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Pet Sematary | April 5, 2019 | Paramount | Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Widmyer (Starry Eyes) to direct

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11 minutes ago, baumer said:


I tried to see it yesterday but I'm not in Toronto right now. And the theater I went to didn't open until 4 p.m. lol. So I'm going to see it today for sure.


Im really interested in your opinion. Especially because this new film isnt really a remake but a new interpretation. I wont say more since i dont know if youve seen the trailers.

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1 hour ago, Brainbug said:


Im really interested in your opinion. Especially because this new film isnt really a remake but a new interpretation. I wont say more since i dont know if youve seen the trailers.

I've seen the trailers I've read the book 4 * so I don't suppose there's a lot they can put in there that will really surprise me. I am looking forward to it and I do hope it's good. I'm curious to see how they handle the Zelda aspect which was always one of the creepiest parts of the book to me. So I'm really going to try to see it today and I'll let you know what I think.

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10 minutes ago, narniadis said:

As much as I disliked the movie, it makes me want to read the book and see if I like that better. 🤷‍♂️ also as a parent some things were just hard to watch which probably soured my view somewhat. 

I didn't like the book at all.


Extremely depressive, slow, and full of fillers chapters. I also didn't connect with any of the characters which certainly didn't help the reading.


I do liked the last 50 pages and the concept that we are all muppets in the hands of sobrenatural forces, I wish King had explored it more.

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22 minutes ago, narniadis said:

As much as I disliked the movie, it makes me want to read the book and see if I like that better. 🤷‍♂️ also as a parent some things were just hard to watch which probably soured my view somewhat. 


Pet Sematary - films and book - is probably the horror story i would recommend parents the least :lol:

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I'm annoyed at how flat this was. Pet Sematary is such a good story, but neither movie is willing to commit to what really makes it work. It's not emotional. It's certainly not scary. It's not even in the slightest bit creepy. If you listen closely enough, you can hear the producer's breathing down Christopher Young's neck - just in case he dared to do...anything with the music. Just a huge disappointment.


The cat was great though.

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1 hour ago, ddddeeee said:

I'm annoyed at how flat this was. Pet Sematary is such a good story, but neither movie is willing to commit to what really makes it work. It's not emotional. It's certainly not scary. It's not even in the slightest bit creepy. If you listen closely enough, you can hear the producer's breathing down Christopher Young's neck - just in case he dared to do...anything with the music. Just a huge disappointment.


The cat was great though.


This film really seems to be very divisive which was also my first thought when leaving the theater lol. Its always fascinating for me that two people can watch the exact same movie and can have totally different opinions. Thats one big part of the fun when discussing movies for me (unless the discussions become toxic of course)

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I just came back watching this movie, and it was a Godsend that I didn't pay attention to any of the trailers. I was reading Reddit comments about how the trailer spoiled the movie. I just watched the trailer on YouTube, and I was like "Why would their marketing people do this?" smh

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13 hours ago, The Horror of Lucas Films said:

I didn't like the book at all.


Extremely depressive, slow, and full of fillers chapters. I also didn't connect with any of the characters which certainly didn't help the reading.


I do liked the last 50 pages and the concept that we are all muppets in the hands of sobrenatural forces, I wish King had explored it more.

Hmm  -that makes for an interesting idea, if the film had explored something along those lines instead of what it did, maybe I would have liked it better.


As someone else mentioned, it did feel flat and plodding - one comment made on the way out was that "the ending should have come like an hour ago..." I don't see it sticking around long, but I could be wrong. 50m ending gross if it's fortunate.

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11 hours ago, OdinSon2k14 said:

That ending was a bit sinister...

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but the kid is The Shining so I wouldn't bet on zombies. I do appreciate they kept Church "alive" unlike the book where stupid doctor euthanizes him later. I think that Saturday boxoffice made a big jump when word got out that the cat makes it "alive" all the way.

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I thought it was a really interesting film to think about in terms of the craft of adaptation. 


Firstly I thought the acting was really strong and the atmosphere in the first and last acts extremely enjoyable and there were a couple of decent set pieces in between.


However, I think the underlying issue is that there's about 1.5 movies worth of material in the source text and they try to fit everything in. Because of this they really undercut the really important thematic elements such that the decisions of the main character just seem too stupid



For instance, before both resurrection scenes the motivation needed to be much more justified, either the supernatural pull needed to be more strongly rendered OR the discussions of death and conceptions of fearing it needed to be more harshly felt. They also needed probably to get rid of one of the two supernatural-ish subplots as with the dead patient and the monstrous sister it all feels a bit too fantastical and unrelatable when that is rendered on screen compared to when it is merely read.


The other aspect is that in hindsight it's really weird that the dad is the central character and not the mum given that they have such a detailed background for her only for her to then not really have any agency, though again that's King and not this adaptation.


I know they made what they probably thought was a big change to the novel and it came across okay, but I think what it really needed was omissions, not changes. 



That said, the polarising nature of the reception for what is essentially something that should be easy to agree upon as simply an "okay" movie proves once again why horror fans are their own worst enemy. They can't call a movie that had objective mixed qualities but that they didn't necessarily go for themselves a 'decent' movie or 'not for me' but have to slate it and they defend to an outrageous degree movies that aren't particularly good but that do it for them. Heck above we even have a self-professed horror fan trumpet Hereditary as a "D+" movie, which even if one didn't like it oneself is frankly beyond preposterous.   

Edited by Ipickthiswhiterose
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