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29 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

All this Oscar talk isn’t quite as bad as when an MCU movie would come out with glowing reviews and fanboys would earnestly discuss best picture chances… but it’s not far off. Let’s talk again in ten months.



It's not really comparable to an MCU film though, is it? Villeneuve squarely sits in the capital A 'Auteur' camp that the academy loves (Nolan, Cameron). His first six films have been nominated for 28 oscars and won nine (including two best picture nominations - both in the sci-fi genre). Dunc 1 was nominated for 10 Oscars and won six. It's an adaptation of a beloved 20th century literary classic (see LOTR). Nearly all of the reviews praise Villeneuve's vision and highlight how dark and complex the film is for a big budget tentpole.


To be clear, I don't think this means Dune Part Two will *win* any major Oscars, but it almost certainly feels like this is the ordained choice for prestige big budget blockbuster that gets nominated in Best Picture - since expanding the ballot in 2009 there's almost always 1-2 represented (The Martian, Gravity, TGM, Avatar 1-2, Fury Road, District 9, and yes - Black Panther).


Joker 2 and Furiosa feel like much more unknown quantities - a musical Joker feels like it could be a big swing, and a big miss (too early to tell), and Fury Road was lightning in a bottle.


Based on the glowing reviews so far and Villeneuve's track record I'd bet good money on this ending up in Best Picture top 10 next year

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2 minutes ago, solaris said:

It's not really comparable to an MCU film though, is it? Villeneuve squarely sits in the capital A 'Auteur' camp that the academy loves (Nolan, Cameron). His first six films have been nominated for 28 oscars and won nine (including two best picture nominations - both in the sci-fi genre). Dunc 1 was nominated for 10 Oscars and won six. It's an adaptation of a beloved 20th century literary classic (see LOTR). Nearly all of the reviews praise Villeneuve's vision and highlight how dark and complex the film is for a big budget tentpole.


yes, hence the ‘not quite as bad’ qualifier, but this the Oscars - timing is always everything. We haven’t even had this year’s ceremony yet, the next cycle is absurdly far away.

If it’s that good and gets recognition then great, but “best picture nom!!” has become a nervous tick on this forum in the last few years. 

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Got to see the movie this morning. Naturally, it's impossibly huge and unbelievably gripping. It's the best Villeneuve movie, it's the best sci-fi movie in I don't know how long, and it'll be tough to beat it as the best film of the year. 

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22 minutes ago, Lucas said:

Got to see the movie this morning. Naturally, it's impossibly huge and unbelievably gripping. It's the best Villeneuve movie, it's the best sci-fi movie in I don't know how long, and it'll be tough to beat it as the best film of the year. 


Even better than Blade Runner 2049?

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13 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Even better than Blade Runner 2049?

I love 2049 (way more than the original which I'm not the biggest fan of) and I love when I'm watching it, but every time the credits roll I can't help but feeling like it could've been trimmed. Even though I don't feel it when I'm actually watching it and even though I rarely feel that about slow methodically paced movies. There's just something about it that leaves me with that feeling every time I see it (last time was just a week ago as prep for this). I can't claim Dune 2 is some thermonuclear next level for Villeneuve but it feels like his next step. 2049 would be in the top 3, but before now I've had a pretty rough time trying to actively choose a favorite because it's a very consistent filmography. I think this is it.

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45 minutes ago, Lucas said:

Got to see the movie this morning. Naturally, it's impossibly huge and unbelievably gripping. It's the best Villeneuve movie, it's the best sci-fi movie in I don't know how long, and it'll be tough to beat it as the best film of the year. 

Arrival is not just my favorite Villeneuve but one of my all-time favorites in general so it'll be a tall order for this to beat it but it's nice to hear the praise.


Do you think it can win over naysayers of the first one?

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1 minute ago, JustLurking said:

Arrival is not just my favorite Villeneuve but one of my all-time favorites in general so it'll be a tall order for this to beat it but it's nice to hear the praise.


Do you think it can win over naysayers of the first one?

Arrival will always be near the top of Villeneuve for me and my recent rewatch last week definitely confirmed that. I can't assure you this will top how beautiful and intimate that film is, but there were people in the theater who I know did not get into the first but walked out of this completely elated. That said, it's still the methodically paced Villeneuve we've come to know, I can see people finding it too slow. But it really helps that there's like a dozen characters with clear arcs and motivations that the script juggles perfectly. Did not feel its length for me at all.

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As someone who was too young to watch LOTR in theaters, who's first Harry Potter movie in theaters was Order of the Phoenix (5th one) and who also was too young to watch the PotC-Trilogy in theaters, im really glad that i get to experience this Dune series on the big screen. Im 100% sure these movies will stand the test of time as well as the other series ive mentioned and become modern classics.

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5 minutes ago, Lucas said:

Arrival will always be near the top of Villeneuve for me and my recent rewatch last week definitely confirmed that. I can't assure you this will top how beautiful and intimate that film is, but there were people in the theater who I know did not get into the first but walked out of this completely elated. That said, it's still the methodically paced Villeneuve we've come to know, I can see people finding it too slow. But it really helps that there's like a dozen characters with clear arcs and motivations that the script juggles perfectly. Did not feel its length for me at all.

Yeah, as much as I personally adore Villeneuve's film making I still think his slow/contemplative style will always turn some people off. Hopefully that won't stop this film from getting the monster WOM it sounds like it deserves.


Also, just took a peek and we are like 2 positive reviews away from 98%. Damn.

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6 minutes ago, Maggie said:

Incendies is Villaneuve's best movie. Excited about Dune 2


3 minutes ago, dallas said:

My personal favorite Villeneuve movie is Prisoners

Solid examples here of why I've had such a tough time for years to rank his movies.


Dune Part 2 on the other hand appears to be so good critics are now going beyond their top scores, lol.


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Are we doing Villeneuve rankings list now? Is that a yes?




Dune 1


Bladerunner 2049



Haven't seen the francophone stuff... I need to rectify. Aside from Arrival, which was instantly one of my favourite films of all time, the ranking for everything else could shift. They're all great - as others have said, he's incredibly consistent. Enemy is brilliant but it's the one I would be least inclined to rewatch.

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2 hours ago, WorkingonaName said:

WBs campaign team is gonna be busy this year, they have


1. Joker

2. Dune

3. Juror No 2

4. Horizon 1

5. Horizon 2

6. Alto Knights

7. Furiosa 


All coming this year, have no idea how there gonna juggle all that. 



Horizon movies won't go anywhere awards-wise. Yellowstone TV show and spin-offs got mostly ignored despite ratings. Costnerverse doesn't seem to be awards thing. Can't say tried to watch Yellowstone just to see what the fuss was about, was bored halfway through ep 1 and quit.



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Kinda excited about it. I really liked Dune Part 1 at the time and maybe more than Blade Runner 2049 because I have some really big issues with it, but looking back Blade Runner 2049 was probably a better movie which I would've liked more if I wasn't a huge fan of the original. Since I don't have any bias or attachment to Dune, I'll probably enjoy this one and I do hope it's Villeneuve's best movie.

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I love, love, love Villeneuve's foray into sci-fi. But I'd love to see him tackle another realistic drama after Rendezvous with Rama and Dune Messiah. Prisoners and Sicario gave me a sense of dread and anxiety I haven't experienced since and that's because they feel like reality. 

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