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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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No...just no.

You can't just get back to the US without money, a passport, means of travel or contacts. And even if he did get to the US, there is no way to get into the city, it is blocked off, and even if by some miracle he could, how then could he find Selina, Gordon and Blake? Sorry, it's such a weak part of the film that it too is beyond absurd.

I'm sorry but...COMIC BOOK MOVIE. DIVORCED FROM REALITY.All the Avengers can't magically appear in NYC within minutes, to the exact same spot.Suspending disbelief just a little bit is necessary. You guys are holding Batman to a different standard.
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But in the end, it doesn't matter if it's absurd or not, it catches you in the moment, and it frankly is uplifting.

And to me it doesn't matter if it is uplifting, it's too absurd to be anything but absurd.
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No...just no.

You can't just get back to the US without money, a passport, means of travel or contacts. And even if he did get to the US, there is no way to get into the city, it is blocked off, and even if by some miracle he could, how then could he find Selina, Gordon and Blake? Sorry, it's such a weak part of the film that it too is beyond absurd.

Actually, I don't have any problem at all with it. Could you spend some time and make some interesting scenes about how it happened? Sure. Doesn't bug me at all that they weren't there.

This is a guy who spent years abroad, even before he became trained. Sign on to a cargo ship as general crew. (This is what he did in BEGINS.) Either forge a passport (steal one from a tourist and modify it) or ditch the boat while it's in customs or even before it docks. The US border is remarkably porous in places -- whether this is a good thing or not is a different matter. There was a single bridge connecting Gotham to the mainland, guarded by the military. However, Bruce is a master at deception and "invisibility", not to mention highly skilled in climbing, rappelling, etc. Are you telling me you can't imagine him traversing the bridge either above or underneath?

Edited by Telemachos
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Sure, and anything you're out of "the zone" you start nitpicking and questioning further. It happens to all of us when we don't connect with a movie.I'm saying that I don't feel the holes or quasi-explanations are any greater or worse than other moments in the first two movies -- since you liked 'em more, the issues didn't bother you as much.There's no single moment in TDKR that bugs me as much as the Joker convincing Dent to become Two-Face in a 90-second scene.

I still don't understand how Two-Face got out of the car after shooting the driver in it.
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No...just no.

You can't just get back to the US without money, a passport, means of travel or contacts. And even if he did get to the US, there is no way to get into the city, it is blocked off, and even if by some miracle he could, how then could he find Selina, Gordon and Blake? Sorry, it's such a weak part of the film that it too is beyond absurd.

Baumer, he's Bruce Wayne, he knows people, of course it's possible to get into the US without being detected, just be prepared to shell out a hundred thousand bucks or so.

:P And, Wayne manor isn't acutally in the city limits, or on the island, so he probably went back to the manor first, and then managed to sneak in.

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The staging was visually boring. And the reason why I/others are complaining about it is Nolan has proved in the past that he can do so much more with scenes like this. Keep in mind that nitpicks ARE typically very minor issues....but the frustrating part about them for some people is being minor they are so easily avoided and you have to wonder why they weren't.

Sure, I just don't agree with this example. Would it have been more profound if it took place in a grand hall? Had a moving camera? The actors sold it for me, and that's all that was needed for this scene. There wasn't even any music. Just two good actors doing their thing in a shot/reverse shot setup with thematically suggestive lighting. Less was more. Edited by Hatebox
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And to me it doesn't matter if it is uplifting, it's too absurd to be anything but absurd.

You don't realise it's absurd at the moment, and then after that it doesn't even matter.
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Not that much and IA 4 dropped over 50 % which is awful for a kids movie

Brave held well, according deadline's estimate (as I write this the actual could come out and I be wrong). IA4 opened less than Madagascar, Lorax, and Brave. I'm surprised it didn't drop over 60% as it seems audience don't like it as much. As I said before, these drops seem similar to the drops of hold overs when Avengers opened. At that time, all (except for THG) had 50%+ drops. So I'm not seeing this mass impact on theaters from the tragedy.We actually should be happy people still came out in big numbers this weekend and didn't give into fear and terrorism.
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Ice Age: Continental Drift $20,416,978 -56%Brave $6,024,987 -46%Moonrise Kingdom $1,831,471 -51%To Rome with Love $1,400,043 -43%Beasts of the Southern Wild $763,443 -3%Marvel's The Avengers $620,411 -56%The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel $416,791 -36%Prometheus $310,395 -68%Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter $184,370 -76%I'll try to keep these on the current page, as this thread is going to go fastBaumer, you can delete my old posts if needed

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I'm sorry but...COMIC BOOK MOVIE. DIVORCED FROM REALITY.All the Avengers can't magically appear in NYC within minutes, to the exact same spot.Suspending disbelief just a little bit is necessary. You guys are holding Batman to a different standard.

Not really. The Avengers is exactly what it claims to be. It is a fun popcorn blockbuster that does not take itself seriously. It is not pretending to be some deep analysis of the psyche of a superhero nor it is pretending to provide commentary about the political and economic situation in the US.
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No...just no.

You can't just get back to the US without money, a passport, means of travel or contacts. And even if he did get to the US, there is no way to get into the city, it is blocked off, and even if by some miracle he could, how then could he find Selina, Gordon and Blake? Sorry, it's such a weak part of the film that it too is beyond absurd.

So nobody in the history of the U.S. has ever stowed away here and got away with it? I don't know, it doesn't seem that implausible to actually get back to the States, whether it requires sneaking on a cargo plane, or even having offshore accounts that has stored away money like many billionaires tend to have. Finding Selina...well, that is probably a case of him knowing where she lived, he visited her home. She's in 'her neighborhood' when Bruce finds her.Of course it would be nice to have an explanation, but for the sake of time and the limit on the IMAX reels, unfortunately he had to make some shortcuts.

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As far as the street art goes:

Don't you agree that it would be more powerful as a 'hope for the people of Gotham moment'if they showed a shot of people reacting to it? They had 165 minutes of movie for crissakes!

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