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1 minute ago, JonathanLB said:

but a hive mind of people who can't tolerate a difference of opinion


this is straight up ironic coming from you mr. "Boyhood and Moonlight and all indie movies with liberal themes and such are bad and anyone who disagrees with me hates cinema and no actual adult likes these movies"

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20 minutes ago, The Last Panda said:

I think this deal is actually good for theaters.  . 

lmao I'm sure theaters are pretty happy about Disney having even more power to force their exhibition terms on them.


Plus Disney not being as dependent of theaters (because streaming service) as theaters is of studios. 


They must be thrilled, for sure.

Edited by Goffe
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8 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Yup, because clearly a socialist or communist society would lead to much better results. We could all have the same amount of money, studios wouldn't have enough money to finance big blockbusters because money would be provided by the state for "important" things only. They'd take care of us. We may have some low budget government-funded movies about how great socialism is, but we wouldn't have needless wastes of money like blockbusters. Socialism and communism have both worked so well, they haven't at all been the cause of tens of millions of deaths, or the destruction of individual liberty, property, and freedom. Death to capitalism! What a horrible system, when just about anyone can succeed and build a life of wealth and distinction. Who would want such a terrible system? We don't need the riff raff rising up and becoming wealthy. It would be so much better if we could just have a system where the government power players are the societal elite, and everyone else is just "equal" (equally poor, the dumb schmucks!). It really is a bummer watching capitalism just ruin the world through a complete lack of technological innovation in this country and nobody having any desire to make great advances anymore. Oh well, maybe one day we'll see the light of communism so we can be more like old Soviet Russia or Cuba or North Korea. 


Do they not teach history anymore or do people just not really pay attention? I know they don't teach basic economics because I argue with enough liberals on the Internet to understand even Econ 101 is beyond their grasp. 



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So, if the deal ends up happening...Does that mean Dark Phoenix will be the end of Fox universe?


Or are they waiting some years until Marvel finally figures out how to include X-Men on their universe? I mean, is the Gambit movie happening at all ? What about Multiple Man, with James Franco?


I'm just curious. 


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16 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

To say you want more "adult entertainment" where you define "adult" as shitty indie movies that nobody likes is disingenuous at best. Most people would far rather see a Pixar movie than see this year's crappy indie love fest. That's why the box office results are so terrible for these movies. They have awful trailers that appeal to just about nobody, so even with an RT score of 90-100% nobody watches them. They're NOT appealing movies. If you want to see them, that's awesome, I'm sure you'll always be able to find some "hidden indie gem" about a gender neutral non-binary single mother / father / unidentified raising a special needs child in the inner city while struggling with heroin abuse and the injustice of capitalist society, but for the rest of us who like movies that provide actual entertainment value Disney is king. 


10 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Yup, because clearly a socialist or communist society would lead to much better results. We could all have the same amount of money, studios wouldn't have enough money to finance big blockbusters because money would be provided by the state for "important" things only. They'd take care of us. We may have some low budget government-funded movies about how great socialism is, but we wouldn't have needless wastes of money like blockbusters. Socialism and communism have both worked so well, they haven't at all been the cause of tens of millions of deaths, or the destruction of individual liberty, property, and freedom. Death to capitalism! What a horrible system, when just about anyone can succeed and build a life of wealth and distinction. Who would want such a terrible system? We don't need the riff raff rising up and becoming wealthy. It would be so much better if we could just have a system where the government power players are the societal elite, and everyone else is just "equal" (equally poor, the dumb schmucks!). It really is a bummer watching capitalism just ruin the world through a complete lack of technological innovation in this country and nobody having any desire to make great advances anymore. Oh well, maybe one day we'll see the light of communism so we can be more like old Soviet Russia or Cuba or North Korea. 


Do they not teach history anymore or do people just not really pay attention? I know they don't teach basic economics because I argue with enough liberals on the Internet to understand even Econ 101 is beyond their grasp. 


5 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Learned what? Learned that there are a lot of people who post the exact same meme over and over again? It just makes me laugh. Who would have known a box office forum isn't a diverse group of individual critical thinkers, but a hive mind of people who can't tolerate a difference of opinion so they stick their heads in the sand and go "La la la la not listening." It takes actual brain cells to respond to a different point of view, it takes no effort at all to dismiss said point of view with cute memes. Equally no brainpower to dismiss the person AND their views, because you don't agree. 


All I can tell is when I don't get real responses, but just teh jokez I must have hit a nerve. It tells me exactly what I want to know -- I'm right. You can't even make an argument to the contrary, so instead it's just useless nonsense. I'll be impressed and probably die of a heart attack if I actually saw a useful rebuttal of anything, but there isn't one. I didn't state anything that's not true, which is that Disney makes great movies that audiences enjoy, and there's no cause for a "sky is falling" approach to a deal that will be good for moviegoers by uniting a lot of content in a future streaming service. What could be bad as a moviegoer? Having so much access to great films in one place can only be seen as a good thing.

You need Jesus.

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Just now, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, if the deal ends up happening...Does that mean Dark Phoenix will be the end of Fox universe?


