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Weekend Actuals (Page 77): It 60.1M | American Assassin 14.8M | JLaw's Original Sin 7.5M

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5 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

People at my school love The Revenant.  It just ended up being one of the rare films that was widely acclaimed amongst both "cinephiles" and the GA.

People at my school also loved The Revenant as well. Get Out and IT are also among favorites.

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Here we go with the whole draw BS again. 

It all depends on the concept. Leonardo DiCaprio would never have a movie score an F simply because he'd never sign up for a movie that could possibly score an F. He's not going to star in a movie like mother! ever. 

The only real "draws" are actors who became prominent in the 90s and have an older fanbase. And even then their movies are not guaranteed to be hits. 


I cant name a single actor or actress of this particular generation where I go "oh yea this actor/actress is worth $20M a movie." Are they worth $20M for bigger franchise movies? Sure. They should get a large chunk of the pie. But are they actually pulling in folks to see original films? I don't think so. And we see it time and time again. A franchise star, starring in an original film and doing absolutely nothing to help its BO. Does having their name attached to the film help? Sure. Does it help enough to warrant them getting double digit salaries for all their films? No. 

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35 minutes ago, Alli said:

star power is build over a period of time. you have to earn the public's trust. leo dicaprio is known to star in good movies, that's why his audience keeps coming back

I've always maintained if you switched Her and The Wolf of Wall Street with their leads and they were the exact same films, you would see radically different BO #s. 


DiCaprio has the kind of star power akin to De Niro in the 70's and Cruise in the 80's/90's. Putting ego aside and working with the best filmmakers of their time to push them further performance-wise. 

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2 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

Seeing it ( and by it I mean mother! not It) in an hour @WrathOfHan

I have a feeling you're gonna hate it :lol: 

2 minutes ago, CJohn said:

There is a strong chance it shows up in both tops tbh.

It'll be hilarious if it gets a bunch of BOFFY nominees including worst film :lol: 

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