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Joker: Folie a Deux | October 4, 2024 | Lady Gaga is Harley Quinn in this 200M+ musical sequel

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33 minutes ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

Não consigo ver Phoenix ganhando pelo mesmo papel tão perto de sua vitória anterior, mesmo que ele seja inegável (o que honestamente parece ser o caso). O gay Daniel Craig em sua (supostamente) melhor performance é onde meu dinheiro está.


Se Gaga for coadjuvante, então posso vê-la como uma aposta segura, mas se ela for a protagonista, ela terá que enfrentar Jolie. 

Hildur poderia repetir, na minha opinião (especialmente se ela dividir o crédito com Gaga), Song é uma possibilidade real e até hoje eu achava que Duna 2 era uma aposta certa para a cinematografia, mas cada cena deste filme, dos trailers, por si só, é uma obra de arte. 


Have you read Maria's comments and reviews? Jolie is not happening.

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4 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

Nah, not happening. On top of him already winning for the role (he’d have to give one of the best performances of all time here for a repeat win), the industry kinda hates him atm. Well, at least producers really seem to and I don’t see that changing until Phoenix does something about it.

Yeah, you might be right. I'm surprised WB didn't do anything with this before Venice premiere.

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7 hours ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

I can’t see Phoenix winning for the same role so close to his previous win, even if he is undeniable (which honestly seems to be the case). Gay Daniel Craig in his (rumoured) best performance is where my money at.


If  Gaga goes supporting then I can see her being a safe bet but if she goes leading she will have to face Jolie. 

Hildur could repeat imo (especially if she shares credit with Gaga), Song is a real possibility and up till this day I though Dune 2 was a sure bet for cinematography but every single shot of this from the trailers alone is a work of art. 


As mentioned previously, Jolie's campaign seems to be flopping already.


Mikey Madison from Anora is a more formidable opponent for Stefani in Lead.

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14 hours ago, Firepower said:

Joaquin is getting another Oscar, isn't he? 

No chance. Not only because he win already, but he’s quickly turning into a persona non-grata in the industry due to his insane behavior toward his own Todd Haynes collab project.

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3 hours ago, ListenHunnyUrOver said:

Gaga might actually be the frontrunner.


Anora and Madison's performance are coming hot off Cannes. Usually that doesn't mean much to the Academy but this film seems to be completely aligned with the new voters' tastes (Gerwig was head of the Cannes jury which awarded Anora after all)


Gaga has to battle her own set of Hollywood prejudices against her. I'm not saying it's an impossibility, but campaigning will be required, which everybody does but when SHE does it everybody turns their noses up at her. It's very "Keeping the uncool outsider on the outs" behavior.

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28 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

Gaga has to battle her own set of Hollywood prejudices against her. I'm not saying it's an impossibility, but campaigning will be required, which everybody does but when SHE does it everybody turns their noses up at her. It's very "Keeping the uncool outsider on the outs" behavior.

Italians just cant catch a break. 

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16 hours ago, Firepower said:

Yeah, you might be right. I'm surprised WB didn't do anything with this before Venice premiere.

That movie wasn't a WB production so it's not their concern. TBH the easiest way for Phoenix to make all of that go away is to give a portion of the absurd check he received for this to those put out of work by his "cold feet" but that's all on him.

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21 hours ago, Paul Verhoeven said:


Have you read Maria's comments and reviews? Jolie is not happening.


14 hours ago, Spidey Freak said:


As mentioned previously, Jolie's campaign seems to be flopping already.


Mikey Madison from Anora is a more formidable opponent for Stefani in Lead.


Oh shyt, really? Well goes to show that you should not take anything these awards/industry people say at face value. My assumption was based on like 3 tweets i read and i just went with it. Mikey Madison is fantasitc but if Gaga delivers i can't see Madison having a chance considering Gaga's name and goodwill. Plus, Joker seem like will be extremely popular as well so that will also help.


7 hours ago, Mad Max007 said:

People overhyped the hell out of Gaga for House of Gucci too.


House of Gucci was not a good movie overall though and Gaga only missed the oscars. If early word on this is true then Gaga can absolutely win.


1 hour ago, emoviefan said:

I assume Lady Gaga is going to do the heavy lifting on the promotion and press. Even without the current controversy Phoenix can be a awkward off-putting interview this just adds a whole new obstacle to try to steer clear of.

3 hours ago, filmlover said:

That movie wasn't a WB production so it's not their concern. TBH the easiest way for Phoenix to make all of that go away is to give a portion of the absurd check he received for this to those put out of work by his "cold feet" but that's all on him.


On 8/31/2024 at 7:11 PM, lorddemaxus said:

Nah, not happening. On top of him already winning for the role (he’d have to give one of the best performances of all time here for a repeat win), the industry kinda hates him atm. Well, at least producers really seem to and I don’t see that changing until Phoenix does something about it.


Hollywood only understands money so once this turns out to be a juggernaut all will be forgotten. Audiences don't care either way. In fact, his awkward interviews back in 2019 actually made Phoenix even more popular. Surely, he has to come out and somehow say something about all these people that lost their jobs but that's not for the producers now is it?


1 hour ago, James said:

We have a confirmed release in China, which the first movie didn’t have.


Yeah this gonna be huge. Didn't people went out with Joker masks during the 2019-2020 protests in China?

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