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Steve Rogers Birthday Bash Weekend Thread | 5-Day #s: Indy 83.4, Elemental 18, Spidey 17.65, Sound of Freedom 14.2, No Hard Feelings 11.3

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38 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:

Kind of crazy to think about how much of a disaster Lucasfilm is now considering the three successes they had in a row with Force Awakens, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi. All critically acclaimed, all with really good box office runs. Just... what happened.

all 3 with very good opening weeks

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It was TLJ when things fell apart . And it's not because it was divisive primarily. It was what lucasfilm did after . They became extremely reactionary, literally engaged in fandom wars and just added fire and completely turned into PR nightmare alienating even a reasonable section of the fanbase.


Then basically got  it all the wrong  and instead of learning the right lessons from TLJ ,got the wrong ones and we got ROS.


Prequels also had Terrible backlash but the PR and post reaction from studio was better.


Calling out negativity is not bad but simple just do  the obi wan show did . Release a short statement condoning the act and being in support of the ones being attacked. Then after that shut up.. and have those involved in the project sign an agreement to limit their level of interaction on the matter online. 


Poeple and businesses make decisions or mistakes that may cause uintended results but it's what they do after that matters.


LF post TLJ  made a string of terrible decisions and they are paying the price.


KK and Co simply couldn't handle the pressures and we now see a confused LF that a mess ,have no idea where they are freaking going or don't really know what to do with the IP. 

This here is why KK needs to  end

her tenure.

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56 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:

Kind of crazy to think about how much of a disaster Lucasfilm is now considering the three successes they had in a row with Force Awakens, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi. All critically acclaimed, all with really good box office runs. Just... what happened.


TFA was their only real success imo, it successfully relaunched Star Wars and was liked by pretty much everyone at the time before it became apparent nobody had a coherent vision for the trilogy with the 2nd and 3rd movies.  Yes, it was a safe retro movie but they didn't really have a choice after the PT.  


Rogue One was far too fan-service-y and dull to really leave a lasting mark.  Every character in that movie is so boring.


TLJ, yeah....the rest is history.

Edited by Ozymandias
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38 minutes ago, WorkingonaName said:

TLJ has like 1/3s of a great movie and 2/3s of a fucking dreadful one. 

This .

Wouldn't exactly call 1/3s great but there are interesting and promising aspects but when it came  to paying them off to a satisfying conclusion ,it all completely falls  apart.


Edited by Liiviig 1998
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3 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

Saw the Joy Ride sneak preview tonight...


If this and No Hard Feelings are meant to revive the theatrical studio comedy.... well, let's not cancel the funeral just yet


(But what do I know? The theater was going insane throughout. But I miss when comedies had... comedy. And not "jokes" about how white a show Friends was or sprinkling profanity into every sentence. The raunchy comedy died 10 years ago, let it rest. Apatow, Todd Phillips, the Farrelly Bros, Ben Stiller.. they all did!)

Comedies are still somewhat alive with movies like EEAAO and Barbie, but those are more high concept. The raunchy comedy got so stale. I feel like every comedy made after The Hangover had to include a scene where characters accidentally eat pot brownies. It was done in like every studio comedy for ten years straight. 

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34 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:




TFA was their only real success imo, it successfully relaunched Star Wars and was liked by pretty much everyone at the time before it became apparent nobody had a coherent vision for the trilogy with the 2nd and 3rd movies.  Yes, it was a safe retro movie but they didn't really have a choice after the PT.  


Rogue One was far too fan-service-y and dull to really leave a lasting mark.  Every character in that movie is so boring.


TLJ, yeah....the rest is history.

The Star Wars sequel trilogy got hate for all the wrong reasons. It should have received hate for the simple reason that its main lead, Daisy Ridley, wasn't the official lead of those 3 movies; she was 4th or 5th in credit in those 3 movies, utter disrespect to the actual lead. It's like saying Mission Impossible Fallout starring Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Henry Cavill, Tom Cruise, and others

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2 hours ago, Barnack said:


Title Lifetime Gross  
1 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens $936,662,225 2015
2 Avengers: Endgame $858,373,000 2019
3 Spider-Man: No Way Home $814,115,070 2021


Is that the effect the name of making the biggest unadjusted dbo of all time ?


The franchise coming up of a so-so received entry and redoing again the Indiana Jones is old now take on it, combined with tepid reviews are big factor here.


