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Actually T-Dogg did not have a line. He attempted to speak, and was cut off :lol: :lol:I loved the episode. But like you I also enjoy bashing the characters. They are all such dumbasses , it's a hugely entertaining trainwreck.

I know,right? I think that those horrid characters actually make the show. It`s like Starship Troopers. All those soapish 30something teenagers are God-awful but that`s what makes the movie aside the awesomeoness of Iron Mike, the script, effects and score.
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While I definitely agree that there are some terrible characters here, Shane, Rick, Andrea, Daryl, etc I all like. If Shane dies like some speculate, the show will become a bit less interesting (though apparently a fantastic prison arc is coming up, so maybe not) because he is by far the best character.

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Well... (episode reactions)Shane gets double-killed, first by Rick normally and then by Carl in his Walker-version. While purists are grumbling (about Carl being the one who kills live-Shane to protect his dad), I don't mind the change that much since the execution was pretty darn good. Rick talking down Shane enough for Shane to lower his guard and Rick to gut him with a knife was a very strong scene. Also, Carl dropping Shane in Walker-form works as a nice bookend to his Walker encounter the previous episode.The show finally let the cat out of the bag that the zombie bites are irrelevant when it comes to people turning into Walkers. Now the audience knows that everyone who dies gets zombified.Zombie Horde of Doom bodes well for an action-packed finale.T-Dog had a novel's worth of lines this episode, comparatively speaking. :lol:

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Where the heck did the zombies come from?

The Season 2 premiere clearly established that there are roaming zombie herds. It was just a matter of time before one got close enough to the farm to detect the sounds/smells/etc of the group.
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Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. What an episode!I'm sad Shane is dead because he's such an interesting and crazy antagonist but you gotta admire that the show has balls to kill off main characters at a whim. It shows that no one is safe. And yes obviously if this happened in the comics then it was to be expected, but the show could always diverge from the source material if they wanted...Also I was really confused about Russel and Shane becoming walkers, I thought maybe it was a new development, but now I see from other posters that it's been this way all along if you die. Do have a question though, did this just happen to people who die since the "change" or can all previous corpses come back to life too?Oh and T-Dog makes his glorious return to speaking role. He was on fire this episode with some greeeeeat one liners :unsure:

Edited by rockNrollaDIM
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We didn`t know that people turn after any death because our heroes happened to shot eevryone in the head (Rick shooting Russell`s buddies, Daryl shooting Dale) thus unwittingly preventing zombification. Shane only broke Russell`s neck but didn`t damage the brain, hence his turn. Likewise, Rick stabbed Shane in the stomach and chest.Question, while Shane was lying dead, the scene was intercut with quick shots of zombies eating someone`s guts. Was it POV of Shane`s turning (as in he is now feeling the need for human flesh) or reference to zombie horde nearby?Any rumours who else might die in the finale? I expect zombie horde to get at least some insiginficant farm members if not another major character?

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Question, while Shane was lying dead, the scene was intercut with quick shots of zombies eating someone`s guts. Was it POV of Shane`s turning (as in he is now feeling the need for human flesh) or reference to zombie horde nearby?

The former. I think it was meant to clue the audience in that Shane was about to zombify without a bite.aDIM, while all dead people in TWD's universe come back as zombies, the survivors don't know that because they've only seen transformations after death by zombie bite. They were pretty lucky about killing every human with headshots (since it's almost a guaranteed kill aside from the crazy survival stories).
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Great episode. Sadly, I already knew what was coming but still loved the show. I can't wait for the season finale next week.

I met a few of the cast members on Saturday, Michael Rooker (Merle), Chandler Riggs (Carl), and Irone Singleton (T-Dogg). They were hilarious.

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Did you ask T-Dog about his "role"? :lol:

Yeah it sort of came up :P He said it should he should start showing up more and he already did last night. It was a tad bit weird to see him with a full head of hair though. :PHe thought he was going to be killed off at one point when he started reading the script where he slices his arm. He was pretty funny about how he skipped ahead in the script and kept looking for himself until he realized he was ok. :PAll 3 were nice and funny people.
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The episode was epic.. I'm still buzzing about it today. Can't wait for the season finale. I really really hope it's just a short break until the next season :(

Season 3 will probably premier in Octoberr again, just like the other two.
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