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Jack Nevada

Anna Karenina

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I really liked the Indian chick in the leading role. She was much better and more likable than KK. I think all the indian stuff in the movie was pretty interesting to see, the wedding traditions and such. Too bad the movie was too long.

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And ddddeeee, I`m not gonna let you condamn yourself to a fate worse than death, splitting your soul into Horcruxes and getting locked up in the same cell with with iJackSparrow - that of becoming a Shittard. Andrew The Situation Garfield isn`t worth such outragous sacrifice.

It's too late for him, I've taken video footage of him sacrificing peasant hearts to the Goddess Kali.

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Yeah almost everyone around my age has seen that film.Yeah its considering one of the better East/West stories and the most popular and well liked one I think...Yeah it was a good story especially the family story between the main girl and the family.That was well done.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Speaking of Keira Knightley, I just watched Bend it Like Beckham. A pretty likable movie, although really overlong. KK was sometimes annoying in it, with all the Charlton Heston-esque talking through gritted teeth and frowning.

I didn't mind the length of the film. But they could have cut somethings out and it wouldn't have mattered. But I liked it. Glad you finally watched it. I believe the director is Indian.
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Sacrificing peasent hearts to Kali is nothing to sacrificing your heart to Shitto.

Except now ddddeeee has moved on from merely sacrificing hearts to having gender reassignment surgery and eating those hearts instead in order to gain the power of those people's souls (He...or she now I guess, is THAT committed to the mission):

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But I digress. Concerning the thread topic, the trailer appears to show this film as highly stylized. I can certainly imagine the production values will be stellar and you have Tom Stoppard adapting a legendary novel so the dialogue and set directions should be quality. That leaves two sticking points: Will the film be too stylized to be reasonably coherent (and get flashy for flashy sake and therefore annoying)? And how will the acting be? Not sure on either of those points so we'll have to wait and see.

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I don't think the mythical aspect of it bothered me. But it was by far the least interesting storyline in the show so far, it really dragged too. It's a shame since she was one of my favorite characters in the first season.

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