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Top 100 Characters 2018 countdown has begun, Number 39 Will Blow Your MInd!!

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24th - Vito Corleone - Marlon Brando - Godfather


A film about one man's choice of pasta over firearms...




Don Corleone has become the foundation block for every mafia character put on screen ever since it seems. Even for somebody like me, who has never managed to sit down and watch the godfather films, I feel like the role is so familiar to me, such are the number of homages and parodies out there. 


Brando had a film career ranging from the sublime to the less than sublime, and this is the clear favourite from all of his roles, with no other performance finishing inside the top 300.


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23rd - Juror No. 8 - Henry Fonda - 12 Angry Men


The 8th best Juror still manages 23rd place... not bad at all.



And the penultimate role from a film I haven;t seen appears. This film is often one of the highest ranking black and white films on best movie lists and it has a strong showing here also. 


4 Jurors received votes on this list with number 3 the strongest showing at 157th, followed by 9 and 10. This is the 2nd highest placed non-colour performance as well as the highest finish for a character that has no credited name. 

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22nd - Freddy Krueger - Robert Englund - Nightmare on Elm Street


Freddy got Fingers... knife fingers



And the final piece of the slasher villain holy trinity appears as Freddy Krueger just falls short of the top 20. For me, he is by far my favourite of the three characters as he has a chracter outside of just being menacing. Englund adds something to the Freddy mythos that has meant reboots and remakes are doomed to almost instant failure because Kruegar cannot be replaced just by giving a younger guy and hat and telling him to go slash people up. 


It's great to see a horror icon feature so high on this list.

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21st - Clarice Starling - Jodie Foster - Silence of the Lambs


There will be no bleating over this installment...



I'm very happy to see Starling make it so far up the list. Foster carries large portions of this film and being recognised for that is great. It's another film on the list from the 5 big Oscar club and so it's no surprise that there are some good characters to be found here. Including one that may still be higher up the list...

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20th - Han Solo - Harrison Ford - Star Wars


The second best Han Solo in cinema after Fast and Furious' Han Seoul-Oh.



Harrison Ford makes his first appearance on this list in the role that shot him to stardom. For many, Solo was the coolest part of the original trilogy even if not the best and thus it always interests me to see where each of the Star Wars cast fall with each continuation of this poll. 


Obviously not the highest finisher from Lucas' universe on the chart, it will be interesting to see how the rest still to come are ordered above him... 

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19th - Iron Man - Robert Downey Jr.- Avengers


The love child of Tin Man and the Iron Giant



The role and film that began a universe. The original Iron Man Film is probably one of the best and well made blockbusters of the past 10 or so years. The origin of the suit and the stuff in the caves is really great cinema and gave you everything that you needed to know about Tony Stark in an entertaining fashion. 


Since then he has gone on to lead the MCU into total box office domination the only question that needs answering is whether he is the top scoring Avenger on our list.

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18th - Jules Winfield - Samuel L Jackson - Pulp Fiction


Am I the only person that confuses this name with British actress June Whigfield?



Samuel Jackson is a man of 100 characters that are all great. All refreshing and entertaining, and all feel like that they could only ever have been performed by SLJ. 


This is the final time that Tarantino will appear on our list and the only Jackson appearance on our list too. (His second highest placed character was Mace Windu in 144th).



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17th - Spider-Man - Tobey Maguire - Spider-Man


Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does.



Still the highest rated Spider man, Tobey Maguire brought Peter Parker to life on screen in a way that nobody was expecting from a superhero film. Even now, I look back on the first two Spiderman films as some of the best superhero films ever put to screen and Maguire was a big part of that. 


Holland may well go on to surpass Tobey long term as the Ultimate Spiderman, but right now, Tobey is still the king.

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36 minutes ago, chasmmi said:

the only question that needs answering is whether he is the top scoring Avenger on our list.

He better not be or I am blaming @TalismanRing


eta: y’all picked tobey > tom. Weak. 

Edited by captainwondyful
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37 minutes ago, chasmmi said:

17th - Spider-Man - Tobey Maguire - Spider-Man


Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does.



Still the highest rated Spider man, Tobey Maguire brought Peter Parker to life on screen in a way that nobody was expecting from a superhero film. Even now, I look back on the first two Spiderman films as some of the best superhero films ever put to screen and Maguire was a big part of that. 


Holland may well go on to surpass Tobey long term as the Ultimate Spiderman, but right now, Tobey is still the king.

You tout Tobey then use the Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does along with that thumbnail from the video -  BRUTAL  :lol:



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