copies should be burned and the movie should be legally banned?


At this point the argument is really whether the theater has the right NOT to show the movie. Because that's the only "crime" here.


People said, "we think it's a bad time to screen this film", the theater owner agreed.


And it is a bad time to screen GWTW. A woman protesting racism was murdered at a major neoconfederate rally just weeks ago by a terrorist.


Not the best time to screen a movie that glorifies the Confederacy.


I mean, who's really being unreasonable here.






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Just to play devil's advocate here: it's totally possible to enjoy an admittedly problematic classic movie while also disagreeing with its portrayal of the antebellum south and opposing hate groups in the real world. They're not mutually exclusive.

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28 minutes ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

I am not afraid of criticism but losing my life and my family losing whole respect. There was water coming out of a god idol. People thought it was sacred and started to drink it. One man pointed it out correctly that that was sewage water. He has to leave the country and go to finland for the fear of his life. 

I already supported the removal of objects related to hatered as glorifying means. My point has to do less with neo nazi and more to do with what happened in evergreen college.


First off, someone killing you is against the law.  And killing you for ideological differences is called terrorism.


This is different from a community saying it's a bad time to play a pro-confederate movie and theater owner simply agreeing.


Your family has the right to feel how they feel.


I feel cannabis should be legal. There are people in my family who disagree. We both have the right to feel how we feel and criticize each other.


You want your family to be forced to accept your beliefs. They don't have to and you don't have to accept their beliefs.

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15 minutes ago, Webslinger said:

Just to play devil's advocate here: it's totally possible to enjoy an admittedly problematic classic movie while also disagreeing with its portrayal of the antebellum south and opposing hate groups in the real world. They're not mutually exclusive.

I feel like people are completely disconnected.


For those who don't know, there was a legal Confederate statue removal recently in Virginia.


Neoconfederates and neonazis rallied to protest against the removal.


There were counter protestors who wanted to take a stand against racism.


One of those counter protesters was run over and killed by a neonazi in an act of terrorism.


The president actually defended the neonazi rally on multiple occasions.


So maybe this is not the best time to screen a film that glorifies and celebrates the Confederacy and white supremacy.


I mean, knowing all this, if people in your community voiced their concern, would you screen the movie, delay the screening or cancel. And if you did choose to cancel would you consider it an assault on free speech in general?





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Just now, Water Bottle said:


This attitude that all whites rally behind racism is racist. Last I checked the person who died in Charlottesville protesting racism was white. Last I checked, white people were also critical to the success of the Civil Rights movement, marched with BLM, and helped establish offices of the NAACP.


When Birth of a Nation was released, there was loads of controversy over it's racist materials: so much so the director followed it up with Intolerance. I am sure white people complained Gone with the Wind was also racist when it came out.


That doesn't change that the film was a huge success, it's influence in film history (you can't dismiss it's place just because you think only whites appreciate it), and that it's a piece of art. Racist, sure, but on principal alone I defend any film's right to exist and be screened in America.

#Notallwhites lmao. Y'all are funny and you think I'm a moron apparently. Yes I fucking know not all white people are racist. I  will say that most of them hate being called racist just as much or even more so than racism itself though lol 


Maybe you should also defend a theaters right to play any fucking film that they want to.  Where was the 15 page thread about that theatre banning Beauty and the Beast because of the "gay character" (There was none) but here here is a 15 page thread about a random theatre in Memphis (a 65% black city) choosing non to screen an 80 year old racist film. Nothing gets people more agitated then anything involving racism lol.  


 Sorry i just find this thing hilarious lol. 

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1 minute ago, grey ghost said:


Who's saying all copies should be burned and the movie should be legally banned?


At this point the argument is really whether the theater has the right NOT to show the movie. Because that's the only "crime" here.


People said, "we think it's a bad time to screen this film", the theater owner agreed.


And it is a bad time to screen GWTW. A woman protesting racism was murdered at a major neoconfederate rally just weeks ago by a terrorist.


