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I don't understand the "uninteresting" accusations. The writers have so successfully written a useless bitch in the form of Carol that people actually HATE her, and they don't even realize that's the whole point of the character. The prospect of pregnancy, birth, and raising a child during a zombie apocalypse should be more than interesting. Daryl is awesome, full stop. Shane's decent in to madness and Andrea's transition in to someone who WANTS to learn how to use weapons and turn in to a useful warrior type should also interest people.

Edited by PDC1987
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It's probably a reflection of how much I care about these characters, but who's Carol?And anyways, how does being a bitch make you interesting, or make me care about you? Shane has always been unlikeable from the beginning, and he becomes even more unlikeable as the series goes along. Andrea's just being a whiny bitch as well.And the series doesn't have good enough writing to make me care about unlikeable characters, which makes it hard for me to connect with them. It's not really that the characters themselves aren't interesting, it's that one doesn't connect with the characters and therefore doesn't get interested in them.I do agree with the idea that pregnancy, birth, and raising a child are all interesting stories. It's just that I could care less about Lori, or her problems.

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I don't necessarily agree that nothing happened or this is "uninteresting". However, I think the problem is they are stretching out some stories too long for most people. As much as I like the series, I have to say that the Sophia thing needs to end pretty soon. It really isn't even captivating any more. Maybe the first 2 episodes of the arc is fine, but going into 4 shows is now just dragging along a bit.

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Ugh, I just googled "Carol Walking Dead" because I wasn't sure which one that was and I came across a major spoiler from the comics. Damn.I think you are being harsh though. Nobody said they want a Michael Bay movie. But next to nothing happened in Sunday's episode.

Based on how Carol has been portrayed so far I think they'll diverge somewhat from her character arc in the comics. How much I don't know.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Stupid bitch! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Please don`t be true! I hate this stupid bitch! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Haha I bet many show fans were freaked out with that moment. I've read a fair amount of the comics and I know how Andrea develops there, but I was ready to reach through my TV to throttle her if she had killed Daryl (who as an original character is up for grabs at any moment).My reactions on the whole episode:A slowish-paced episode, but not dull. It was essentially the calm before the storm that will begin in episode 6 (as the preview indicates).Daryl's wilderness adventure was great, especially because of Michael Rooker's appearance. Though imaginary, Hallucinogenic Merle is better than no Merle at all. I think his hallucination means 2 things: 1) It is sowing seeds for Daryl to confront his relationship to the other survivors. 2) It essentially now telegraphs that Daryl and Merle will meet for real at some point, and Daryl will have to choose where he stands in life.Staying with Daryl for a moment, they're definitely setting up a bond between him and Carol. I'm for this, since Carol's story in the comics gets too soap opera-ish and sticking her with Daryl eliminates progression on that front for now.They built up a little more tension with Hershel, which will again spill out next episode I think. Likewise I think Shane will reach his breaking point in relation to the group by the end of Episode 7, based on how fast things are now progressing in his character spiral.ZOMBIE BARN REVEAL Edited by 4815162342
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Well tonight's episode was very good. A lot better than recent weeks.I'm with Fish, I was thinking, "Andrea you stupid, stupid bitch!!!" So glad that was just a swerve because Daryl is probably the best character on the show.I was expecting the Zombie Barn from what somebody wrote last week but it's still shocking and I have no idea how it's going to play out. Hershel has done a 180 from helpful doctor to creepy overlord.Sophia is still missing... but I'm willing to let it slide considering the rest of the episode.

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Daryl is the best character. Shane would be good if the stupid actor didn`t look like dear in headlights all the time. Absolutely impossible to read what he is thinking outside of "I`m a dear caught in headlights. SHIT!"IMO, the show has way too many characters and over half of them boring. I feel for Rick but cut the faux-spiritual chitchat cause it`s cheesy. Nobody ever has those convos even in time of huge crisis.The unexisting triangle, on which the writers insist even though Lori was duped and made her choice in episode 2 without looking back, is dragging Lori`s plot down. I hope they stay true to the comic book because

what works against the show at this moment is that main characters feel safe from biting the dust. Someone has to go and she and the baby die in a big way in the comics. So I hope they don`t chciken out from showing mom and baby shot through by the same bullet because the show needs a shocker death. About damn time especially since they kept Shane around who dies early in the comics.

Andrea is an annoying bitch. Seriously, first season set her up for potential awesomeness but this season is the character assassination. Get the grip or get killed.Others barely register because only the above group is given something to do and even they didn`t hit the jack pot cause they just repeat the same old ep by ep. Merle must come back for real, not just halucination.

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Nobody ever has those convos even in time of huge crisis.

I don't think it's possible to know what convos would people have in these huge crisis since I think the last time such a world-ending crisis that happened was when the meteor killed all the dinosaurs.
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Yep another good episode. Daryl is such a great character and I like his visions of Merle. Hopefully the next show will keep it up. Yeah I figured what was in the barn as well, but can't wait to see where it leads.

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