Or are they waiting some years until Marvel finally figures out how to include X-Men on their universe? I mean, is the Gambit movie happening at all ? What about Multiple Man, with James Franco?


I'm just curious. 


You know about as much as everyone else on here. Unless there’s a Disney or Fox insider lurking on the forums that wants to provide insight. 

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1 minute ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, if the deal ends up happening...Does that mean Dark Phoenix will be the end of Fox universe?


Or are they waiting some years until Marvel finally figures out how to include X-Men on their universe? I mean, is the Gambit movie happening at all ? What about Multiple Man, with James Franco?


I'm just curious. 


The X-Men films I could see continuing as part of an alternate universe but they'll incorporate the Fantastic Four into the MCU since the property is all but dead at Fox.

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14 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

I love how every time Jonathan posts something like that, without fail, 5 minutes later there are like four people who respond to it calling him out for it.  By now, he should have learned...

The people who reply should have learned. 

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First, Boyhood and Moonlight are terrible movies, it has nothing to do with a liberal agenda. I don't think Boyhood is a liberal movie by any means, it's just a very very boring coming of age drama that has mediocre acting and a lot of pacing problems. It's not even a movie you can hate so much as it is a movie that's so boring it lulls you to sleep. I only hate it because it's so bad, but other than that, it's not objectionable. 


The very definition of "specialty fare" movies indicates they're mostly not going to appeal to a wide audience. I find it bizarre when people act like they love every indie drama that pops out per year. Either you're kidding yourself or you just want to be the kind of person who loves movies nobody has seen. There's nothing to love about most of them. As I've said, there are a good solid 30% of them every year that really are charming movies, like Queen of Katwe and Lion for instance, or really great under appreciated films like Bridge of Spies. I can get behind a movie like The Dallas Buyers Club, there was a good specialty fare movie. It's not like they're non-existent. Birdman was a fantastic film, one that I didn't fully appreciate the first viewing, but liked, and after seeing it a second time it became clear how great it was. I don't just think "rah rah go blockbusters, best movies of the year," because there are always a few true gems in the specialty circuit. The problem is wading through the absolute garbage like Moonlight to get there. It becomes an exercise in frustration wondering if it's worth seeing shit like Mother, Boyhood, Manchester, Danish Girl, Moonlight, Les Miserables, etc. just to find the few good movies in the pile. If you go watch 10 blockbusters the worst you're likely to see (outside of Fantastic Beasts, which really was terrible) is something like The Mummy, Transformers Knights of Mediocrity, and Pirates, all of which were really thoroughly mediocre movies but provided bits of entertainment value. I could walk out of the theater not being angry to have seen any of those movies, and to my surprise Transformers was the best of the three, maybe because the trailer was SO bad that I set my expectations appropriately low, but at least none of those movies made me want to slit my wrists. They were all 2 to 2.5 star movies. That's more than I can say of most of the indie movies they send me.


Would I care if you took a great romantic comedy that was super funny and you made it a guy-guy romantic comedy instead? Hell no, it would be the SAME movie, unless you're just a bigot. I have numerous gay friends, so I'm not against a movie like that at all, and to be against that would be narrow minded and stupid. But you DO have to have a plot that engages me, it's not enough to throw in a transsexual or bisexual or gay character and say, "We're being different, you have to like this because you're a liberal PC social justice warrior!" See, I'm not, so I don't have to like any movie that's not good. The gay community deserves much better movies than that. They deserve a great, classic film that normalizes what should be completely acceptable -- just two people loving each other, doesn't matter who they are. But to make a movie that if you switched it around to straight romance would still be boring, that's the problem. Would Moonlight get all of its attention if it had none of the gay element at all? I mean why would it? It was super boring, nothing fucking happens all movie long, and it wasn't particularly well made by any means. You'd be hard pressed to find a single major studio film with such shoddy production values or low rent looks, so it has to make up for that with a great story. Which it didn't have. In fact the story was so bad that I actually made that story as a joke years before Moonlight came out, in 2013. I had jokingly told people I was going to make an Oscarbait movie about a crack-addicted single black mom raising her special needs gay son in the ghetto and their journey through it. Sure, Moonlight scaled it back (and lost even more Oscar potential, IMO) by making him not a special needs son and maybe he's bi, not gay, but the point is I made that story idea in 5 seconds as a joke and they actually made it into a movie and it did actually win awards. That has to be the funniest thing I can imagine, that I would JOKINGLY come up with an awards bait premise and it would be a huge hit. It's just that easy.

Edited by JonathanLB
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6 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

So, if the deal ends up happening...Does that mean Dark Phoenix will be the end of Fox universe?


Or are they waiting some years until Marvel finally figures out how to include X-Men on their universe? I mean, is the Gambit movie happening at all ? What about Multiple Man, with James Franco?


I'm just curious. 


It probably will be. There is no reason to continue it, aside from Deadpool. The old cast is gone and the new cast hasn't set the box office on fire. There is no reason to continue it when Kevin Feige can capably handle it.

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