Not the best time to screen a movie that glorifies the Confederacy.


I mean, whose really being unreasonable here.




The screening was set for next year not right now.

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The only reason people are riled up about that theater pulling GWTW out of theater is because of that fanboys club of GWTW Over 200M DOM before 12/15/2019 that Tele started on the 75th anniversary of the movie. 


Members of the Out club have been waging a campaign to have the movie pulled out and the In members are afraid they won't win this club. 


All's fair in Love and BO. 

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2 minutes ago, ban1o said:

#Notallwhites lmao. Y'all are funny and you think I'm a moron apparently. 


Maybe you should also defend a theaters right to play any fucking film that they want to.  Where was the 15 page thread about that theatre banning Beauty and the Beast because of the "gay character" (There was none) but here here is a 15 page thread about a theatre in Memphis (a 65% black city) choosing non to screen an 80 year old racist film. Nothing gets people more agitated then anything involving racism lol.  


Now I'm done. Sorry i just find this thing hilarious lol. 


People were upset on this forum over Beauty and the Beast getting banned. I don't know if there was a thread but people certainly didn't like it. But hey you clearly don't like white people.

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Just now, a2knet said:

If all the energy against GWTW screenings actually goes into protesting on how unfairly minorities are sent to for-profit prisons, then it will be very worthwhile. In fact showings of GWTW across the nation could raise money to fight the prison industrial complex. That is how MLK would do it I like to think.

lol this was ONE screening. Stop with the bullshit. As far as I know the theater made the decision based on comments on Facebook. Facebook comments require much much energy of course.  Black people are able to focus on more than one thing you know. Many people have been campaigning against America's prison system. However changing America's prison industrial complex is much much much more harder to accomplish than the cancellation of ONE GWTW screening. 

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Just now, Water Bottle said:


People were upset on this forum over Beauty and the Beast getting banned. I don't know if there was a thread but people certainly didn't like it. But hey you clearly don't like white people.

So it wasn't worth a thread like this was? people talked about it for maybe 2 or 3 pagers in the official BATB thread. And I like white people fine thank you very much but some of the people in this thread are absolutely ridiculous. 

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43 minutes ago, ban1o said:

Where was the 15 page thread about that theatre banning Beauty and the Beast because of the "gay character" (There was none) but here here is a 15 page thread about a theatre in Memphis (a 65% black city) choosing non to screen an 80 year old racist film. Nothing gets people more agitated then anything involving racism lol.  

I would speculate (while a could go in verify), but I suppose no one on the message board (or very few) supported theater owner banning Beauty and the Beast and try to justify is action, etc... leaving to very little argument, so a separate thread for the news was not needed it was all talked about in the movie thread.


If a group of people would have supported is decision, explaining why it is bad to show beauty and the beast in theater and so on, and long argument and a thread would have started.


Number of pages is more an indicator of argumentation/disagreement more than something else.


You keep putting it up and trying to make a strawmen than what bother people is the theater choosing not to screen a movie, the theater did decide to screen the movie and did as recently than this summer. People complaining about the theater showing the movie and making them stop showing the movie (something that they have absolutely the right to do obviously, like youtube has the right to have and have not video they want playing on their platform or the owner of this message board to kick who they want, etc...) is what bother people.


What if there is a boycott amazon until they stop selling Gone With the Wind bluray organized and Amazon give up and stop selling, would then be a time when it would be legitimate for people to voice concern ? If so, what is the big difference between the 2 situation ?

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1 hour ago, a2knet said:

If all the energy against GWTW screenings actually goes into protesting on how unfairly minorities are sent to for-profit prisons, then it will be very worthwhile. In fact showings of GWTW across the nation could raise money to fight the prison industrial complex. That is how MLK would do it I like to think.

MLK is a funny guy since everybody seems to be using him as a shield but if the man was alive today he'd be decried as the ultimate SJW.


This isn't really relevant to your post, I just needed an excuse to point that out.

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