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Disney+ MCU: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier | Featuring Captain Ughmerica and Battlestar Galactica

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The first two episodes were okay, I actually hated the third episode, but this was the best episode so far of the four.



This whole series feels really dark - very little MCU light jokes, lots of murder, serious themes and plot - darkest I've seen the MCU.


Sam finally feels like a star in his own right this episode and I hope by the finale there's a lot more of him. He should be the central star of this show but I feel like he's overshadowed by Bucky and Zemo quite a bit.


WAKANDA. AYO. I'm so excited for Black Panther 2 and this episode made me realize how great that Wakanda show will be.


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The build to Walker snapping while inevitable was still shocking to actually see him brutally kill a man with a weapon that is ultimately supposed to be for protection. Otherwise was happy with how most of the plot threads came together nicely in this episode. The Flag Smashers I still find them overall a bit generic but I do like some development of Karli. The scene where Bucky finally breaks free of his programming was also emotional. Sam in this episode showed why he has the character worthy of being Cap. Sharon at this point surely is the Power Broker and gotta love Zemo enjoying the chaos and being thr closest person so far to complete their goal.


I have quibbles with the show but so far it's one of the few examples of a legacy show/movie doing a good job on building off the original series. 


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Yeah I guess Sharon must be the Broker (since they didn't introduce anyone new), which seems odd. Hopefully they explain why her actions in episode 3 make sense, then. I don't see why she would allow Zemo to be alone with Nagel. 


Other than that this was my favorite episode to date. I would say that episode 3 is probably the weakest of the series tbh, while it was fun to see the locations it didn't deal with the show's themes nearly as effectively as the other three episodes. With this one it was nice to see that they were willing to show some truly dark things. The bloody shield was a really powerful image, and I like that both Walker and Morgenthau are being shown as complex characters rather than one-note stereotypes. Hopefully the Dora Milaje show up again as their fight scene was the highlight action of the episode. 


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Hell of an episode. Easily the best one so far. Walker becoming a super soldier, then losing his shit (perhaps justifiably, but it’s a bad optic) wasn’t unexpected but they really committed to it. That final shot was haunting. 


Oh, and the eventual reveal that Sharon is the Power Broker will be one of the worst “gotcha” moments ever. It’s extremely obvious at this point, right? 



Edited by VenomXXR
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18 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:


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Did he actually take the serum yet? I don't recall a scene with him actually using it. Is it supposed to be implied by his bending of the metal?


And yeah at this point I'd be more surprised if Sharon wasn't the Power Broker. 


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53 minutes ago, Menor said:
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The metal bending, the throwing the shield into a concrete wall, kicking people 20 feet. 

Yea he definitely took it. 


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1 hour ago, VenomXXR said:


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Oh, and the eventual reveal that Sharon is the Power Broker will be one of the worst “gotcha” moments ever. It’s extremely obvious at this point, right? 



I am so on board with this just it's just **terrible** and I'm laughing at it.  I also would not be shocked if she was The Power Broker and The Power Broker was just CIA.


Either way, it reminds me of Sarah Halley Finn's quote about how even the one-line extras go through rigorous casting checks cause you never know who's going to come back and as what.  Since, oof.  EVP is not right for this role.  She just don't have the ease to pull off the more meaty scenes.  And I think EVP is a fine actress.  She was great on Revenge when she was serving that Bad Acting Soap DRAMA.  But this show requires a completely different skill.  


It also doesn't help the costume department is definitely not holding its weight. I still can't get over "Is Supposed to Be Black Market Art Dealer" with those pants and that flat hair.  No. Nope.  NEVER.


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Also this show is totally messing with my views on what is right and wrong.  Cause like, I too feel:


1. Exhausted by the world and want to be left with my goats cats.

2. Have an irrational obsession love of Steve Rogers and think all men but him (AND SAM :wub:) are garbage.

3. Think John Walker doesn't deserve that shield and wants to see him get his just desserts --


Oh. My. God.


Am I relating to Bucky Barnes?


Are Bucky and I the same?



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Everyone knows The Power Broker is Thunderbolt Ross.


I ACTUAlly don't know that.  i'm just making it up.




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To be honest, I kinda hope they drop the Power Broker thread entirely and just have them be nameless and faceless the whole time. It would make a lot of episode 3 pointless, but I would much prefer that to some stupid reveal (especially the predictable Sharon one). Resolving Walker/Morgenthau/Zemo while giving Sam and Bucky compelling finishes to their arcs will already take up quite a bit of story.  I also hope Bucky gets a bit more focus in the next episode, this one was much more Sam-heavy despite the nice opening scene. 


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Really great episode.

I found last episode super choppy and plot heavy so this was a big improvement. 

Solid balance of character/themes/plot. 

Action is still so-so.


The Dora Milage fight was really good. Final set peice was meh. Bucky's stuff is really letting me down, I feel like that flashback in ep.1 is going to be only well shot action we get from him. 


This episode laid out so well what separates Sam from these pseudo Captain America's. It compares both Karlee and Walker against Cap and highlighting how they're different (Both in the way they go about executing their ideals). While Sam's the only one out here acting like Captain America, going in to talk without a weapon on him. 


Walker's through-line in this episode is done really well. You see his frustrations at not being powered with Bucky, then again when he gets his ass kicked by the Dora Milage and then the taking of the serum. It was really well told when the previous episode's have really only had a couple of scenes to set this up. 


I liked Walker maybe had a slight awareness of what kind of person he is. He was tentative about taking the serum and what kind of person he was. It felt like he needed Battlestar to talk him into doing it. 


The image of Walker with the blood covered shield at the end is a really powerful image. 


Edited by FilmFincher
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