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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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I find it staggering that people can honestly say having seen it that they think it's pretty much the same movie as the original Raimi one.All I can suggest is that you go back and watch the '02 movie and see that it is so different that this reboot really deserves much more respect than is being given.The origin is retold, and pretty quickly. Yet it is told a little more seriously; the entire tone of the film is much more dour and dark. The depiction of Peter is different - that's a massive change.This is hardly Gus Van Sant's remake of Psycho.It's a great fun summer movie. Superbly acted and sets the stage for some great movies to come. Spider-Man fans should be grateful that Sony saw the light and course-corrected after the Spidey 3 debacle. I didn't hate that movie but it definitely stopped dead that particular franchise going anywhere.

Thank you, mate. Celebrate, smile and don't give a fuck to the haters. That's what they need, attention. They need to learn that there are other ways to get it. ;)
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It actually is the same movie. ;) It's so ridiculously similar it's almost pathetic on Sony's part, and I know this because I just re-watched SM1 today after seeing the midnight last night. I'll give you a detailed description some other time when I'm not about to go to bed.

So therefore every adaptation of the origin in comic-lore you deem to be pathetic? As the story has been told once in comic form I can only assume you objected to it being retold over and over by other writers and artists?
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So therefore every adaptation of the origin in comic-lore you deem to be pathetic?As the story has been told once in comic form I can only assume you objected to it being retold over and over by other writers and artists?

I worry about the state of movies if we're relegated to getting the same thing over and over just with a new coat of paint, especially if people have too short a memory span or are just too easily entertained to care. So yeah I think that's "pathetic" in a way.
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There won't be a 4th of July bump. This is a comic book movie. They have huge frontloaded ODs and then drop off immediately, and a holiday isn't going to change that fact. You'll see soon enough.

Transformers had a slim increase on July 4th, but it burned off a lot of demand with its Monday previews, and that was in 2007 before the advent of discount Tuesdays. Wednesday will be around 20M-25M I think.
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Transformers had a slim increase on July 4th, but it burned off a lot of demand with its Monday previews, and that was in 2007 before the advent of discount Tuesdays. Wednesday will be around 20M-25M I think.

Yep. Not to mention TF1 was a completely new movie not part of a franchise yet, and it wasn't part of the ever frontloaded comic book genre. Anyone not expecting a big drop off for TASM on the 4th is in for a shocker. Edited by MovieMan89
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JackO was funny. You on the other hand are getting annoying now, MovieMan89.I have been hearing this reboot crap since the beginning. I can't wait until when you are proven wrong tomorrow, then after the weekend and then when it gets good multiplier.And oh, remember our bet.

Edited by Fake
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JackO was funny. You on the other hand are getting annoying now, MovieMan89.I have been hearing this reboot crap since the beginning. I can't wait when you are proven wrong tomorrow, then after the weekend and then when it gets good multiplier.And oh, remember our bet.

$1B WW is clearly reachable now :)
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JackO was funny. You on the other hand are getting annoying now, MovieMan89.I have been hearing this reboot crap since the beginning. I can't wait when you are proven wrong tomorrow, then after the weekend and then when it gets good multiplier.And oh, remember our bet.

Oh I do. ;) I know I have slim to no chance of winning, but I'm confident you don't either. TASM will likely end up in our middle ground area.
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It actually is the same movie. ;) It's so ridiculously similar it's almost pathetic on Sony's part, and I know this because I just re-watched SM1 today after seeing the midnight last night. I'll give you a detailed description some other time when I'm not about to go to bed.

Here is a quick list:

1.Nerdy guy(kinda)2.Flash Thompson3. Love interest4.Aunt and Uncle5. Scientist/father figure that takes an interest in Peter due to their similar love of science6. Gets bit7. Gets powers8. Has silly mishaps with powers he can't control yet9. Learns to play with his abilities around town10. Starts distancing himself to his Aunt and Uncle because of this11. Uncle Ben dies through inaction of Peter immediately following argument12. Tracks down his uncles killer(actually this is different because he totally forgets about this at some point)13. Becomes Spider-Man14. Meanwhile the scientist/father figure wanted to further develop some science shit, but was totally denied(bummer!) so he tests is on himself, thereby becoming a monster. 15. After becoming a monster, he goes and tracks down the executive that told him noThat is just what I could come up with off the top of my head.Things they did change:1. Peter is a handsome hunk2. He gets the girl really, really easily and with little effort3. He takes his mask of in front of everyone except his Aunt.4. He has to have help literally all the way through the movie.5. He can only swing in a straight line in the clutch.I am having trouble remembering more of the movie.

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Transformers had a slim increase on July 4th, but it burned off a lot of demand with its Monday previews, and that was in 2007 before the advent of discount Tuesdays. Wednesday will be around 20M-25M I think.

But who cares? :P
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Oh I do. ;) I know I have slim to no chance of winning, but I'm confident you don't either. TASM will likely end up in our middle ground area.

We shall see.... how much do you need it do for 6-day to admit defeat after Sunday itself?
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Here is a quick list:

1.Nerdy guy(kinda)2.Flash Thompson3. Love interest4.Aunt and Uncle5. Scientist/father figure that takes an interest in Peter due to their similar love of science6. Gets bit7. Gets powers8. Has silly mishaps with powers he can't control yet9. Learns to play with his abilities around town10. Starts distancing himself to his Aunt and Uncle because of this11. Uncle Ben dies through inaction of Peter immediately following argument12. Tracks down his uncles killer(actually this is different because he totally forgets about this at some point)13. Becomes Spider-Man14. Meanwhile the scientist/father figure wanted to further develop some science shit, but was totally denied(bummer!) so he tests is on himself, thereby becoming a monster. 15. After becoming a monster, he goes and tracks down the executive that told him noThat is just what I could come up with off the top of my head.Things they did change:1. Peter is a handsome hunk2. He gets the girl really, really easily and with little effort3. He takes his mask of in front of everyone except his Aunt.4. He has to have help literally all the way through the movie.5. He can only swing in a straight line in the clutch.I am having trouble remembering more of the movie.

Yeah that's some very basic elements, but after seeing SM1 I realized how much in depth of the plot is overall the same. Oh and #3 on your different list was recycled from SM2. :P
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I worry about the state of movies if we're relegated to getting the same thing over and over just with a new coat of paint, especially if people have too short a memory span or are just too easily entertained to care. So yeah I think that's "pathetic" in a way.

I roll my eyes any time someone laments about the "state of movies". With the amount of new stuff on the plate, I don't think we're anywhere near being "relegated" to the same thing right now.And at least they made an attempt to be different here. I don't think this is quite as bad as doing the exact same movie in a different language like with Let Me In and Dragon Tattoo. Edited by tribefan695
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