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Best Cinematography 2012

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The movie was /all/ closeups of people's faces.

Except for, y'know, the shots of water, the long shots of crowds gathered in rooms, the medium shots of Joaquin Phoenix making drinks, the motorcycle scene (not to mention the other scene with Phoenix and Hoffman in the Phoenix desert), the medium shot of Phoenix and Hoffman in cells next to one another (which could just as easily have been done as close-ups, as we saw from alternate shots of that scene in the trailer), et cetera, et cetera. There was plenty of variation in shot selection, though that has more to do with editing than it does with cinematography.We get it, you were disappointed with the movie. But if you're going to critique it, make a criticism that can't be so easily disproven.
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TDKR and Samsara should win this, but neither will be nominated.

I wouldn't necessarily write off The Dark Knight Rises. They've sprung for Wally Pfister's work with Nolan before (the win for Inception, not to mention surprise nominations for Batman Begins and The Prestige), and there's the added challenge that he shot so much of the movie with those bulky IMAX cameras. And of course, the scenes shot for IMAX look astounding when seen in their full glory.I'd be willing to say that if enough members of the cinematographers' branch saw the film in IMAX, a nomination is definitely possible.
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^Not sure if serious...

Maybe you're too occupied in thinking that only arthouse, Oscar BP winners or indie films can have great cinematography. Cinematography means 'to record movement", either digitally or on film, and TASM had great use of capture in the slow-motion scenes, it was really great, and provided what the original trilogy lacked. It captured Spider-Man swinging from building to building much better too, and the shot at the end when he is stood on top of the building, that is really nice scenery after a big battle. The first-person shots were a nice touch, and not overused, and they provided a good use of style and creativity. It's not easy to get those shots. The wide shot when Spider-Man catches the falling people-carrier from the bridge, also very nicely done. It has a beauty that you may not like, but it was more fluent and beautiful than all other superhero movies i have seen.
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You saw it at the festival? I just bought tickets for Amour next Sunday.

Yea, last night :D Three days ago my friend asked if I wanted to see Amour since Life of Pi was sold out, but I didn't want to. The next day there was another showing and we got tickets. Life of Pi was worth $25; Amour, I don't think so.
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