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26 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

TO me, the worst part of this film was damn too much telling and not enough showing.


the usual telling is ... telling, they showed with glimpses, its more than only telling.


I think the actual 'movement' about the telling... detail is a bit too strong.

If they'd showed all what it did give an impression, the movie would be 3 hour long and ppl would complain about too much showing.


It shows/tells exactly what was needed to show why she was able to break through, why she was ~ able to still have some personality traits through all of the 6 years, why Mar-Vell was so fond of her, why Maria and her daughter are still standing strong with her, why she had such a strong impact on Fury early on.

Without those kind of information ppl would probably complain about a lot of 'it came out of nowhere' or whatever things

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8 hours ago, Mulder said:

I'm honestly confused as hell why this even matters so much to you.

As I have repeated several times now, my issue with the lack of context for the film’s title is representative of the film’s other giant flaws, which I and others have touched on already.


5 hours ago, AndyK said:

"Wonder Woman" was never referenced in her movie.

She didn’t need to be. Wonder Woman is self explanatory as a title. It’s an adjective followed by a noun. It means a female who accomplishes feats of wonder.


What does the “Marvel” in Captain Marvel mean? Does she ‘marvel’ at things with joy and wonder? No. I’m not asking for the film to explicitly call Carol “Captain Marvel”. I’m asking for a rational on the film’s title. But apparently that’s too much to ask for.

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Yeah, I didn't like the reason behind Fury's eye either cause I don't think that mutilations are funny. Sorry but that isn't something you brush off with humor unless it's already a replacement body part (Rocket jokes, Ragetti's wooden eye in POTC).


Marketing was rather deceiving. Vers and Rogg Yogg whatever fight was very playful in the movie while marketing made it seem like a typical rough sarge and a rookie affair. I liked that one and the opening on Hala and world building was my favorite part of the movie. MCU does cosmos well. 


Also, I disagree that Vres/Carol emotions kicked in on Earth. she already had witty personality and impulsiveness. remember that Korath was not a fan of her jokes. 


I also don't think that the idea to have a villain who's basically an ideology (embodied in Supreme Intelligence) rather than a person was bad. It's the execution that sucked but it was an interesting concept and also part of kree world building which I really dig. I think that Skrulls were uninteresting standard ugly looking underdogs that prove to be beautiful on the inside or some shit. Bendelson really sells the whole thing and his reunion with much younger wife (very noticeable) and daughter had more emotional weight than forced BFFs from earth (in no small part because Carol and Fury worked so well and were the heart of the movie so the supposed loss in Carol's life was not felt despite us being told that she was robbed of so much). Also, I'm not a fan of shape-shifter trope. it's lazy and MI movies actually do it better without being actual shape-shifters. But yes, I dig Kree society a lot so could someone explain to me who are Accusers in their society, like what do they do as opposed to Star Force? 

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10 hours ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Her name is Carol Danvers. There is no Captain Marvel in this film. At least not one that's given any explanation. "Because it sounds cool and that's about it" is a no-go for me when the MCU has shown better care in the past. Even Will Smith in Suicide Squad justified the film's title better, and that script was much much worse than CM's.


And again, I'm taking up this particular issue because it's IMO representative of similar holes all throughout the script.

Dude those moments in these cbms when they come up with their name is always cringey and theres a reason why so many cbms poke fun at or wink at the idea of the heroes coming up with a name for themselves.

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2 hours ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

TO me, the worst part of this film was damn too much telling and not enough showing.

Yes, and telling by "showing" montages is still telling, and worse form of telling. Totally lack of context, how do we develop empathy to Carol? She is already confused (and confusing audience) for a large chunk of the movie, so before she fully make sense of who she is herself, it should have shown us say 10 minutes proper flashback of her early life, her family, other colleagues in the airforce, some of human struggle etc.


She and her BFF gazing into each other literally a few minutes after they met, and her BFF giving her pep talk is one of cringiest moments in MCU.

Edited by justvision
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Just now, eddyxx said:

Dude those moments in these cbms when they come up with their name is always cringey and theres a reason why so many cbms poke fun at or wink at the idea of the heroes coming up with a name for themselves.

