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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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Great start for Spidey. $7.5 million on Independence Day Tuesday is pretty solid. I'm thinking $33-35 million OD and with solid to good word of mouth this should do $150+ million over the week.Me and a group of friends were planning to see it last night at the midnight show but being the busy 4th of July week everyone (including myself) seems to have family stuff to do at some point so it looks like we'll be waiting for the weekend before seeing it. :(

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lmao!If a terrible movie can get to 336 m with 10 m midnights, why wouldn't a good movie be able to get to 300 m with 7.5 m?How many superhero movies that opened over 7.4 m failed to make 300 m?This would be the first.

Well for one, Spider-Man 3 made 150 in 3 days. It will take TASM roughly 6 days to do that. And then there's the direct competition it will face on the 20th, so TASM doesn't have a whole lot of time to deal damage here.I think 7.5 is a good number though and puts it in good position for 300m roughly. Edited by MrPink
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Still waiting to hear where that $5 Spidey ticket came from (theater chain). Either way, unless there are a lot of reports about it (which there don't seem to be) then we can be certain discounts aren't much of a factor in the midnight figures.

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So can it hit 100M before its first Friday? Only the TF films have came close to that. Doubtful it will-but it should have a nice run. (Most people I've talked to thought it opened on Friday as I heard stuff like "Tuesday? Thats a funny day to open a film!")

Seeing it in a few!

I'd looooove to see that happening.

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I want OD numbers before I start predicting its RUN. $7.5M OD could mean it acts like Twilight, ROTS, HP4, POTC2, IM2, etc.........

Not reactive enough. Jump to conclusions, everyone else is doing it!
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Interesting. What theater chain is this?

I'm glad he posted his ticket cause you wouldn't have believed it otherwise. I saw a post somewhere. As soon as I remember where and find it, I'll link it for you.Here from IMDB-http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0948470/board/flat/201227923 Buffyslayedme0717 11 hours ago (Mon Jul 2 2012 22:53:35) Ignore this User | Report Abuse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I work in a theater where it was playing in the IMAX. Pre-sales were so low the company decided to put in their bargain Tuesday pricing into it since it's technically Tuesday. Ten bucks for 3D IMAX, five for just regular, and still tickets were not selling
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I know that you're enjoying yourself and you're ENTITLED to, you were right about the midnight numbers after all - in fact, you've even underplayed the midnight number for 0.5 - but calm down, mate. Don't want to see you get your account suspended and I see that we are about to serve A HELL LOT of crows in the upcomind days. ;)

I can be suspended for having a meltdown. OH NO!
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