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Seto Kaiba

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 | July 12 2023 | 99% on Rotten Tomatoes! | 290M budget so far, Cruise holding Paramount hostage for more money

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4 hours ago, Austin said:

On my second viewing, I would agree, but I didn't have an issue with that on my first viewing, so I'm not holding that against it too much. The one thing that left a distaste in my mouth the first viewing I knew was happening so I could enjoy the rest of the movie more. It stays the same rating for me at 9/10 but yeah, they could have shaved at least 15 minutes from exposition dumping. I think the word key was said 500 times or more, it was insane.


I thought the way they dumped so much exposition in that scene with Cary Elwes early in the film was so odd. I didn't need it. Nearly all the plot of the film is revealed there, and they could have gone about it more gradually, give it a bit more mystery.

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I started my Mission Impossible series rewatch last night, definitely confirms to me that the first one is the worst one (wasn't sure as I'd only watched it once, a long time ago). Couple of good moments but just a bit bland with little tension, which it needs as it was more serious. Worst thing about it by far though is Jon Voight who is just phoning it in and looks like he doesn't want to be there.

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4 minutes ago, Avatree said:

I started my Mission Impossible series rewatch last night, definitely confirms to me that the first one is the worst one (wasn't sure as I'd only watched it once, a long time ago). Couple of good moments but just a bit bland with little tension, which it needs as it was more serious. Worst thing about it by far though is Jon Voight who is just phoning it in and looks like he doesn't want to be there.

I think Jon Voight's performance weirdly kind of works? He's definitely phoning it in a bit but considering the character I like that he only seems to light up after his betrayal is revealed, it's like he's putting up a facade.

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Third viewing done. It gets better. Yes, there is a bit too much of exposition and therefore it doesn't flow as well as FALLOUT, but it has so many memorable moments. The hour following the opening credits is by far best in the franchise and the final act is epic as well. Part Two is going to be incredible. Expecting aerial stunts aka Top Gun and Fallout and the plot is set, so they can go full action.

Edited by The Dark Alfred
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This ended up 5th in my franchise rankings. Very good action film, but quite a bit more flawed than the last two movies. Very confused by the choice to not shoot in IMAX after Fallout so successfully revolutionized IMAX action scenes. If the reports are true, not sure why Cruise was upset about losing IMAX screens if there's no actual IMAX footage. 


As for the numbers, not bad. Not certain why tracking had it a bit higher, but averaging together the 3-day and 5-day numbers here gives it a 62 mil OW. A bit higher than Fallout. So strange that this franchise always opens under 70 mil. You would think at some point it'd be able to reach the same heights as Fast & Furious or Bond. 

Edited by tonytr87
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I love Cruise, MI's my favourite franchise. Watched DR for the 1st time today and agree with all the criticisms unfortunately.


Airport sequence was awesome though.Typical Mcquarrie and Cruise. Likewise the Rome chase scene. Cruise running shot in Venice was awesome.


The exposition was way too much and dragged. Everytime the suits were talking, I wished we'd cut to Cruise. The iconic Cruise stunt was epic but I wish they didn't release the BTS video. A lot of the action sequences felt overly edited and cut. Very unlike Mcquarrie and Eddie Hamilton. The background music was so bland. Fallout's score was a masterpiece, this was such a letdown.


Still clears every other action movie this year barring JW4.




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Also i have to say I caught up with the new Transformers movie yesterday and the macguffin in that is also a Key that's split in two and both movies have about 40000 lines of dialogue about Keys, and where is the key and who's got the keys and who has which half of the key and we must retrieve the key. 

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Love this movie. Love this franchise. Is it perfect? Nope.  I could not recite the plot to you if I tried and trying to figure out who has which key and when. Does it matter? Not a bit. I love how much of a homage to Depalma this is. The dutch angles and the emphasis on suspense over action at key times and setting the climax on a train. And Haley Atwell. God I love that woman. The MCU underused her so much.  Love everything about her character and its arc. Anything else would be spoiler since there does not seem to be a thread made for that yet. Probably after first view it would  be 4th behind Fallout, RN, and GP but those movies are damm near perfect so it is not a slight to this at all. 

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I just saw DR Part 1... love the car chase in Venice, the Abu Dabi airport and especially the whole train sequence at the end. The writing could have been better though and probably needed to shave 15 to 20 minutes for a much tighter pacing. Overall I really liked it.


But oh my lord... I think I'm legit in love with Haley Atwell. :wub: She stole the whole movie.

Edited by Boxx93
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