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The Marvels | November 10, 2023 | Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter

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3 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

There's no way Monica Rambeau actually says "I can see light" in the movie right?

It does sound super lame,  presumably because the actual explanation of her power is too clunky to put in any trailers. Not a great sign for the script tbh

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Here's the thing. Is this my one of my least anticipated MCU's movies. For sure. But I will most likely be seeing it with my friends and their 7 year old daughter, who loved MS. Marvel and can not wait for this movie. Maybe we can stop being jaded ass adults for like 5 minutes about a silly comic book movie as some coin these things. The amount of people who post multiple times in this thread about how  awful this looks and how bad  it will flop never ceases to amaze me. I have no interest in most of the horror movies that have released or are coming out and think most of them look like shit to be honest but I do not go in those threads and say it over and over again. 

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1 minute ago, emoviefan said:

Here's the thing. Is this my one of my least anticipated MCU's movies. For sure. But I will most likely be seeing it with my friends and their 7 year old daughter, who loved MS. Marvel and can not wait for this movie. Maybe we can stop being jaded ass adults for like 5 minutes about a silly comic book movie as some coin these things. The amount of people who post multiple times in this thread about how  awful this looks and how bad  it will flop never ceases to amaze me. I have no interest in most of the horror movies that have released or are coming out and think most of them look like shit to be honest but I do not go in those threads and say it over and over again. 

I’m 100% sure that this film doesn’t have me as its target audience. It’s made primarily with the young female Marvel audiences in mind, just like MCU’s Spider-Man’s primary focus was the young generation of Spider-Man fans. Homecoming was the first time I felt old watching a superhero film, but it was at same time cool because I felt like Spider-Man was in good hands. If this film resonates with the young Marvel female audiences, it’ll do fine. People underplaying their existence in the fandom don’t want to see it, but the beauty of the MCU is exactly that there is room to everyone, every shape, size and age of Marvel fans. 

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1 minute ago, emoviefan said:

 The amount of people who post multiple times in this thread about how  awful this looks and how bad  it will flop never ceases to amaze me. I have no interest in most of the horror movies that have released or are coming out and think most of them look like shit to be honest but I do not go in those threads and say it over and over again. 

Right?! I fucking hate horror movies, they mostly just disgust me, but you won't catch me going in a horror movie thread just to shit on it, what the hell is that all about?!


I'm actually glad when a horror movie does well as movies in general doing well is good for cinema. I really don't understand the hater mentality at all I guess.

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I find it fascinating how so much of Captain Marvel's marketing was about how non girly she is and the implication that is what makes her cooler and now The Marvels is pushing that pretty, pretty dress on the musical planet sequence. For the record, I don't think that lead female characters should be forced to be one thing. There are many different types of women and they are all valid. I just found this change in marketing tactics interesting. 

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1 hour ago, Arlborn said:

I really don't understand the hater mentality at all I guess.

Well,  you know what they say-- misery loves company.  And seeing as i generally don't take my issues out on other people, seeing highly anticipated big budget movies fail is where I get my kicks.


The key is to be deeply unhappy with your life and socially withdrawn.  

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1 hour ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

I find it fascinating how so much of Captain Marvel's marketing was about how non girly she is and the implication that is what makes her cooler and now The Marvels is pushing that pretty, pretty dress on the musical planet sequence. For the record, I don't think that lead female characters should be forced to be one thing. There are many different types of women and they are all valid. I just found this change in marketing tactics interesting. 

The Marvels whole marketing is very much so about how girly it is. I mean I’m not sure what to say to you:



That’s the vibe they have been going for since literally the first teaser:




Not sure how could you or anyone else not see it. It’s right there.