I’ve stated at least 3 times already I don’t need her explicitly named in the film.


I do expect proper context for the title of the film though. 


Two completely different topics.

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24 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

I do expect proper context

I try to learn if cultural, age,... differences or maybe different POV what which word mean for someone (had once a huge misunderstanding over the word 'best' as that gets used per region / country partly astonishingly different), or... might be the reason for feeling like to talk at cross purposes.

So, me German, English mostly self-trained, female, older than the most here = maybe another POV about how to weight things... = you, if not too obtrusive?

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5 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

I try to learn if cultural, age,... differences or maybe different POV what which word mean for someone (had once a huge misunderstanding over the word 'best' as that gets used per region / country partly astonishingly different), or... might be the reason for feeling like to talk at cross purposes.

So, me German, English mostly self-trained, female, older than the most here = maybe another POV about how to weight things... = you, if not too obtrusive?

I'm not really following you. I think you're suggesting that I should consider other cultural or linguistic interpretations of the title "Captain Marvel"


Can you provide your interpretation of the title for me? What does the title "Captain Marvel" mean to you? What is it supposed to mean to me?

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1 minute ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

I'm not really following you. I think you're suggesting...

No I try to find out if I speak with a teen, a YA, a middle aged,... person. Also if a native English speaking person, like e.g. US or UK. The term 'proper' you used,.. got me thinking maybe UK. Or not.

I feel like, see to talk at cross purposes, something is very off between what I understand in different posts you wrote, some is theoretically very contradictory. Hence why I ask. I want to try to adjust.

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2 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

No I try to find out if I speak with a teen, a YA, a middle aged,... person. Also if a native English speaking person, like e.g. US or UK. The term 'proper' you used,.. got me thinking maybe UK. Or not.

I feel like, see to talk at cross purposes, something is very off between what I understand in different posts you wrote, some is theoretically very contradictory. Hence why I ask. I want to try to adjust.

I am an American male, mid 20s, who has spent significant time living overseas.


I fail to see the relevance of that in regards to the title of Captain Marvel making no sense within the context of the film.


What are my contradictory points?

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4 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

I am an American male, mid 20s, who has spent significant time living overseas.


I fail to see the relevance of that in regards to the title of Captain Marvel making no sense within the context of the film.


What are my contradictory points?

I do think you have valid points and logical argument. But then quite a number of movies have this problem too, and this not no big deal. Let it pass.

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On 3/7/2019 at 8:07 AM, terrestrial said:

Please let us know what she said about it


Answering you about my cat lady, non-MCU knowing aunt here, due to spoilers.


She liked it!!  She was very happy that I want her that nothing bad happens to the Goose! 


She was also so adorable because at the end during the credits, she was like: “So, the Avengers. Is that the sequel?”


And I was like, “Oh, honey, it is the sequel and the 19 movie prequel!”



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13 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

What are my contradictory points?

One hand you say its minor, wording sounds to me like its a major drama/problem/not sure about the correct term.

Also you seem to be at one hand interested into what others say per question, but at the other hand dismiss all what's said, sounds a bit like you had a certain mind-set behind the question, but I do not see where the finer / more narrow defintion was, those I see only per reaction.

Better said: I guess some of those are there out of your reactions to all of us.


Hence why I feel we speak not about the same, not in the way the conditions given or assumed are the same, something is of.


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1 minute ago, SpiderByte said:

People are really overthinking the "not saying the title of the movie in the movie" thing


More like 1 specific person


1 minute ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

"The last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye"- Fury, Nick.


Turns out that someone was a cat. 


Not sure if sarcastic or not, but in case you aren't, that someone was Carol Danvers, even if the cat scratched his eye the person whom Nick Fury trusted really was Carol.

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14 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

People are really overthinking the "not saying the title of the movie in the movie" thing

yeah this. I don't think many people will walk out of the movie going 'oh hell naw they didn't call CM CM in the movie." I didn't. this is the first time I hear about discontent. the movie got the point across doesn't have to spell it. and considering it spelled out too many things, I appreciate restrain on this.

Edited by Valonqar
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