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Weekend Thread....Please read the staff announcement pg 104 (Solo 29.2...DP 23.3...Adrift 11.5)

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3 hours ago, harrycaul said:

When someone says "you have to add in marketing" and then says "But I don't care about video or toy revenue" you know they're not serious about trying to figure out how much a movie made or lost.


Let's be honest- Almost no one on this site makes any effort to understand the real profit/loss of films. It's all about "my favorite franchise rulez, all other franchises drool!!!!"


I hate to pull this card, but I will anyway....I do know the numbers for TFA and TLJ.  I know the budget including marketing, I know how much people were paid upfront and I know the back-ends.  I have someone who works on this kind of stuff and they have shared things with me.  Making SW isn't cheap, but it's insanely profitable.  And that's all I can say about that.  JJ made way more from TFA than you could possibly imagine....and yet Disney is bringing him back with the same kind of back-end deal.  They wouldn't do that if they were losing money, or not making gobs of it.  

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16 minutes ago, John Marston said:



Rrally? It seemed they thought it was going to be overwhelmingly loved since they have Johnson a trilogy before it came out 

Wasn't the whole "We are giving Johnson an entire new trilogy" a marketing ploy in order to create the false impression that TLJ was actually good and that Disney were happy with it? 


Just like when Disney announced that a Bobba Fett spin-off movie was being prepared a few hours before Solo was to open in theaters? 

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Just now, sfran43 said:





Numbers to the rescue!


Solo actually increased which is nice and and all but doesnt make this whole situation look better. 60M for the 2nd weekend seems a bit tougher now.


IW increasing is always nice.

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3 hours ago, Brainbug said:



Numbers to the rescue!


Solo actually increased which is nice and and all but doesnt make this whole situation look better. 60M for the 2nd weekend seems a bit tougher now.


IW increasing is always nice.


Most I can see is 56 million.  It should increase by 300% today to 24 million and then stay flat on Sunday.  

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4 minutes ago, baumer said:


I hate to pull this card, but I will anyway....I do know the numbers for TFA and TLJ.  I know the budget including marketing, I know how much people were paid upfront and I know the back-ends.  I have someone who works on this kind of stuff and they have shared things with me.  Making SW isn't cheap, but it's insanely profitable.  And that's all I can say about that.  JJ made way more from TFA than you could possibly imagine....and yet Disney is bringing him back with the same kind of back-end deal.  They wouldn't do that if they were losing money, or not making gobs of it.  

Heh. My neighbor for 10 years in Los Angeles was a film auditor. The guy who got called in when someone thought they were being cheated. He'd then sit in a room somewhere for months and pore over every dollar in and every dollar out. I don't know Star Wars numbers, but I have a pretty good idea on some other franchise level films.  ;)

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4 minutes ago, PPZVGOS said:

Wasn't the whole "We are giving Johnson an entire new trilogy" a marketing ploy in order to create the false impression that TLJ was actually good and that Disney were happy with it? 


Just like when Disney announced that a Bobba Fett spin-off movie was being prepared a few hours before Solo was to open in theaters? 

:rolleyes:   You do know the reviews on TLJ were excellent?  91% RT with a 8.1 avg.  Why would they think at that point they needed to bolster it with news of  trilogy?



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9 minutes ago, sfran43 said:



Both Ultron and GOTG2 had a 1.4M Thu, then followed by 2.9M and 2.7M for Friday respectively.


IW 2.8M Friday falls in the middle of those two, so average the post Memorial Day weekends of Ultron and GOTG2 (11.4M and 9.8M) gets IW somewhere around 10.5M


Terrific numbers as always for Solo.

Edited by Sam
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17 minutes ago, baumer said:

You know how you fix E9?  bring Luke back.  That's it.  No one said he was dead.  Then he has his final confrontation with Kylo.  Then you answer the questions from part 7, like why Maz had Luke's sabre from Empire strikes Back.  You give a better reason as to why Rey is not just strong with the force but downright God like.  You get Meryl Streep to play Leia.  You get into more backstory about the Knights of Ren.  Basically you undo all the bullshit that Johnson did in TLJ.


There, I said it.  


And now I'll go hybernate while you guys tear me to shreds.


Luke became one with the force just how Obi Wan and Yoda did. He is as dead as those guys. But apparently as TLJ showed with Yoda you can still use ur force powers from the beyond so maybe Kylo fights Luke’s force ghost 👻 


Also lol at the Meryl Streep part. I agree with pretty much everything else though. 


But as for Luke and Leia, they are gone and I think it should stay that way. Let the new trio (duo?) shine wnd become the focus of the story so that they may become the luke and leia of the next trilogy. 

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12 minutes ago, baumer said:


You can't be serious about this.  


Sorry bro, not going to respond to this in any kind of way.  You go on and think whatever you want to think.  

I don’t get it, you said Disney made  “hand over first 4.3 billion to be exact” from Star Wars films. Does Disney get 100% of each movie’s bo gross and do these films being made and marketed for free ? I see every other film be scrutinized about its budget, marketing cost e.t.c . “Think whatever I want to think” ? Isn’t it known since forever that studios get around 50-55 % (at the very best ) from the worldwide bo gross ? We just had the discussion about how black panther , a movie that grossed around 1.4 billion WW profited Disney around 450 million and I bet the marketing and production budget for these new Star Wars film is bigger than black panther’s. So from 4.3 billion Disney gets .....well let’s be generous and say 1.5 billion in pure profit (they get 620 million from the 2+ billion grossing IW ) and then you subtract around 200 million, at best case scenario, that they will loose from solo. I am sorry but if we are talking about strictly theatrical runs then these are the numbers.

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3 hours ago, harrycaul said:

Heh. My neighbor for 10 years in Los Angeles was a film auditor. The guy who got called in when someone thought they were being cheated. He'd then sit in a room somewhere for months and pore over every dollar in and every dollar out. I don't know Star Wars numbers, but I have a pretty good idea on some other franchise level films.  ;)


Terrific post.  


Here's the thing...we all love to talk box office and we all like to think we know a great deal about it and we do....compared to Joe movie goer.  


But the bottom line is, we don't know shit, not when it comes to the actual dollars and cents of what a film costs and makes and what kind of losses and profits studios make.  


This doesn't change anything here, we'll continue talking about this stuff until the day the sun explodes and I wouldn't have it any other way, but unless you actually sit in one of those rooms like your neighbour did or like my buddy does, we'll never really know everything the way we think we do.

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6 minutes ago, baumer said:


Most I can see is 56 million.  It should increase by 300% today to 24 million and then stay flat on Sunday.  

Yesterday you were asking Nova to be realistic as it can't increase 250% on a Saturday and now you are giving it a 300% increase and staying flat on Sunday, this reflects poorly on you Baumer especially after that article :P


But these projections may also help you land a job at either Variety or THR :lol:

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3 hours ago, ZeeSoh said:


Luke became one with the force just how Obi Wan and Yoda did. He is as dead as those guys. But apparently as TLJ showed with Yoda you can still use ur force powers from the beyond so maybe Kylo fights Luke’s force ghost 👻 


Also lol at the Meryl Streep part. I agree with pretty much everything else though. 


But as for Luke and Leia, they are gone and I think it should stay that way. Let the new trio (duo?) shine wnd become the focus of the story so that they may become the luke and leia of the next trilogy. 


Luke never should have been gone.  And this trilogy so far has mismanaged that part.


Oh man...i keep saying I'm going to stop talking about this stuff.....and then....



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