We almost never see raw movie budget figure being thrown around, 198 millions pound net would be $250 million USD with the current exchange rate, for a Disney blockbuster shoot with covid protocol, de-aging SFX, nothing too special.


That would be around the exact same price than the previous entry in 2008 dollars, even a bit cheaper.



It's the effect of using all your other characters as foils that drive away half your audience. It's telling you didn't include TLJ, Solo, or Rise of Skywalker, but by all means allow smugness tp make your points.

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TLJ is so weird, in terms of direction snd cinematography it is by far the best SW endeavor but storywise everything except the kylo and rey plots is just really stupid imho


but none of it really mattered as much as the real shitshow in the trilogy which is that it had no cohesion, it was 3 films where each one tried to undo what its predecessor did. the fact that this was allowed is hilarious.


fwiw, one of my main pet peeves with the ST is how uninventive it is. the prequel trilogy had 2 films that were laughably bad in all ways of film making, be it direction, story, script, or acting, but they still setup some good pieces of lore. the ST feels almost afraid to even try.

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1 minute ago, Willowra said:

The Star Wars sequel trilogy got hate for all the wrong reasons. It should have received hate for the simple reason that its main lead, Daisy Ridley, wasn't the official lead of those 3 movies; she was 4th or 5th in credit in those 3 movies, utter disrespect to the actual lead. It's like saying Mission Impossible Fallout starring Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Henry Cavill, Tom Cruise, and others

Movie billing is actually really interesting cause a lot of the times movie billing is determined by paycheck and agents. The sequel trilogy is particularly a weird case cause it's very likely billings for the trilogy were determined prior to even TFA filmed, which is why Ford, Hamill, and Fisher are credited first cause their paychecks were likely higher (same with Adam Driver, who was the biggest name of the bunch of newcomers prior to TFA).


Obviously by TROS Ridley, Boyega, Isaac, and especially Driver had become bigger names so it's a bit weird they are still credited the same way but it was likely a trilogy deal.

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We went and saw Indiana Jones tonight and to be honest we enjoyed it.  It was a fun little throwback type of action/adventure which I will usually like unless something goes off the rails.  I thought it was better than the 4th movie.  There's some laughs, some heart, some solid action sequences.  There's also some bad CGI.  I guess everyone has that now.  But it was decent.  


Too bad about the flop.  I think families would enjoy this but it looks DOA.  Terrible Summer at the box office continues. 

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55 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

fwiw, one of my main pet peeves with the ST is how uninventive it is. the prequel trilogy had 2 films that were laughably bad in all ways of film making, be it direction, story, script, or acting, but they still setup some good pieces of lore. the ST feels almost afraid to even try.


New trilogy and DC are the worst examples of fan culture and internet trolls driving execs into panic mode. If KK and Lucasfilm had stood by TLJ and seen the set up through in the final film, the discussion around the films would be very different right now.


Ditto for DC where execs bailed TWICE on the leadership's plans (Snyder and Hamada respectively) at the worst possible moment.

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1 hour ago, ListenHunnyUrOver said:

Comedies are still somewhat alive with movies like EEAAO and Barbie, but those are more high concept. The raunchy comedy got so stale. I feel like every comedy made after The Hangover had to include a scene where characters accidentally eat pot brownies. It was done in like every studio comedy for ten years straight. 

Nowadays with Netflix and all the streaming sites, it just feels easier to watch raunchy comedies at home. 

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10 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:


New trilogy and DC are the worst examples of fan culture and internet trolls driving execs into panic mode. If KK and Lucasfilm had stood by TLJ and seen the set up through in the final film, the discussion around the films would be very different right now.

Agreed. I'm not even that huge on Snyder's take on DC but I'm very curious to see a world where they had actually gone through with it till the end.

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15 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:


New trilogy and DC are the worst examples of fan culture and internet trolls driving execs into panic mode. If KK and Lucasfilm had stood by TLJ and seen the set up through in the final film, the discussion around the films would be very different right now.


Ditto for DC where execs bailed TWICE on the leadership's plans (Snyder and Hamada respectively) at the worst possible moment.

I agree with this but the thing is TLJ already did the same thing to TFA. They allowed RJ to get rid of everything JJ wanted to setup, then allowed JJ to get rid of everything RJ wanted to setup. It's hilarious really, they should've just let them do two separate trilogies lmao.

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