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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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When you see an accident in front of you on the highway, do you stop driving?

Why do you keep using these ridiculous, irrelevant examples.This is something completely different. And it most definitely wasn't an accident either.
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I don't know, but it did happen. Someone else who was at mojo in 2003 can back me up on this.

Stop making shit up to prove your non sensical point please.This is getting unfunny by the nano second.Than you very much.
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Of course not. After 9/11 did we stop flying planes?

There was a time where tons of people decided not to fly. The use of planes slowed to a crawl during that time and for awhile after. So yes, 9/11 had a huge impact on the travel industry for awhile-esp. planes.
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When you see an accident in front of you on the highway, do you stop driving?

Why do you keep using these ridiculous, irrelevant examples?This is something completely different. And it most definitely wasn't an accident either.
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If someone kills 12 people near your house, you wouldn't take precautionary measures?

Sure, me, personally yes, if it WAS BY MY HOUSE. If someone gets shot and killed in Aurora Colorado, I'm not taking any precautions near my house.
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This is pretty sad. I've been rooting for this movie all week long and i actually joined the site because of TDKR.That being said, if it's final weekend gross is around $165, then it's pretty clear that:1. The movie has been affected by the shootings.2. It wasn't going clear $200M in the first place.Without the shootings, its likely the movie would have something between $180m- $190m. Hype aside, the absence of 3-D always meant that it wouldn't be able make Avengers like numbers.That being said, my heart is broken.

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Sorry, don't buy it. People get shot, killed, massacred all the time in the US. Why would this be any different?

Baumer, I had TDKR doing less than 100m OD and less than $200m OW, but I think your being a little unrealistic to suggest that the shootings, extra security measures, and the pulled advertising to have no effect on its gross. Nobody knows how much it impacted the gross, but it definitely had some impact.
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I think I'm gonna stay away from this thread for a while. I only see stupid posts. You can't put Heath Ledger and the shooting into numbers. I have no desire to discuss what ifs. Nor can anyone put adjectives on TDKR's weekend numbers apart from its midnight figures. Nothing is disappointing as clearly this isn't a normal weekend. If 70m Friday stays it won't even hit 160m. That's not disappointing box office performance. It is a sad deflected number. It is what it is.

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This is all I can say, if the tragedy played a role (which I know it did, but NOT $30-40 million role), then TDKR must have one of the greatest legs in recent history.TDKR MUST gross a lot of money overall for people to say about this. But if movie ends up with a very "disappointing" overall number, then there's no way you can spin this number with this event.So, let's see what happens during its run.

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Why do you keep using these ridiculous, irrelevant examples.This is something completely different. And it most definitely wasn't an accident either.

We can't just compare something that people need to continue their lifes against something completely expendable and only serves as entertainement.
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Stop making shit up to prove your non sensical point please.This is getting unfunny by the nano second.Than you very much.

I'm not making anything up. Just because there isn't a readily available link for something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
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Me either. As far as I know, TDKR was more anticipated than TASM. Yet, it'll will make almost the same amount on OD? I don't buy it, and I'm not one of those who believed TDKR would make more than TA.

TDKR also had a ton of sellout in Manhattan. TASM had few by comparison. The rest of country must have stayed home on Friday.
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Sure, me, personally yes, if it WAS BY MY HOUSE. If someone gets shot and killed in Aurora Colorado, I'm not taking any precautions near my house.

That's just you though. Other people will feel differently.
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Because midnight grosses get bigger in general. Look at how they went up for Harry Potter for instance.

This is Potter/Twilight territory and Batman has never been that. I guess we will agree to disagree on shootings effect on OD/OW.
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