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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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14 minutes ago, Ohana said:

And also I don't see any young fans raving about Robert Pattison,
It feels like The Batman appealed more to olden audiences.
Personally I found it the most boring Batman movie to date, but maybe it's because I love elements of sci-fi / supernatural 
in comic book movies. 

Do you use TikTok and Twitter? I'm not sure how young you're referring to, but I feel like this point can be emphatically argued against, haha. Pattinson was very well liked in the role by high-school and college students - now if you mean elementary or middle school, then yeah, I don't think The Batman would hit them the same way a flashier, colorful, thrill-ride CBM would.

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The entire Batman brand has historically done a ton better when aimed at adults or teens that I'm honestly skeptical there is just this giant 4 quadrant market to be found. When the highest grossing films in its franchise is TDK, TDKR and Joker, and when this film doesn't seem to be tracking for a big box office opening, I feel that's a pretty clear indication of what the audience actually wants from the character and it doesn't seem to be flashy colorful CGI stuff.

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6 hours ago, von Kenni said:


Amen! Coming now back to the forum after a year and a half, it seems to gotten visibly worse. Less tolerance for different points of view and more dogmatic approach to everything. Dividing people into broard, generalized categories, and making even broader assumptions on their intentions and motives, or hidden agendas. Kills the idea of "forum" pretty fast.

It's scary.Only other time we had anywhere near this level of divisinveness. this level of "I don't want even want to listen to the other guy;s point of view" is in the 1860's...the lead up to the Civil War. And that is not a good precedent., to put it mildly.

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4 hours ago, excel1 said:

I straight up love that they are going with the fill alien invasion angle. MOS whiffed on it so badly. It will be epic. 

You win this week's award for over the top cheerleading.

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49 minutes ago, Dragoncaine said:

Do you use TikTok and Twitter? I'm not sure how young you're referring to, but I feel like this point can be emphatically argued against, haha. Pattinson was very well liked in the role by high-school and college students - now if you mean elementary or middle school, then yeah, I don't think The Batman would hit them the same way a flashier, colorful, thrill-ride CBM would.

I liked Pattinson fine in the role, and I one of the oldest people here.

But I avoid TikTok and Twitter like the plague, I don't want to support the owners of either.

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1 hour ago, Ohana said:

And also I don't see any young fans raving about Robert Pattison,
It feels like The Batman appealed more to olden audiences.
Personally I found it the most boring Batman movie to date, but maybe it's because I love elements of sci-fi / supernatural 
in comic book movies. 

Over the top Sci fi and the supernatural just do not fit in with the Dark Knight concept of the Batman. A little low level sci if about all you can get away with. Nolan got it pretty much right.

I strongly disagree the every CBM needs to be sci fi /Supernatural heavy.

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10 minutes ago, WebSurfer said:

It’s gonna be a very important next week for box office.


Two wild cards: Elemental and The Flash.



Nothing “wildcard” about them with their reviews. Two movies where raves were an absolute necessity for them to take off. Even if audience reception is better, highly unlikely to be that different. Especially when Pixar and CBMs are two types of films that are very prone to rave reviews to start with. 

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Saw an sold out free screening of Flash. It was unfortunately not at Imax or PLF and its been ages since I saw any movie outside Imax or Dolby and the picture and sound quality suck big time :-)


Movie itself was good. I am all for Andy directing next Bats movie in DCU. He did a good job and movie was mostly good. There are issues with CGI for sure. I thought Miller did a good job overall and Keaton/Sasha were very good. Keaton Bats got kind of bad ass action scenes not even Burton gave him. Overall would say Solid B+/A- and easily the best of DCEU(very low bar for me as I never loved any movie in this universe). Audience did laugh at all the moments and loudest cheer came in the final scene. Post credit was just for laughs. Not sure why it was not shown in earlier shows. I guess WB did not decide what to show there for sure. They had more than one option based on rumors. 

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5 hours ago, excel1 said:


I mean, I know people don't want go hear this, but THE BATMAN performed at the BOTTOM of its potential. 

It's you who set off with high expectations. 370m/770m is nothing to scoff at for a reboot.


Besides TDKR which did 600m+ OS. Batman IP has never been huge OS.


Enough with this revisionist takes .

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The Batman did fine for a three hour dour-fest with next to no spectacle. But I wouldn’t expect a massive jump for the next one, even/especially if they go with the absolutely shite joker iteration that was teased. 

Edited by Hatebox
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3 hours ago, Kalo said:

Why did I l keep hearing for months this was suppose to be like "The Best Superhero film ever?" only to see it barely go fresh now... 


Curious who you heard this from. Because I don't recall anyone actually saying that. Are they in the room with us right now?

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