Edit: Oh, now I got what you meant, you are comparing with the first Captain Marvel. Apologies, I’m kinda distracted here. I’m not sure how many times it needs to be explained, but Carol was brain washed for more than half of Captain Marvel. That film is about her figuring out who she is and getting back on her feet, both figuratively and literally. She already seemed quite different during Endgame and it’s been a while since we saw her. Being ‘brainwashed’ and getting back on her feet is very much in line with the character in the comics, her personality now seems a lot more closer to how she is there and yet she is military, a pilot, so yeah she is straighter than Thor and obviously straighter than Kamala. Like you said it yourself, there are several types of women, and that Carol and Kamala are very different and I mean that not just in age it goes without saying. Monica is tricky because she seems to have followed her mother and ‘aunt’ Carol’s footsteps, so while she is similar to Carol, both have similar ages despite similar ages and the obvious connections they had since Monica was just a kid, even younger than Kamala is when they all meet.

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4 minutes ago, boxoff53 said:

Well,  you know what they say-- misery loves company.  And seeing as i generally don't take my issues out on other people, seeing highly anticipated big budget movies fail is where I get my kicks.


The key is to be deeply unhappy with your life and socially withdrawn.  

This is utterly sad lmao.

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Yeah, I really don’t understand the haters. I think the movie looks incredible. MCU films always need a gimmick, and in this case they have a really strong one with three superhero leads. And not just that but the dynamic between them all looks hilarious. 


But the marketing is also smart enough to know that you have to also establish a threat, hence the strong villain. I’m glad marvel learned from the early criticisms of their throwaway antagonists, clearly that couldn’t be further from the case here. 

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52 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Yeah, I really don’t understand the haters. I think the movie looks incredible. MCU films always need a gimmick, and in this case they have a really strong one with three superhero leads. And not just that but the dynamic between them all looks hilarious. 


But the marketing is also smart enough to know that you have to also establish a threat, hence the strong villain. I’m glad marvel learned from the early criticisms of their throwaway antagonists, clearly that couldn’t be further from the case here. 

You see, despite me not being around for the good past three months or so, I rarely think I saw you on this thread and I think what you are pointing out here is quite different than the gratuitous hate thrown around by the same people over and over again. It might surprise you, but the criticism you are throwing at the marketing regarding the villain for The Marvels is one I agree quite strongly.


I’m certified one of the biggest James Gunn’s fans not only of this board, but maybe in general. I’ve been following his work since the Troma days, the Guardians trilogy is what I like to call a new blockbuster classic and one of the most special trilogies set in the MCU. And yet I have have a major criticism that is not a simple pet peeve with Vol. 1, which is how criminally wasted Ronan the Accuser was wasted as a villain there. Ronan the Accuser is one of the best Marvel villains in the cosmic side of Marvel, a religious zealot capable of atrocities in the name of the Kree empire. The best use of him as far as I’m concerned isn’t in Vol. 1, but Captain Marvel, and I feel like not people remember him there. He doesn’t really face Carol directly there, but here is where it gets tricky and brings us to The Marvels:


Zawe Ashton is a skilled actress and she is playing Dar-Benn. She seems to be playing her as a Kree Accuser, so yet another Kree religious zealot. The problem is that either for me as a hardcore comic book reader or any other comic book reader out there, Dar-Benn is a cypher. Yes, the character does exist, but in the comics it’s completely different, and most of all, with no importance whatsoever. So yeah, I don’t know what they are doing with Dar-Benn in this film. Maybe they can elevate her and make her become the sort of threat that Ronan the Accuser was supposed to be all along? Maybe there is some sort of endgame being hidden and Lee Pace might return as Ronan the Accuser? I don’t know. Being an Accuser and a religious zealot was what actually what made Ronan interesting in the comics, so maybe they are just repurposing Dar-Benn as an Accuser in Ronan’s absence? I don’t know, and it’s easily the least interesting part of the marketing so far.

But you do have a point: unlike Vol. 3, Wakanda Forever, No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness that showed us at very least relevant glimpses of the actual threat that they represented in those films marketing campaign, The Marvels hasn’t done a good job presenting us what is the threat here. High Evolutionary, Namor, Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus and the Scarlet Witch all gave us a sense of urgency for those films, unlike this one.


Is it by design? Are they holding something back? I don’t know, but yeah the marketing is far more focusing on Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel and Photon than on Dar-Benn, despite showing her here and there, it isn’t really an imposing or even interesting threat like the others I’ve mentioned. 

