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Jurassic World: Dominion | June 10 2022 | 6th Most Profitable Movie of 2023

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4 minutes ago, Brainbug the Dinosaur said:

Yeah hes just speaking truth here. Films (especially long ones) with a slower pace just dont fit the taste of the GA anymore. Blade Runner 2049 for example, in my opinion one of the best films of the 2010s, was killed box office-wise by its pacing and runtime i believe. Modern audiences are customed to fast-paced movies with an action scene every 10 to 20 minutes when it comes to most big blockbusters and movies that stray away from that formula suffer from that.

We've had movies that prove otherwise (like the second highest grossing movie of the year). It just needs a popular IP's name on it for people to watch it.

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10 minutes ago, Brainbug the Dinosaur said:


Yeah hes just speaking truth here. Films (especially long ones) with a slower pace just dont fit the taste of the GA anymore. Blade Runner 2049 for example, in my opinion one of the best films of the 2010s, was killed box office-wise by its pacing and runtime i believe. Modern audiences are customed to fast-paced movies with an action scene every 10 to 20 minutes when it comes to most big blockbusters and movies that stray away from that formula suffer from that.

Dune did better than anyone was expecting, so I don’t know if Neil’s entirely correct. 

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Batman and Dune weren't action heavy summer Blockbusters, they weren't expected to be like that.


People go to these movies, they pay to watch Dinosaurs, they expect as much screentime for titular creatures as possible.


It's not the pacing, it's the fact that you can't hide anything or build something, cat's out if the bag since 1993, people now want Dinosaurs on screen, and Dinosaurs chomping people even better. 

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Just realised around half of criticism for these movies come from the fact that they aren't Jurassic Park.


"They don't have scenes like Hammond talking to Ellie in restaurant or dinner table discussion"


That's not even a valid criticism tbh. Having those scenes make Jurassic Park a great movie for sure, but not having those kind of scenes DOES NOT make Jurassic World movies bad.


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1 hour ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

Just realised around half of criticism for these movies come from the fact that they aren't Jurassic Park.


"They don't have scenes like Hammond talking to Ellie in restaurant or dinner table discussion"


That's not even a valid criticism tbh. Having those scenes make Jurassic Park a great movie for sure, but not having those kind of scenes DOES NOT make Jurassic World movies bad.

You are right, it doesn't, horrible scripts, weak characters and bad execution make JW movies bad.

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Jurassic Park is one of the best movies of all time. A big reason is how the cinematography plays with size and scale, not only with its dinosaurs but with the human characters. Like, in some of the close-ups in the first movie, the characters look ginormous. There’s this constant ping-ponging between shot sizes and it allows the dinosaurs to give the impression of enormity when they do appear. And I saw a little bit of that in the trailers for Dominion. I mean, obviously a Jurassic film’s gonna do this. That’s what makes it Jurassic. And that’s a part of what the viewers want, and when they see this, that’s what they’re gonna get. And that’s why this movie will be a hit.

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1 hour ago, Firepower said:

You are right, it doesn't, horrible scripts, weak characters and bad execution make JW movies bad.

Pretty much this. The scenes in JP1 where we spend time getting to know the characters are there so that we care when they’re potentially about to get munched, it’s character development. The Jurassic World films have nothing like that, and as a result I couldn’t give a crap if Chris Pratt or Bryce Dallas Howard dies or not. Dennis Nedry in JP1 has more character development in 30 minutes than any of these new characters.


I’m not saying each film needs to spend 45 minutes building up to dinosaurs attacking, because audiences have clearly not got the patience for that anymore (see also Godzilla 2014), but making us care about the characters should be top of the list of script requirements.

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People behind Jurassic World flicks have no clue what made the original Jurassic Park special. It wasn't a dumbass green screen fest, it had substance, it had great characters, it was grounded, it had sense of wonder, creatures had weight and felt real because of mix of practical effects and CGI, sets were practical, it looked like a real movie without cheap digital photography with oversaturated colors and green screens everwhere, and in the end it was directed by one of the greatest filmmakers on top of his form. Last two JW movies are literally Fast & Furious with dinosaurs, even "la familia" is there, just dumb CGI fests with big explosions, boring characters, weightless cartoonish CGI creatures, nonsensical plot, cheap digital photography with oversaturated colors (poor Laura Dern with orange face in Dominion trailer), zero practical effects or any substance whatsoever.

Edited by Firepower
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14 minutes ago, Firepower said:

People behind Jurassic World flicks have no clue what made the original Jurassic Park special. It wasn't a dumbass green screen fest, it had substance, it had great characters, it was grounded, it had sense of wonder, creatures had weight and felt real because of mix of practical effects and CGI, sets were practical, it looked like a real movie without cheap digital photography with oversaturated colors and green screens everwhere, and in the end it was directed by one of the greatest filmmakers on top of his form. Last two JW movies are literally Fast & Furious with dinosaurs, even "la familia" is there, just dumb CGI fests with big explosions, boring characters, weightless cartoonish CGI creatures, nonsensical plot, cheap digital photography with oversaturated colors (poor Laura Dern with orange face in Dominion trailer), zero practical effects or any substance whatsoever.

To be fair JP was directly out of Crichton's book which was a spectacular success. Story had an arc which went all south and all but Grant/Satler/Malcom/kids all perish brutally. It had good concepts around chaos theory(and how nature cannot be controlled) plus humans being the weakest link(that would happen with Nedry character turning off security and trying to escape the island with Eggs). 


2nd movie did not use the plot line from the book(which itself was not that strong as it was written due to enormous popularity of 1st book) . But the movie script was even worse and after an explosive start(it crushed the OW record), it just perished just as quickly. 


This trilogy is came out of thin air and so there is too much to expect great script or character development. its what it is. At least they got the franchise back to uber success of 1st movie. 1st fell to mid level gross by 3rd movie. 

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People need to realize that filmmakers are never ever gonna capture the wonder and magic of the original. That should have been clear back in 1997.  But people keep coming back in droves because they love the franchise. And that will once again be made VERY clear when Dominion opens big and makes bank.


And Firepower, Fallen Kingdom and Dominion literally have a combination of practical and CGI effects. They're not also full of pointless explosions (the island is literally having a volcanic eruption in Fallen Kingdom and there's like a whopping TWO explosions in World) what are you even on about . . .again.

Edited by Yandereprime101189
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8 hours ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

Spielberg's slow burn approached worked in Jurassic Park because people in theaters had never seen anything like that before, it was all so mysterious and secretive..... There was a mystique about it, hence the reveal was so Impactfull.


But once the reveal was made and audience got the taste of Dinosaurs, there was no going back, now there's no point of hiding things which audiences have already seen before.


Unrelated movie, but similar case, Godzilla 2014 might be best made Monsterverse movie, but it's biggest criticism was not enough Godzilla..... Clearly audience didn't enjoy the slow burn there, although final battle after all the buildup was worth it, but people eventually want to see more Godzilla in Godzilla.


Similarly audience pay to watch Dinosaurs on screen, so the more screentime for dinosaurs, the better.


Another big reason is Spielberg knows how to create fear by unseen stuff in shots. They know they don't have to show shark/dinosaur to audience for making thrilling set pieces one after one. This trick is something filmmakers nowadays don't know how to use.

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36 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:


I think that’s being too optimistic. Im expecting it to be in the 50’s range and a CinemaScore in the A range.


lots of action, character interactions and a cliche plot. Seems like critics won’t like it but audiences will.


also that screening should be finished by like 1 am. Any Spanish speakers here that can watch for and translate reactions?

Edited by Bigscrubnus
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