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22 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Yes I remember Captain Marvel's bad amnesia plot. That's a big reason why I don't like the movie. I love when someone tries to remind me of something that I already know to try and prove a point. 

I just think there is a dissonance about what do you want from the film and what I naturally come to expect as a comic book fan. Carol having amnesia - albeit very differently than in the MCU - is something I came to expect from her character. It’s also one aspect that brought her closer to Logan for example, in the comics. Or why Logan didn’t accept Rogue in the X-Men team at first, since she was the reason that she lost her memory in the comics in the first place.


I mean yeah, you don’t like the amnesia plot. It’s a big reason why you don’t like the first film, sure. But as a comic book fan, to me it’s sort like being mad that Bane broke Batman’s back or something. I don’t personally like TDKR, but I understand why that film has fans. I think it was done very well, but to each their own.

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16 hours ago, John Marston said:



this looks like a Disney Channel movie. No wonder it’s tracking badly  

Honestly I prefer this trailer. It feels more honest to the films tone but it’s also not what I expect from a billion dollar franchise either. This feels like a niche superhero comedy not a mainstream film at all but this trailer seems more honest to what this film is.


It’s totally bizzare that Marvel get their female superhero and then don’t know what to do with her. Like it’s not hard. Considering this trailer backs up a well spoiled part of the film, it’s like Marvel got lost in the 50s when making Wanda.

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If this is marketed and designed for young girls, it's pretty interesting to decide to kick it away from Barbie just to sit it before Trolls and Wish.  It's a strategy where Disney still thinks they are king for movie viewers, even against their own stuff.  We'll see how that goes for them...

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Kinda off-topic and I think this was mentioned on this thread or Deadpool 3’s before, but I want to focus on a particular Kevin Feige quote from The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline (which I’ve just purchased btw):



"On the Multiverse note, we recognize that there are stories — movies and series — that are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different periods of Marvel’s history," Feige wrote for Marvel Studios: The Marvel Cinematic Universe - An Official Timeline. "The timeline presented in this book is specific to the MCU’s Sacred Timeline through Phase 4. But, as we move forward and dive deeper into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge (hint, hint/spoiler alert).”


I’m seeing a lot of people using this as ‘proof’ that the MCU is rebooting plus whatever Twitter insider is saying. Look, this isn’t a soft reboot ‘spoiler’ by Kevin Feige. I know people have a hard time grasping some Marvel concepts but this is obviously a "spoiler" to Secret Wars. No, the MCU isn’t ‘soft rebooting’, neither it would make sense to do so. This is about Secret Wars and how they are taking inspiration once again from Jonathan Hickman’s storylines, just like they used a lot of Infinity for the Infinity Saga. Without risking spoilers, what Feige is teasing here is the 2015’s Secret Wars concept of Battleworld. This isn’t the Multiversal War that He Who Remains alluded either. But isn’t a soft reboot, neither I believe that Marvel Studios would be stupid enough to reboot it. Marvel has even less reasons to reboot the MCU than Star Wars, you can definitely one day eventually get Iron Man, Cap and what have you recasted ten to twenty years from now and yet with no need for reboots. 

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18 hours ago, Torontofan said:

Captain Marvel suffers from the superman issue


If by "superman issue", you mean powers so strong that it makes the character not vulnerable physically and therefore less empathetic, I believe that is exactly right.


Pretty much every MCU hero has an origin as a flawed and weak non-hero, most famously Steve Rodgers, but also Stark, Parker, Lang, Strange, Romanoff, Banner, etc. When we first meet Danvers, she already has her powers, the only constraint being mental, from both amnesia and the implant, and once those are removed she's taking out an entire space battalion by herself in mere minutes.


That is certainly similar to Thor, but the story arc that took the demigod 5 (?) films to complete - physically powerful but mentally conflicted and weak, not yet ready to step up - Captain Marvel completed in a 123 minute run time ... with no loss, no loose ends, not even a Kryptonite-like threat lurking. That tidy story left very little space for the character to go and grow, and if one is searching for reasons as to why there's not much appetite for a sequel - without a clear signal of this film being "important" for the overall MCU story arc - I think that's probably a big reason why (even if not necessarily a conscious thought)

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